From the door and window industry to the ceramic tile industry, why did Tengzhou smart franchisees choose Oushennuo?

2021-01-22 15:30:25   Source: China Franchise Network   1831 people participated
  • Scope of business: ceramic tiles
  • Number of stores: 1500
  • Single store investment: 20~50 ten thousand
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Tengzhou Smart Store has been open for one and a half years since June 2019. Although affected by the epidemic in 2020, Tengzhou smart stores still achieved good results.

Tengzhou Smart Store Lobby

The franchisee Ma Qiang was formerly engaged in the door and window industry. After being introduced by friends in the local building materials industry, he learned that Oushennuo was recruiting franchisees, so adopt After a period of detailed understanding of Oushennuo, he resolutely chose to join Oushennuo.

"Oushennuo is one of the top three brands in the industry. Its product line, product quality and brand popularity are very good, and it is a brand worthy of selection and trust," said Ma Qiang, a franchisee. Since joining Oushennuo, the franchisee Ma Qiang has launched a marketing strategy combining online and offline.

Ma Qiang, a franchisee of Tengzhou Smart Store

The team with reasonable offline configuration shall carry out various trainings regularly to improve the product professionalism, sales skills and team cooperation of team members. At the same time, performance objectives are formulated and assessed in stages, and problems are solved immediately.

Tengzhou Smart Store Model Room

Tengzhou Smart Store Material Selection Room

Under the influence of the epidemic, many stores were closed, and Tengzhou smart stores are still operating in a good manner in the Tengzhou market. In addition to a good team and reasonable management, the franchisee Ma Qiang said that the online and offline training of the headquarters helped a lot, not only helping the team grow, but also increasing the team's confidence.

Tengzhou Smart Store Team

There are no products that can't be sold, only people who can't sell products; There are no troublesome customers, only poor service. Tengzhou Smart Store always believes that Oushennuo's products will bring a better life to every customer.

label: Automatic door and window joining Joined by bridge cutoff aluminum doors and windows Door and window proxy Door and window investment
  • one thousand and ninety-eight people Focus on ceramic tiles
  • nine thousand and seventy-six people Consulting tiles

Registered member -Pay attention to the brand - offline recommendation - in-depth communication - confirm the deal and find the project is so efficient

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