Mongolia shamelessly asks for money again, but this time China's method is perfect!

Mongolia shamelessly asks for money again, but this time China's method is perfect!
22:23, February 22, 2017 Overseas Information Agency

Source: Iron and Blood Comprehensive Phoenix Proverbs, Zhihu

Can Mongolia now take a long breath? No, no, it has already set foot on the execution ground!

As we all know, since Mongolia ignored the warning last year and invited the Dalai Lama, who China disliked, to visit Mongolia, the economy of this country has plummeted!

To what extent has it plummeted?

Unexpectedly, it is necessary to repay the foreign debt by means of "plundering people's wealth". All civilian goods and materials may be called "foreign debt repayment materials" in the eyes of the Mongolian state power: The salary of civil servants, herdsmen's pigs, cattle, sheep and horses, women's jewelry, and even the money for children to buy sugar So that the people in Mongolia are angry!

Mongolia allocates national donation deposits and gold to help the country repay debts

So the question is, how much is the debt that will make the whole state power of Mongolia and all its people fall into a precarious situation?

This money is too much, a full 580 million dollars!

Yes, you are right. There are no interchangeable words here. A country with countless minerals is in a comprehensive crisis because of its foreign debt of 580 million dollars. It can't be said to be very sad, but can only be described in one word: "miserable".

Moreover, this is only the debt due in March. What about the future? This made the senior Mongolian officials "anxious".

Those who are familiar with Mongolia should know that, Historically, when the Mobei Grassland suffered from natural disasters and a large number of livestock died, they had only one choice: go south to the Grass Valley!

But now it is not the ancient society. They can't go south and plunder like they did at that time, so they have to stay where they are and stare, and then beg for assistance from Russia and China. But now the polar bear is dying, and there is no money for it. Finding it is just a matter of being hungry and desperate!

Several leaders of the Mongolian gang said: "If China does not lift the restrictions, Mongolia will be difficult to survive, and may even cause a humanitarian crisis."

It is against this background that we suddenly sent Mongolia a big gift

According to media reports, Mongolian Foreign Minister Zend Monkhorgil paid an official visit to China from February 19 to 21. The purpose of this time is not to speculate, but to find China to solve urgent problems. On February 19, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) said in a statement that it would lend Mongolia $440 million. It is reported that this loan is part of an "international aid package" worth 5.5 billion US dollars to help the Mongolian government ease the pressure on revenue and expenditure and repay emergency debts.

Borrow new money to repay old debts, but how does Mongolia plan to repay this money in the future? Do you want to follow the example of Greece and live by exploiting people?

However, what is interesting is that in addition to the International Monetary Fund, countries or organizations that are interested in assisting Mongolia this time, as well as the Asian Development Bank, the World Bank, Japan and South Korea and other bilateral partners, will provide assistance of up to $3 billion.

External debt repayment schedule issued by the Development Bank of Mongolia on November 2016

China has even extended a helping hand to Mongolia. According to relevant news, the People's Bank of China will renew the RMB 15 billion (about US $2.2 billion) local currency swap agreement with the Central Bank of Mongolia, which is valid for at least three years - that is, the Bank of Mongolia will have a reserve of RMB 15 billion to tide over the immediate crisis.

Once the news was revealed, it caused extreme dissatisfaction among Chinese netizens. You should know that "Outer Mongolia", once a part of China, was "extremely anti China" in order to survive. It not only restricted China's investment in Mongolia, but also formulated many laws and regulations in the name of the country to restrict Chinese people's life in Mongolia, The Mongolian nationalists in his country kept finding trouble with the Chinese in Mongolia, It can be said that there are many bad deeds!

Isn't this a heaven sent opportunity to beat Mongolia hard? Why should we do the opposite?

In my opinion, China's so-called "aid" actually has many hidden secrets There is no egg use for Mongolia, and let's analyze it one by one.

1、 Mongolia takes the initiative to admit mistakes and accept softness

First of all, we have to look at Mongolia's attitude of admission. According to the news of Xinhua News Agency on February 20, Mongolian Foreign Minister Monkhorgil, who was visiting China, introduced the current economic difficulties faced by Mongolia to Foreign Minister Wang Yi on February 20, and expressed gratitude to the Chinese government for its long-term support to Mongolia and the measures to be taken this time. During the talks, Mongolia reaffirmed that it will earnestly learn lessons, abide by its commitments, respect China's major concerns and core interests, and make practical efforts to promote the improvement of China Mongolia relations.

China appreciates Mongolia's reaffirmation of its firm adherence to the one China policy, and the two sides jointly safeguard the political foundation and mutual trust of China Mongolia relations.

It can be seen that the attitude of admitting mistakes is good, and we have taken it!

2、 Mongolia is a neighboring country of China with strategic significance

Chairman Mao said that politics means making more friends and less enemies. The same is true of international politics, especially diplomacy with neighboring countries.

China is not the only country to save Mongolia this time. Japan and South Korea will also provide Mongolia with a "rescue package" of up to US $3 billion. It is easy to see that many countries will "help" Mongolia and try to "make friends" with Mongolia. In other words, even if we do not help Mongolia, it can still survive the current economic crisis. However, we may have pushed Mongolia, a neutral country only 800 kilometers away from Beijing, with a 4670 kilometer border, to someone else, including Japan. This is something we don't want to see anyway. Therefore, we hit Mongolia at this time, and did not let it go too far. On the surface, we lost a small profit, but in fact, the return is far beyond this amount of money.

3、 Promoting RMB internationalization through local currency swap agreements

If the above two items still make you dissatisfied with Zhongnanhai, this "local currency swap" agreement will definitely make you applaud.

China's so-called "Assistance" is actually "bone scraper" It is the continuation of the technical "sanctions against Mongolia". Why do you say so?

First of all, please keep in mind that China's assistance is actually a so-called "currency swap". It is not real gold and silver for Mongolia. In a word, it is the exchange of RMB for Mongolian currency.

With this in mind, maybe we can understand China's intention, because although RMB is trying to improve its position, it is not an international currency after all. It is not easy to spend it. Mongolia must find ways to exchange money for real goods to enrich its domestic economy. How can we exchange RMB for goods?

Of course, we should spend the RMB directly in China. As long as we spend the RMB in China, we can naturally exchange it for goods and transport it back to Mongolia. To put it bluntly, if we want goods, we should come to China to consume. We must promote the prosperity of the Chinese market. To put it bluntly, although the money is given to Mongolia, if we want to exchange it for goods, we must agree with the Chinese side.

Alas, after a long time of hard work, it seems that the money has returned to China However, Mongolia will probably tolerate it. After all, it can also turn money into goods to alleviate the financial crisis. It is just a matter of effort. If you bow to the Chinese side, you should lower your head. But the problem is that the Chinese customs still have to deal with it. Otherwise, the Chinese customs will deduct your money after you buy something.

Some people may say that, no matter what, Mongolia has received 15 billion yuan for no reason. How can it exchange some materials to return, it is also equivalent to increasing wealth - but in fact, this is not for no reason, but it can also be sold by Mongolia.

The way of shearing wool in the old empire is different from that in the new empire.

In the past two years, none of the emerging countries that rely on exports of minerals and energy has had a good time, either dying or dying, just like those Southeast Asian countries in 1997. Is it familiar? It's a very familiar scene, but the protagonist who wrote all this has changed.

The old number one imperialist country sheared the wool of emerging countries by the expansion and contraction of the currency cycle; In the new responsible country, the way of shearing is the expansion and contraction of its own production cycle. Many countries that export minerals and energy have lost their lives in the past few years. They earn a lot of money by selling mineral energy, Many things can't be easily sold. Now, do you dare not sell them?

Feed them some sugar. They really regard themselves as masters. Why doesn't Microsoft crack down on piracy, and even the latest Win10 is deliberately used for free. People who spend 5 yuan on Windows, do you think you are smart or Microsoft is smart? In the past, let those emerging countries make money to make them happy, so as to make them highly dependent on China's demand When they are addicted to China's needs like drugs, they don't have the power to talk. This is the same as the consequences of emerging countries' drug addiction to the dollar.

A trade city in Erenhot urban area, specially for merchants from Mongolia to sweep goods

RMB is not an international reserve currency and cannot be freely convertible in most places This determines that China cannot directly use the currency cycle to influence other countries like the United States at this stage. But when their national finance is linked to China's demand, controlling China's own demand, in essence, controls the future of those countries.

So, This time, China extended a helping hand to Mongolia. It is not that Chinese people imagine "giving to friends rather than to domestic slaves", but it has promoted the internationalization of RMB and gained a good reputation of "assistance". It has also restricted the purchase direction of Mongolia through the market and prospered the domestic market, which can be said to kill three birds with one stone!

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