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Zhengzhou actively responds to the surge of real estate registration business volume. Except for the May Day holiday, all real estate registration halls normally accept business during the holiday _ Daily News

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On April 22, Mr. Li, a Zhengzhou citizen, went to the Administrative Service Center of Zhengdong New District to handle the real estate mortgage release business, and received the business handling number on site. Due to the bank break in the morning, the verification could not be carried out according to the procedure. The center launched the vacancy handling and successfully handled the real estate mortgage release for Mr. Li.

The relevant person in charge of Zhengzhou Real Estate Registration Center said that in response to the surge in real estate transactions, the real estate registration department actively responded, launched an emergency plan, and actively cooperated with the housing management and tax departments to take various measures to ease the pressure on each hall and facilitate the citizens to handle various businesses.

In this regard, the service halls of Zhengzhou Real Estate Registration Department expanded the window duty of "weekends and holidays" to all employees, increased offline handling capacity, and actively coordinated to add windows jointly run by real estate, housing management and tax departments in each hall, Two joint office windows and nine tide windows are added (tide windows are mainly used when the business volume is large, and suspended when the business volume is small). At the same time, we will continue to implement the delay service, implement the principle of "business is not completed, and the hall is not closed", and those who have not completed their business at the end of the day can leave work only after working overtime.

In order to facilitate people's work during holidays, during this year's "May Day" holiday, except for the day of "May Day", all real estate registration halls in the city normally accept business. We will continue to strictly implement the "noon non-stop" measure, actively play the role of "Party member pioneer post", and meet the needs of citizens to handle business at noon. At the same time, improve the ability to handle the green channel, and timely handle the green channel for the masses who meet the conditions of the green channel.

It was also introduced that at present, the business related to second-hand housing can also be handled through the "Zheng Haoban" APP "One thing for buying and selling stock housing". The buyer and the seller can directly handle it face to face or not, without going to the service hall through intermediaries and together, the applicant can synchronously complete online signature filing, capital supervision Tax declaration and payment, real estate transfer registration and other businesses. The relevant person in charge of the center also called on the majority of staff to handle relevant business through the "Zheng Haoban" APP and other network channels to reduce offline booking and queuing time and improve the efficiency.

At present, the reservations in various service halls in Zhengzhou are normal. Please choose the handling method according to your actual situation, arrange the time reasonably, and handle various businesses of real estate registration in an orderly manner. (Source: Henan Daily client)

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