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Can we discuss with customer service about postponing repayment of online loan - what will happen to postponing repayment of online loan

Title: Delayed repayment of online loan: communicate with customer service to seek proper solutions

With the rapid development of Internet finance, online loan platform has gradually become an indispensable part of people's life. However, in the process of online lending, sometimes we may encounter difficulties in repayment and need to postpone repayment. So, what will happen to the delayed repayment of online loans? We might as well communicate with customer service to find a proper solution.

1、 Impact of delayed repayment of online loan

1. Impact on personal credit records: delay in repayment of online loans may affect personal credit records. Because the platform will record the overdue situation of each repayment. If the overdue time is long, it will affect the personal credit rating, thus affecting the future credit processing.

(Data pictures are for reference only)

2. Increase the loan cost: Overdue repayment will increase the loan cost, including default interest, compound interest, etc. This will not only increase the personal burden, but also extend the loan term and even affect future loan applications.

3. Impact on family life: If the family cannot repay on time, it may lead to internal conflicts within the family, and even affect the quality of family life.

2、 Communicate with customer service to seek proper solutions

In case of delayed repayment of online loan, we should contact customer service as soon as possible to explain the problem and seek proper solutions.

1. Understand the deferred repayment policy: understand the specific policies and regulations of the platform on deferred repayment to determine whether it meets the application conditions.

2. Communicate repayment intention: show the customer service their repayment intention and try to provide sufficient evidence to prove their ability to repay on time.

3. Negotiate repayment plan: Negotiate a reasonable repayment plan with customer service to ensure that both parties can pay off their debts in an appropriate time.

4. Understand the impact of overdue payment: understand the impact of overdue payment on personal credit records, so as to pay attention to overdue repayment in future credit activities.

5. Feedback and follow-up: during the communication with customer service, feedback the problems and questions to customer service, and try to provide detailed information. Customer service will provide you with more specific solutions according to your feedback.

3、 Recommendations

In order to avoid the possible impact of delayed repayment of online loans, we should understand the relevant policies and regulations in advance, reasonably arrange the repayment plan, and ensure timely repayment. In case of difficulty in repayment, contact customer service as soon as possible to seek proper solutions. At the same time, we should also pay attention to personal credit records, maintain personal credit, and lay a good foundation for future loan applications.

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