The essence of designer Wan Renyuan's design is to let people enjoy life and live in the present

2020-01-07 09:45:54   Source: China Franchise Network   2215 people participated
  • Scope of business: ceramic tiles
  • Number of stores: 1500
  • Single store investment: 20~50 ten thousand
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Wan Renyuan

Hainan Bote Design and Research Institute

12 years of experience

Representative works: Mission Hills Resort, HNA Haoting, West Coast Hot Spring Villa, Oriental Tianlan Hui

Design concept: the essence of design is to let people enjoy life and live in the present.

Compared with the luxurious design style, the owner hopes to have a simple and extraordinary living space in luxury. Wan Renyuan, the designer, fully considers the relationship between design and life, and uses rational techniques to create a perceptual life, so that luxury and Jane coexist and blend in the same space.

The living room and dining room adopt open design, extending from the inside to the outside visually, and the space is full of light, wide and transparent. The overall tone is off white, with light gray marble tiles, giving the space a clean and natural atmosphere. Metal chandeliers and black leather sofas easily create the simple beauty of Nordic style.

The gray wooden floor of the bedroom interprets the gray color very classically. The delicate visible gray stripes are filled with a quiet and calm temperament. The simple bedding makes the room easy to fall into the disorder and complexity, and a simple and elegant wind blows past.

On the basis of dry and wet partitions, the bathroom is generally gray, giving a high-end and atmospheric feeling.

In the noisy era, there is a great need for a safe and qualified space. Designer Wan Renyuan designed a quiet and comfortable study for the owner. There is no excessive decoration in the whole study. Everything starts from the function and uses the log color as the main color of the design to create a simple and natural atmosphere, so that the owner can enjoy life while learning knowledge in a strong scholarly atmosphere.

The second bedroom is more dignified and elegant. The steady color matching helps to create a quiet and stable sleeping environment.

The children's room is themed with animation, and a cartoon image is specially designed on the bedside wall for children to satisfy their imagination of superheroes. The room layout is reasonable and the light is sufficient. The sun shines through the window and the scenery outside the window is in front of you, making your heart and nature closer.

Design serves life. By controlling the sense of space design and color, people can not only fully display the quiet life atmosphere, but also maintain a leisure, simple and elegant style of home life in a relaxed life style.

  • nine hundred and fifty people Focus on ceramic tiles
  • nine thousand and seventy-six people Consulting tiles

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