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The man gave a 200 yuan gas return slip from Maybahega. Gas station: I heard he was a habitual criminal

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On April 24, according to the "Our Video" report of the Beijing News, a recent netizen in Xi'an said that a man driving a Maybach in a gas station in Lantian evaded the bill for unpaid gas, which caused widespread concern.

The video shows that the staff of the gas station is refueling a black Maybach, and the driver just stepped on the gas pedal and slipped away when he was ready to charge.

The fuel dispenser chased Maybach who accelerated the escape order (source: monitoring screenshot)

On April 24, the head of the gas station said that the incident occurred on April 15, and the staff had called the police after the incident. The person in charge said: "After he finished filling up the gas, the employee gave him the money, and he ran away without paying the money. It is also said that he is a habitual criminal. He added 200 yuan of gas, and if he ran away, the gas station would have to pay the money itself. This is a malicious evasion of the customer, not a mistake of the employee. After the incident, the employee has called the police and the police are looking for this person."

As of press release, the local police and the person in charge of the gas station said that the man involved had paid off the fuel charge for the above-mentioned escape ticket.

(Jimu News, Beijing News, etc.)

(Source: Jimu News)

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