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Today's hot search: strengthen the responsibility of stabilizing employment and keep the basic plate of people's livelihood Nanjing: urban new employment contributes more than 1/6 of the province

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(Reporter Yu Mengjiao) Employment is the foundation of people's livelihood. In 2022, Nanjing will contribute less than 1/9 of the province's permanent population to the annual urban employment increase of the province's top 1/6. In the first quarter of this year, 53000 new urban jobs were created in the city, which continued to rank first among all cities in the province. In terms of stabilizing employment, the city bravely challenged the main beam, and marched ahead. The reporter learned that recently, Nanjing was successfully elected to the list of national public employment and entrepreneurship service demonstration cities released by the Ministry of Social Affairs, and was awarded the title of "China's Best Employment Promotion City of the Year" for years in succession by the provincial government's supervision and incentive for advanced areas to promote employment and recognized by the market authority.

"Thank you very much for the platform set up by the Human Resources and Social Security Department, which solved our employment problem." After the Spring Festival this year, a chain catering company in Jiangning District encountered difficulties in recruiting workers. Mr. Xu, the company's HR manager, asked the Human Resources and Social Security Department for help. The staff of the odd jobs market suggest that enterprises adopt the flexible employment mode of "hourly labor+full staff" according to the peak and trough of turnover, and quickly help release "part-time information". In less than two days, more than 50 job seekers successfully passed the interview and started their work in various positions.

In the face of the post holiday employment gap, since the beginning of the year, the municipal and district human resources and social security departments have arranged enterprise assistance specialists to visit enterprises, and carried out "point-to-point" assistance. Through 144 service enterprise clusters and tens of thousands of enterprises entering the cluster, the service guarantees employment. The "anchor 'immersive' enterprise exploration", shooting and pushing small recruitment videos and other ways are used to provide enterprise recruitment services and build a 24-hour online recruitment platform. At the same time, we have actively implemented a series of preferential enterprise policies, such as social security fee reduction and deferral, employers' employment subsidies, stay subsidies, post expansion subsidies, vocational training subsidies, and "Sugang loan". Since 2022, we have reduced the burden of enterprises by 7.8 billion yuan.

Zhu Shicheng, a researcher of optical communication in Zijinshan Laboratory of Network Communication and Security, joined the company after graduating from Wuhan National Research Center of Optoelectronics, Huazhong University of Science and Technology with a doctor's degree in optical engineering. Last month, he "incarnated" as a recruiting specialist to "speak for" Zijinshan Laboratory, and returned to his alma mater with the "industry recruitment team" organized by the municipal human resources and social security department to recruit talents. "According to my own 'personal test', the employment environment in Nanjing is very good, and I will not disappoint young people. After I entered the job, the government and units provided me with talent apartments, with water, electricity and rent free." Zhu Shicheng told me that the apartments have convenient transportation, parks and business circles around them, and all kinds of transportation and leisure facilities.

The employment of college graduates is the top priority of employment promotion. In recent years, Nanjing has continuously upgraded the policy service system of the "Ning Ju Plan" and strongly supported the promotion of employment and entrepreneurship of college graduates in Nanjing. At the end of last year, the employment rate of college graduates was higher than the provincial and national levels. In the first quarter of this year, our city has organized 648 online and offline job fairs for college graduates, providing 137000 jobs in total. Recently, the Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Department also held a symposium on promoting the employment of colleges and universities in Nanjing around the "graduation season" in Jiangbei, Jiangning, Chengzhong and Qixia, to jointly plan and carry out a series of activities to promote more college graduates to stay in Nanjing to find jobs and start businesses with the persons in charge of employment of 51 colleges and universities.

While doing a good job in the employment of young college students, our city also focuses on the needs of key groups such as migrant workers and people with employment difficulties, and promotes the local and nearby transfer of rural labor force through multiple channels. Take the lead in adopting the new operation mode of "government+third-party organization", and jointly build and operate Jiangsu Province's odd jobs market at the provincial, municipal and district levels. Deeply carry out the "heart warming activity" of employment assistance, and provide targeted assistance to 49100 people with employment difficulties in communities (villages) and households. The special work shift for stabilizing employment and solving enterprise employment problems at the municipal and district levels operates efficiently, daily scheduling, weekly arrangement, monthly notification, quarterly evaluation, and overall promotion of the city's stable and employment promotion work; "Rewards for job stabilization, support for entrepreneurship, subsidies for training, and assistance for difficulties", the increasingly improved employment policy service system achieves full coverage of all types of employment groups, the whole chain of employment and entrepreneurship, and no difference in treatment in the same city.

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