In recent years, the United States has implemented increasingly harsh immigration policies, and many immigrants have been arrested, detained, deported or repatriated. In 2021, the number of immigrants arrested in the United States exceeded 1.7 million, the highest since 1986. The human rights of refugee migrants have been seriously violated, and humanitarian disasters have occurred frequently.

How does the United States treat difficult immigrants? What are the motives behind the US policy of difficult immigration? How can human rights and immigration become political tools of the two parties in the United States? In this program, we will explore the history of immigration in the United States and provide a modern political interpretation of immigration.

Produced by: Wang Xiaohui

Producer: Li Xiaohua

Supervisor: Zhang Liying

Edited by: Zhang Heling, Jiao Yuan

Xi Jinping's Diplomatic Thoughts and Chinese Diplomatic Website in the New Era

Gun violence in the United States is a complex issue that cannot be ignored. In 2022 alone, more than 44000 people in the United States will be killed in gun related incidents, and an average of 120 Americans will be killed every day due to shooting. From 1998 to 2019, there were 101 large-scale shootings in the United States, in which four or more people were killed or injured except the gunmen, ranking first in developed countries.

Why has gun violence become a chronic disease in the world's most developed United States? What factors affect the attitude of the United States towards gun control? What are the priorities of American politicians? This issue of Dialogue with China will discuss this in depth.

Produced by: Wang Xiaohui

Producer: Li Xiaohua

Supervisor: Zhang Liying

Edited by: Zhang Heling, Jiao Yuan

Xi Jinping's Diplomatic Thoughts and Chinese Diplomatic Website in the New Era

The United States has long been proud of being a "human rights defender", but its domestic cases of human trafficking and forced labor have exposed its dark side. As the world's leading economy, why does the United States lack relevant accountability mechanisms to protect the legitimate rights of its citizens? This issue of Dialogue with China will take you to find out.

Produced by: Wang Xiaohui

Producer: Li Xiaohua

Supervisor: Zhang Liying

Edited by: Zhang Heling, Jiao Yuan

Xi Jinping's Diplomatic Thoughts and Chinese Diplomatic Website in the New Era

Ten years ago, Snowden, the contractor of the US National Security Agency, exposed the large-scale monitoring plan of the United States. Professionals believe that such behavior is still continuing, and may even be larger. In this issue of "Dialogue with China", we will investigate the intricate eavesdropping and surveillance network of the United States, and reveal the impact of its continuous large-scale surveillance on international relations and personal freedom.

Produced by: Wang Xiaohui

Producer: Li Xiaohua

Supervisor: Zhang Liying

Edited by: Zhang Heling, Jiao Yuan

Xi Jinping's Diplomatic Thoughts and Chinese Diplomatic Website in the New Era

Just more than a decade ago, Western culture was all the rage in China. Many people believed that it was difficult to return to traditional Chinese culture. However, in the past few years, the situation has really changed, and more and more Chinese people have begun to favor Chinese traditional culture. In this issue of Dialogue with China, we will feel the enthusiasm of the younger generation for traditional culture, and explore why traditional Chinese culture can return to modern expression.

Produced by: Wang Xiaohui

Producer: Li Xiaohua

Supervisor: Zhang Liying

Edited by: Zhang Heling, Jiao Yuan

Xi Jinping's Diplomatic Thoughts and Chinese Diplomatic Website in the New Era

It is a global problem to develop economy and protect ecology. Can we continue to promote economic development while tackling climate change? China provides an example in this regard. This issue of Dialogue with China will take you to understand how China can achieve win-win economic development and ecological protection, and contribute Chinese wisdom and strength to global sustainable development.

Produced by: Wang Xiaohui

Producer: Li Xiaohua

Supervisor: Zhang Liying

Edited by: Zhang Heling, Jiao Yuan

Xi Jinping's Diplomatic Thoughts and Chinese Diplomatic Website in the New Era

For a long time, the United States has boasted of being a "defender of democracy" and a "beacon of human rights", and frequently criticized, even slandered, the human rights situation in other countries; He never mentioned the deteriorating human rights situation in his country and a series of human rights tragedies in the world. This issue of Dialogue with China will lead you to see through the true face of "democracy" and "human rights" in the United States, and expose the hidden evils of "double standards" in the United States.

Produced by: Wang Xiaohui

Director system: Yang Xinhua

Producer: Li Xiaohua

Director: Zhang Rumeng

Edited by: Qi Yibin, Zhang Juan

Xi Jinping's Diplomatic Thoughts and Chinese Diplomatic Website in the New Era

"Wumao" - On the Chinese Internet, this word is usually used to refer to those netizens who are willing to praise the positive energy of society and encourage China's development. The derogatory and ironic meanings are self-evident. For some foreigners, as long as they publish positive and stereotype breaking remarks related to China on overseas social media, or just participate in activities related to China, they may be labeled as "five cents".

Where did the word "Wumao" come from? Why do people use this label but ignore the real situation in China? What do you think of this word? Let's find the answer in this issue of Dialogue with China.

Produced by: Wang Xiaohui

Director system: Yang Xinhua

Producer: Li Xiaohua

Director: Zhang Rumeng

Edited by: Qi Yibin, Zhang Juan

Xi Jinping's Diplomatic Thoughts and Chinese Diplomatic Website in the New Era

For a period of time, some anti Chinese forces in the United States and the West have reversed the truth and created something out of nothing. They concocted and spread a large number of false information about Xinjiang, slandered China's policy of governing Xinjiang, and tried to deceive the international community and disrupt the stable development of Xinjiang. What is Xinjiang like? Please follow the lens of Dialogue with China to listen to people's true views.

Produced by: Wang Xiaohui

Director system: Yang Xinhua

Producer: Li Xiaohua

Director: Zhang Rumeng

Edited by: Qi Yibin, Zhang Juan

Xi Jinping's Diplomatic Thoughts and Chinese Diplomatic Website in the New Era

In recent years, "Guochao" has been popping up, and "Guochao" has become a mainstream consumption craze and fashion.

For a new generation of young people, the national trend is not only a consumption boom, but also a lifestyle and cultural trend that belongs to them. The new generation of people, represented by the post-90s and post-00s, has injected new momentum into the development of Guochao brand. The outstanding traditional Chinese culture behind the "Guochao" products also shines new vitality on young people through the collision between tradition and the times.

So, where did "national tide" come into being and thrive? Why is it popular with young people, and how will it affect China's consumer market? This issue of Dialogue with China provides you with answers to these questions.

Produced by: Wang Xiaohui

Director system: Yang Xinhua

Producer: Li Xiaohua

Director: Zhang Rumeng

Edited by: Qi Yibin, Zhang Juan

Xi Jinping's Diplomatic Thoughts and Chinese Diplomatic Website in the New Era

According to this year's government work report, the expected growth target of gross domestic product (GDP) in 2022 is about 5.5%. Once the data was released, it immediately attracted great attention at home and abroad. Some foreign media believe that in the context of the global epidemic is still continuing, "this is a challenging goal."

How to view the expected growth target this year? Can this goal be achieved? What does it mean for China and even the global economy? Please find the answer in this issue of Dialogue with China.

Produced by: Wang Xiaohui

Director system: Yang Xinhua

Producer: Li Xiaohua

Director: Zhang Rumeng

Edited by: Qi Yibin, Zhang Juan

Xi Jinping's Diplomatic Thoughts and Chinese Diplomatic Website in the New Era

Since the outbreak of COVID-19, China has made great strategic achievements in the prevention and control of COVID-19 with the concept of people first and life first, and the general policy of "dynamic clearance". Of course, in the process of fighting against the epidemic, some specific prevention and control measures also objectively caused temporary inconvenience to life and temporary impact of social and economic activities.

How do people view this policy? How much does it affect the economy? This issue of Dialogue with China will examine these issues from both domestic and international perspectives.

Produced by: Wang Xiaohui

Director system: Yang Xinhua

Producer: Li Xiaohua

Director: Zhang Rumeng

Edited by: Qi Yibin, Zhang Juan

Xi Jinping's Diplomatic Thoughts and Chinese Diplomatic Website in the New Era

Three years ago, the United States was the first choice for Chinese students to study abroad. However, since the outbreak of COVID-19, the United States has become less attractive to Chinese students.

According to the China Youth Daily, the number of Chinese students studying in the United States has dropped from 470000 in the 2019/2020 academic year to 370000 in the 2020/2021 academic year due to the continued tension between China and the United States, the vacillating US visa policy, the rising anti China sentiment in the United States and other factors.

Although the epidemic has disrupted the pace of many people studying abroad, thanks to China's effective prevention and control of the epidemic, rapid socio-economic development and improvement of comprehensive national strength, today's Chinese students have a new understanding of studying abroad.

Produced by: Wang Xiaohui

Director system: Yang Xinhua

Producer: Li Xiaohua

Editors: Jiang Xinyu, Qi Yibin, Zhang Juan, Jiao Yuan, Dong Jiawen, Shi Chang

Xi Jinping's Diplomatic Thoughts and Chinese Diplomatic Website in the New Era

In recent years, in the face of smear and slander from the West, Chinese diplomats have laid out the facts, argued for reasons and made a strong response to deliberate slander. However, some media and politicians with ulterior motives have used the topic to hype, giving China's diplomacy a negative label of "war wolf diplomacy".

The so-called "war wolf diplomacy" is actually another copy of the "China threat theory" and a new way to demonize China. The purpose is to make China not fight back, scold back, and let China give up the right to tell the truth and defend its own rights and interests.

Like any other country in the world, the primary responsibility of China's diplomacy is to safeguard its own sovereignty, security, development interests and dignity. The Chinese people love peace and respect harmony, and China has never taken the initiative to bully others. But at the same time, the Chinese have principles and backbone. In the face of unprovoked smear, China's diplomacy will speak loudly and firmly uphold fairness, justice and human conscience.

Produced by: Wang Xiaohui

Director system: Yang Xinhua

Producer: Li Xiaohua

Editors: Jiang Xinyu, Qi Yibin, Zhang Juan, Jiao Yuan, Dong Jiawen, Shi Chang

Xi Jinping's Diplomatic Thoughts and Chinese Diplomatic Website in the New Era

On the American version of "Quora", there was a question that triggered heated discussion: would you like to be a poor American or a rich Chinese? In the comments, we see that most people prefer wealth to nationality. So, if the question is "Do you want to be a Chinese or an American?"?

In the past 2021, China's dream of a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way has come true, and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation has entered an irreversible historical process. Today's China has created the "two wonders" of rapid economic development and long-term social stability, and has a more complete system guarantee, a more solid material foundation and a more proactive spiritual force. The Chinese people no longer blindly worship the West, and the eyes of the world reveal unprecedented self-confidence.

Produced by: Wang Xiaohui

Director system: Yang Xinhua

Producer: Li Xiaohua

Editors: Jiang Xinyu, Zhang Rumeng, Qi Yibin, Zhang Juan, Jiao Yuan, Dong Jiawen, Shi Chang

Xi Jinping's Diplomatic Thoughts and Chinese Diplomatic Website in the New Era

"I think China is more modern than I thought."

"I think there are too many opportunities in China."

"You can't believe all kinds of preconceived opinions about this place until you feel it personally."


These comments come from the intuitive feelings of a group of foreigners living in China. They feel the new technology of convenient life in China, reap new opportunities for personal development, and witness the new changes in China's image.

The image of China should be the impression of a real China to the outside world. Today, China has made great achievements and is increasingly connected with the world. More and more foreigners are aware that this ancient and mysterious country is no longer synonymous with poverty, pollution and "shanzhai". It not only has wonderful kung fu and delicious dishes, but also has the openness and tolerance of embracing all rivers, and the integrity and innovation of being brave.

Today's China is like a huge magnetic field, attracting foreigners from all over the world. They join the era of win-win cooperation between China and the world, and together with the Chinese, they tell a true, three-dimensional and comprehensive China from their own perspective.

Produced by: Wang Xiaohui

Director system: Yang Xinhua

Producer: Li Xiaohua

Editors: Jiang Xinyu, Zhang Rumeng, Qi Yibin, Zhang Juan, Jiao Yuan, Dong Jiawen, Shi Chang

Xi Jinping's Diplomatic Thoughts and Chinese Diplomatic Website in the New Era

Is China a threat to the United States? Will the Sino US science and technology war intensify? Why is China's "Belt and Road" initiative stigmatized by Western countries as a "debt trap"? How on earth do Western people view China? Andy Mok, a senior researcher of the global think tank, shared his views in this program.

Produced by: Wang Xiaohui

Director system: Yang Xinhua

Producer: Li Xiaohua

Planner: Zhong Lei

Editor and director: Li Shengnan

Camera/post production: Guo Letian

Editor in charge: Zhang Juan

Xi Jinping's Diplomatic Thoughts and Chinese Diplomatic Website in the New Era

According to World Bank data, over the past 40 years, China has reduced poverty by more than 850 million people, contributing more than 70% to global poverty reduction. At present, how can China lift itself out of poverty in the face of the century's epidemic and century's changes? What challenges does China face on the way out of poverty? Does China's poverty reduction practice apply to other countries? David Blair, vice chairman and senior economist of the Think Tank on Globalization, shared his views in this program.

Produced by: Wang Xiaohui

Director system: Yang Xinhua

Producer: Li Xiaohua

Planner: Zhong Lei

Editor and director: Li Shengnan

Camera/post production: Guo Letian

Editor in charge: Zhang Juan

Xi Jinping's Diplomatic Thoughts and Chinese Diplomatic Website in the New Era

What is the difference between China and the West in the fight against COVID-19, which is spreading all over the world? How should countries unite and cooperate to fight the epidemic? How will the epidemic affect China's economic development? Will globalization end with the epidemic? Einar Tangen, a current affairs commentator, shared his views in this program.

Produced by: Wang Xiaohui

Director system: Yang Xinhua

Producer: Li Xiaohua

Planner: Zhong Lei

Editor and director: Li Shengnan

Camera/post production: Guo Letian

Editor in charge: Zhang Juan

Xi Jinping's Diplomatic Thoughts and Chinese Diplomatic Website in the New Era

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