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Closing of the 13th Meeting of the Standing Committee of the 16th Municipal People's Congress _ Global News

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Xiamen Netnews (Xiamen Daily Reporter Zhan Wen) Yesterday, the 13th meeting of the Standing Committee of the 16th Municipal People's Congress was closed. Yang Guohao, Chairman of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, presided over the meeting. Zhang Canmin, Sun Mingzhong, Chen Zixuan, Chen Chen, Zheng Yuelin, Wang Chengquan, Deputy Directors, Chen Hongping, Secretary General, and members of the Standing Committee attended the meeting.

Huang Yantian, Vice Mayor of the Municipal People's Government, leading comrades of the Municipal Supervision Commission, Xie Kaihong, President of the Municipal Intermediate Court, Wu Jinxi, Procurator General of the Municipal People's Procuratorate, and leading comrades of Xiamen Maritime Court attended the meeting as nonvoting delegates.

The meeting voted to appoint Ji Xiangfeng as Vice Mayor of Xiamen Municipal People's Government, and voted to approve other personnel related matters, issue a letter of appointment, and hold a constitutional oath ceremony.

The meeting voted to adopt the Regulations on Traffic Safety Management of Xiamen Special Economic Zone Zebra Crossing, which will come into force on August 1 this year. The meeting pointed out that this is a vivid practice of people's democracy in the whole process of the city's development and solving "big problems" in the field of social governance through "small cuts". The municipal government and relevant departments should seriously organize the implementation, promptly issue supporting documents, strengthen the publicity and interpretation of laws and regulations, and ensure the comprehensive and effective implementation of laws and regulations.

The meeting voted and passed the resolution of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress on approving the 2023 local government bond issuance plan and the first budget adjustment at the municipal level, and the resolution on approving the 2022 municipal financial final accounts. On the basis of fully affirming the achievements, the members of the Standing Committee suggested that the municipal government and relevant departments should thoroughly implement the spirit of the economic work conference of the central, provincial and municipal committees, strive to seize opportunities, strengthen advantages, tap potential, solidly promote high-quality economic development, manage and use bond funds well, and further exert the effectiveness of positive fiscal policies, Promote the city's economy to achieve effective improvement in quality and reasonable growth in quantity.

The meeting required the members of the Standing Committee to put investigation and research in a more prominent position, focus on the central work and the overall development situation, go deep into the grassroots front line, carry out investigation and research, and strive to form a good fashion of focusing on research, being close to the masses, being realistic and pragmatic, and focusing on practical work.

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