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New global trends: how to improve team combat effectiveness and cohesion _ how to improve team combat effectiveness

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1. 1. To improve team combat effectiveness, it is necessary to make team members pay attention to team spirit. The core of team spirit lies in cooperation, emphasizing teamwork, focusing on overall advantages, and keeping away from individual heroism.

2. The biggest feature of team cooperation is that team members should complement each other in talent. When jointly completing the goals and tasks, they must play their strengths and focus on playing a role in the process, so as to create synergy.

3. 2. To improve team combat effectiveness, it is necessary to cultivate the cooperation ability of team members as a member of the team. Team cooperation ability is the foundation of their survival. Therefore, they must get as much recognition and support as possible, and the key is to respect others.

4. A team is an organic combination of many individuals. It does not need to go its own way like a lone wolf, but needs the collective spirit of holding together like an ant.

5. 3. To improve the combat effectiveness of a team, we must learn how to manage the team well: (1). To manage a team well, we must have the same goal (2). To manage a team well, we must learn to communicate with each other, let the upper case down, and let the lower case up (3). To manage a team well, we must dare to delegate power, and be good at delegation (4). To manage a team well, we must treat it equally, which means that we will kill the contributions of outstanding people (5). To manage a team well, we must formulate rules for people, It is the first person to execute (6), to manage a team well, we should teach people how to fish and teach people how to fish (7), to manage a team well, we should encourage and appreciate more (8), to manage a team well, we should make use of internal competition, stimulate team vitality (9), to manage a team well, we should improve team cohesion (10), and to manage a team well, we should recommend talents to appropriate positions.

This is the end of this article. I hope it will be helpful to you.

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