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What are the characteristics of gold speculation? K metal in gold?

What are the characteristics of gold speculation?

1. Large fluctuation of gold price: refer to the international gold market and quote according to international practice. Affected by various political and economic factors and emergencies in the world, the gold price is often in violent fluctuations, and investors can use the price difference to buy and sell solid gold to profit from it.

2. Long trading service time: the company combines different situations and operates for 22 hours, covering all trading hours in the international gold market.

3. Short time for capital settlement: multiple transactions can be conducted on the same day, or reverse transactions can be conducted to provide more opportunities for investors.

4. Simple operation: with or without gold base, you can see it immediately; It's simpler than stock speculation, and it doesn't have to be so troublesome to choose stocks. The whole world is speculating in gold. There is no dealer, so there is no need to worry about dark box operation.

5. Earn more: when gold goes up, make more money; Gold fell, short also earned.

K metal in gold?

K gold (or kaijin) is an alloy made of gold and other metals. The "K" of Kgold is the preparation of the loanword "Karat", and the complete representation: Karat gold (i.e. K gold), "AU" or "G" is the symbol used internationally to indicate the purity (i.e. gold content) of gold.

K gold jewelry is characterized by low gold consumption, low cost, and can be prepared into various colors, and improve the hardness, not easy to deform and wear. K gold is divided into 24K gold, 22K gold, 18K gold and 9K gold according to the gold content.

key word: Characteristics of gold speculation Gold market K Is metal in gold Fund settlement time

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