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JD deepens the business layout in Europe and helps consolidate the positive momentum of China EU economic and trade relations

Recently, JD Logistics, a subsidiary of JD Group, and Geopost, an international express company of France Post, signed a strategic cooperation agreement, which will carry out in-depth cooperation in the field of international supply chain. This shows that JD is continuing to deepen its international supply chain capacity building, and by further increasing its business layout in Europe, it is promoting the rapid replication and landing of digital and intelligent supply chains overseas.

On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the founding of JD 618 this year, JD Group officially released the "35711" dream. Xu Ran, CEO of JD Group, said that in the next two decades, while JD will realize its dream of "35711", its supply chain services will basically cover the world and build supply chain infrastructure in economies accounting for 80% of the world.

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Consolidate "new infrastructure" to help European countries achieve the fastest delivery of goods in one day

In Milton Keynes, the most important logistics distribution center in north London, the distribution center operated by JD Production and Development is providing intelligent storage and space operation services for John Lewis, the largest department store in the UK. The distribution center is adjacent to the British aorta line, and the convenient expressway network connects London, Birmingham, Northampton, Cambridge, Oxford and other major cities. The 4.5 hour drive radius can cover 85% of the population of the United Kingdom. At present, Jingdong Sanfa has operated 11 similar warehousing projects in Europe.

After years of continuous layout, JD has so far owned nearly 90 bonded warehouses, overseas warehouses and direct mail warehouses around the world, with sea, land and air transport routes all over the world. In Europe, JD Logistics Europe focuses on the construction of overseas warehouses. It has built its own warehousing network and collaborative warehouses in major European countries such as Germany, Poland, the Netherlands, France, the United Kingdom, Spain and other countries. Its warehousing network service capacity basically covers major European countries.

At the same time of building storage capacity, JD Logistics Europe has actively established terminal distribution capacity, closely cooperated with leading mainstream service providers in various countries, and also established cooperation with local sink service providers. After reaching a strategic cooperation with the international express company Geopost, JD will further improve the coverage and service capacity of European express services. Through the products produced by JD Logistics' self operated overseas warehouses, local parcel delivery can be achieved in Germany, the Netherlands, France, the United Kingdom, Spain, Poland and other European countries as soon as one day.

The relevant person in charge of JD said that JD will promote the realization of "one order to the end" in the whole process of express package delivery in Europe, and comprehensively guarantee the service quality through door-to-door service, exclusive customer service, digital whole process tracking, global reverse and other measures, which not only has the price advantage, helps local merchants in Europe to reduce costs and increase efficiency, but also improves the service efficiency by 1-2 days compared with the global mainstream international express enterprises.

Committed to providing high-quality international supply chain services for overseas customers and Chinese overseas brands, JD has constantly promoted the digital and intelligent supply chain to "sail overseas". In Europe, JD has helped many well-known enterprises at home and abroad, such as Xiangkou Moule, Little Ladybugs, NW Logistics, to achieve efficient and high-quality circulation and sustainable development.

For example, several European warehouses, such as JD Logistics' Dutch Fenlo Warehouse 1, introduced automated sorting and picking solutions this year, and through the cooperation of the "Ground Wolf" AGV handling robot and the intelligent sorting robot, the picking efficiency has been increased by more than three times. With highly automated equipment and solutions, the production efficiency of this warehouse is more than 3 times higher than that of ordinary warehouses, and it is responsible for the fulfillment of orders from 17 European countries and tens of thousands of SKUs of the high-end ready to wear brand Xiangkomule.

Build a "through train" to enable more European brands to share the Chinese market

During the 618 period of Jingdong this year, more than 30 diplomatic envoys to China from many European countries gathered in Jingdong to serve as a platform for high-quality goods in their respective countries through online and offline ways. It is reported that since Jingdong launched its first national pavilion in 2014, with the official authorization and strong support of various embassies in China and other authoritative institutions, it has continuously improved foreign high-quality characteristic products by aggregating categories, brands and resources to expand the Chinese market. At present, there are more than 100 national pavilions and regional pavilions in Jingdong, with more than 5100 specialty goods on sale, and more than 1.5 billion person times of exposure every year, More than 10 million active users were precipitated.

So far, more than 20 European countries, including the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Denmark, Finland, Spain, Portugal, Russia, Italy, the Czech Republic, Serbia, Romania, Georgia, have been included in the national pavilion introduced by JD, basically realizing full coverage of major European economic regions. Hundreds of new European brands have been introduced into China for the first time, and JD has therefore become a partner of European brands in the Chinese market. At the same time, while enriching the supply of goods, the Jingdong National Pavilion also attaches importance to showing the cultural characteristics and lifestyles of different countries, helps European countries to build cultural and tourism exhibition windows through the media of goods, and strives to give play to the extension value of e-commerce in promoting people to people exchanges between China and Europe.

The relevant person in charge of JD said that the Chinese market has huge scale and potential, which is a huge opportunity for European brands or businesses; To this end, JD will continue to unswervingly promote the international business layout, including Europe, give full play to the advantages of the digital intelligent supply chain, rely on the "chain network integration" infrastructure, help European brands and businesses to achieve an efficient "landing" in the Chinese market, inject new growth momentum into relevant brands and businesses, share opportunities in China, and achieve mutual benefit and win-win results.

In the future, on the road to the "35711" dream, JD will continue to focus on the needs of China's cross-border and overseas local customers, anchor the digital intelligent social supply chain to go abroad unswervingly, unswervingly promote the internationalization strategy, actively use the domestic and international two major resources and markets, promote the internal and external "double circulation" more smoothly, and help build and fully integrate into the new development pattern. [Promotion]

Editor in charge: Wang Ruijing, Lu Siyu

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