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Watch every day! How to refund individual income tax after corrected declaration _ Detailed strategies for quickly applying for tax refund after corrected declaration

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As a tax officer, is it a headache? After the tax declaration form is successfully declared and the tax is paid, the declaration error is found. Tax refund is required after the declaration is corrected. Offline tax refund is very troublesome. Every time, we have to provide a lot of information, and the waiting time for tax refund is also quite long.

Today I would like to share with you how to quickly apply for tax refund online.

(1) Log in to the electronic tax system and find the tax refund application (wrong collection and overpayment)

(1) Method 1: I want to handle taxes - general tax refund (credit) management - tax refund application (false collection and overpayment), as shown below:

(2) Method 2 In "My Information", find the prompt "Submit Tax Refund Application", click "Submit Tax Refund Application", and the picture is as follows:

(2) At the Tax Refund Application (Miscollection and Overpayment) node, apply for tax refund

Fill in relevant information and submit the application form according to the system prompt, as shown below:

(3) View tax processing progress

In "I want to view" - click "Tax processing progress and result information query" - select the corresponding time - click "Query", as shown below:

key word:

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