Is the ceramic tile background wall good

2015-12-08 17:35:29   Source: China Franchise Network   2149 people participated
  • Scope of business: ceramic tile
  • Number of stores: 506
  • Single store investment: 10~20 ten thousand
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With the development of the times and the gradual improvement of people's living standards, the ceramic tile background wall has become a very popular TV background wall. The ceramic tile background wall has attracted a large number of consumers with its unique personality, wonderful idea and flexible application. The ceramic tile background wall decoration enriches the living room space, designs an artistic and stylized home, and reflects the profound connotation and elegant taste of the owner. So, how about the ceramic tile background wall? Today we will talk about it in detail.

 Ceramic tile background wall

Advantages of ceramic tile background wall

1. Advanced manufacturing process. The production process of the ceramic tile background wall can be divided into two types: fine carving and illusory color. The fine carving process can produce the background wall with varied patterns, free control of concave and convex depth, and more detailed edges.

2. High product quality. For the production of ceramic tile background wall, high quality ceramic tiles are selected for deep processing, selected pieces are selected, and pieces are pieced together to form good works of art and practical products.

3. Diversified decoration. The ceramic tile background wall has a variety of styles, colors, bold personality, and exquisite design. It is suitable for Chinese, European, luxurious, simple, and pastoral styles. Whether the living room is decorated as a TV background wall, a sofa background wall, a bedroom background wall for enjoying personal time, or a study background wall with more literary connotations.

4. Durable. The ceramic tile background wall uses high-speed particle spray technology to make the color particles shoot into the brick surface at a high speed. The color and the brick are fused from inside to outside, and then the dense protective glaze is applied to make it durable and durable.

5. Personalization. All background walls can be "customized" according to the actual size of decoration, with strong personality and "seeking truth from facts".

6. Green and environmental protection. The products are made of stone materials, which are safe building materials with zero pollution and zero radiation, and are made of high-quality green environmental protection tiles, creating a natural space with zero harm.

 Ceramic tile background wall

Disadvantages of ceramic tile background wall

1. At present, there are not many real markets, and the ceramic tile background wall is positioned as high-end decorative materials, so its price is much more expensive than other wall decorative materials.

2. The editor reminds consumers that under the premise of improving/increasing the quality of ceramic tile background wall, they can choose online shopping background wall. Generally speaking, online shopping is cheaper than physical stores.

3. The production period of finished ceramic tile background wall is slightly longer, because it involves personalized customization of ceramic tile background wall patterns, so the production period of finished ceramic tile background wall is relatively long, generally 15 days. In order to improve this obvious shortcoming, major ceramic enterprises have committed to improving the efficiency of ceramic tile background wall production.

On the ceramic tile background wall, the printing process re engraves the relevant patterns on the wall tiles. The special process gives life to the "cold" ceramic tiles and adds the elements of strong personal color. We can't say good or bad in general. The ceramic tile background wall has both advantages and disadvantages from its debut to its popularity. The key for consumers is to choose a background wall that is suitable for them. Only the one that is suitable is good.

label: 3d background wall franchise agent
  • nine hundred and forty-four people Focus on ceramic tiles
  • six thousand eight hundred and twenty-six people Consulting tiles

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