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For the first time in the history of the Asian Games! Participate together

The 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou has entered the countdown, and the activities related to the digital torchbearers of the Asian Games have also entered the sprint stage.

At this important moment, the Hangzhou Asian Games Organizing Committee sent a sincere invitation to the global netizens: welcome the digital torch bearers from all over the world to participate in the first opening ceremony of the Asian Games.

The digital ignition of the opening ceremony will surely become the classic memory of the Asian Games that the digital torchbearers will remember all their lives.

(Data picture)

At this moment, global netizens can search for the "Asian Games" on Alipay, enter the one stop pass of the intelligent Asian Games and become the digital torch bearer of the Asian Games. The increasing number of participants in the Asian Games digital torch relay and the countdown to the opening ceremony remind us that the pace of the Asian Games is approaching.

Before the opening ceremony of the previous Asian Games, how to light the main torch tower is a classic moment that people most expect.

Today, let's go back to the history of the Asian Games and take stock of the impressive opening ceremony ignition ceremony.

The earliest ignition

——The 1st Asian Games, New Delhi, 1951

At the opening ceremony, the organizing committee selected 44 relay runners from the army, the police and the university, and carried them in turn, holding the torch high to the National Stadium, and finally to the hand of the famous Indian sports veteran Bu Singh, who lit the torch in the stadium.  

Up to now, the pictures at that time may be ambiguous, but people's attention and love for the Asian Games have passed through time and have been passed down to this day.

The most "exciting" ignition

——The 11th Asian Games in Beijing in 1990

In 1990, China hosted the first large-scale international comprehensive sports games. The phrase "all the people are the hosts" ignited everyone's enthusiasm for the Asian Games, and the song "Asian Heroic Wind" was even more popular across the country.

At the opening ceremony, Xu Haifeng, a famous shooter, held the torch high and ran into the Beijing Workers' Stadium. After circling the stadium, he climbed onto the torch platform and lit the torch tower.

The scene of the salute of guns and tens of thousands of white pigeons flying around the torch tower against the wind has aroused people's emotions so far.

The most dangerous ignition

——The 15th Asian Games in Doha in 2006

Al Thani, the captain of the Qatar Endurance Horse Team, rode a black steed to the 317 meter steep slope, like a horse stepping on a swallow.

As he was about to reach the top, the dark horse stumbled and nearly fell down on the rain wet road.

Fortunately, the horse finally made a great leap. The knight rushed to the platform, the torch tower was lit, and the knight and the horse were recorded in history forever.

The most "gorgeous" ignition

——The 16th Guangzhou Asian Games in 2010

From 1990 to 2010, the Asian Games once again "settled down" in China after 20 years.

Guangzhou has the reputation of "Flower City". The lighting of the main torch is also closely linked to the image of flowers - the giant fireworks were placed on the ground directly below the torch tower, and diver He Chong lifted the torch and lit the fuse of the fireworks.

The brilliant sparks from the fireworks splashed out and climbed all the way to the height of 28 meters, instantly lighting the main torch.

In the next 33 years, Hangzhou will become the third Chinese city to host the Asian Games.

As a "city of innovation and vitality", Hangzhou will present a special "digital ignition" to the new Asian Games.

At that time, athletes from delegations from 45 Asian countries (regions) will gather in Hangzhou. The opening ceremony of the Hangzhou Asian Games on the night of September 23 will certainly become the focus of attention of the whole Asia and even the world.

The first digital ignition ceremony in the history of the Asian Games is particularly worth looking forward to. At the opening ceremony, the digital torchbearers of the Asian Games from all over the world will resonate with reality in the digital world, jointly light the main torch tower of the Asian Games, carry forward the Olympic spirit in the unique way of the city of digital intelligence, and convey the beautiful vision of helping to build a community of shared future for Asia and mankind.

Sha Xiaolan, the chief director and chief producer of the opening ceremony, said that this time, breaking the traditional practice of lighting the torch tower, and making more people become "Asian Games digital torchbearers" in the form of digital reality integration, is not only an innovative breakthrough in art and technology, but also an invitation to the global audience to build a common future and ignite the fire of hope, and create a harmonious picture of "the world at this time".

As Coubertin, the father of modern Olympics, said, the most important thing is not to win, but to participate. "People centered, everyone can participate", so that everyone can become a carrier of the spirit of the Asian Games, which is the original intention of Hangzhou Asian Organizing Committee to launch the digital torch bearer of the Asian Games.

No matter where you are, no matter what your age, as long as you love sports, pursue dreams, pay attention to and participate in the Asian Games, you will be the digital torch bearer of the Asian Games. The moment when tens of thousands of Asian Games digital torchbearers participated in the digital ignition of the opening ceremony will also become the memory of the Asian Games that every person who has experienced it will cherish for a lifetime.

Here, we sincerely invite you, who have become the digital torch bearer of the Asian Games and will become the digital torch bearer of the Asian Games, to participate in the digital ignition ceremony of the opening ceremony of the Hangzhou Asian Games.

See you on September 23!

Source: WeChat official account of the 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou

Executive Producers: Yu Weiya, He Li

Editors: Ma Xiaoju, Li Mengting, Lang Tian

Intern: Bu Jialiang

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