Liang Weiquan, General Manager of Matti Tiles: Products endow vitality

2014-02-25 12:09:08   Source: China Franchise Network   6136 people participated
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On October 18, 2013, the 22nd Foshan Ceramics Expo was held against the backdrop of 30 years of brilliant development of architectural ceramics. With the theme of "30 years of brilliant ceramics", it comprehensively demonstrated the advanced technology and high-end products of architectural ceramics after 30 years of changes, and practiced the marketing of ceramic technology, products, and ideas to ceramics around the world! Liang Weiquan, General Manager of Matti Tile, was interviewed by reporters at this exhibition.

Interviewer: Liang Weiquan, General Manager of Matti Tile

Interview time: October 18, 2013

Interview location: Marty Tile Exhibition Hall of Foshan Ceramic Industry Headquarters Base

[Reporter]: How will your enterprise participate in this pottery expo? What is your intuitive and direct feeling?

[Matty Tiles Liang Weiquan]: The Ceramic Expo, a grand event for dealers around the world, is very good for those ceramic enterprises that lead the way with fashion. In fact, we will launch some concept products that can really guide the trend of consumers and industries in every ceramic expo.

Our team attaches great importance to every display of Matty and how to show it to our dealers and suppliers, including our peers. We focus on the value concept of our products to do market-oriented activities. I believe that Matty's presence will touch the upward force of peers.

Every thing Marty does is based on its initial positioning, ideas and what it will bring to the industry. When the product has a certain impact on the industry, it will play a role. When its popularity is improved, others will also appreciate your product.

At this ceramic expo, we launched a star product - Yoga Stone, and will also participate in the new ceramic product conference held on the 19th. Yoga Stone is a new product developed according to the needs of people's modern life health. It advocates a slow life style of saving and settling, debugging and cultivation, which is a new concept. At the exhibition site, we adopted an environmentally friendly and healthy way to send green apples to promote and transmit the healthy culture contained in yoga stones.

You may think how we can only launch so few new products, but I think this product is enough, and there will always be so few high-quality products. We not only know how to make products with multiple technologies, but also give vitality to each ceramic tile, and each product represents a lifestyle.

[Reporter]: Ceramic Expo is the vane of the ceramic industry, representing the relatively new trend of the ceramic industry. According to your observation, what are the characteristics of the products and marketing launched by ceramic enterprises in autumn?

[Matty Tiles Liang Weiquan]: I think that in ceramic enterprises, there are indeed many enterprises that do not work hard. A large number of enterprises adopt the attitude of imitation and following. In the process of imitation, they may not understand the concept of their products, and do not know why others do so.

In terms of marketing, influenced by the international market, many enterprises that used to only do production without paying attention to domestic sales or had no sales team now also participate in the domestic promotion platform, so there are many new brands. Second, because of the emergence of ink-jet technology, many enterprises are now inseparable from this technology, especially full glaze and microcrystalline. In this case, the competition for enterprises promoting ink-jet simulation stone products is very fierce. To describe the new stage with two words is "chaos".
  • six hundred and forty-one people Focus on ceramic tiles
  • thirteen thousand five hundred and sixty-nine people Consulting tiles

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