There are a lot of "tough bones" in urban grassroots governance. The property fee adjustment of various types of residential areas is one of the "tough bones". The "low standard" of more than ten years and decades has not improved the service; If the service fails to keep up, there will be no "mass base" for fee adjustment. In this way, a "bad cycle" has been formed, and some residential areas have become "selling residential areas" of the property, and the service is difficult to sustain.

Recently, I went to the Hunan Street in Xuhui, Shanghai, and learned that they tried to "chew the bone" of property fee adjustment. After more than a year of promotion, they have achieved gratifying results in seven communities. When reviewing this process, Zhang Yi, the deputy director of the sub district office, said that it is not enough to solve the problems at the grass-roots level. It is more important to be reasonable. Finally, it is necessary to "clarify the reason", implement everything, and trace back on the specific matters that people are most concerned about.

Reasonably have a "list"

Hunan Street is located in Hengfu District with historical and cultural features. In the area under jurisdiction, there are many old houses, the facilities and equipment in the community are aging, the maintenance fund is insufficient, the cost of property services is rising, and the charging standard is low, which to some extent restricts the continuous, healthy and benign operation of property services and community management.

In order to ensure the quality of property service and stabilize the enthusiasm of service enterprises and personnel, property fees should be adjusted reasonably to form a benign property service system that "quality meets price".

The cadre of Hunan Street Housing Management Office said that it is easy to explain this truth, but it is not so simple to clarify the truth and implement it on the "list".

The street proposed the "leading goose working method", the party organization in the residential area played a core leading role, "zero distance" and "face-to-face" work, called on party members and owners to listen first and try first, and led by party members and owners and industry committee members, invited resident representatives to negotiate with the property company in a timely manner, to ensure that the whole process of property price increase The voice of residents can be heard in all links, and the supervision and support role of residents in property price increase can be fully played. In many rounds of communication and consultation, we have achieved the understanding and recognition of residents by means of "bright services, bills, and frequent communication".

In the community of Lane 106, Wukang Road, the property manager took out the "bills" for communication and inquiry at that time, which were all "lists" made into detailed forms, and explained the truth in detail. According to the current standards of the community, the income of motor vehicle parking fees and non motor vehicle parking fees, the expenditure of security work and garbage warehouse cleaning fees, the actual cost gap of property fees, and whether there is room for income increase and expenditure reduction are all listed in the "list". At the same time, according to the adjusted standard, the revenue and expenditure situation, which can be used to fill the actual cost gap, and which can be used to improve the existing services, are also estimated in the detailed bill.

Reasonably plan as a whole

If we have made clear the reason, we should also be reasonable. In the process of solving problems at the grass-roots level and communicating with the masses, the masses are more disgusted with the fact that the "boundary" of the truth is firmly set. This "is not within the scope of this discussion", and that "is not under the jurisdiction of this implementation subject and department". Reasonably, we should regard every grass-roots interaction as an opportunity to collect public opinion and respond to the demands of the masses, and try our best to consider relevant issues as a whole.

Shanghai is entering a new stage of urban renewal. Xuhui District proposed to speed up the transformation of "three old" into "three new", that is, "let the old houses wear new clothes, the old communities change new looks, and the old community residents live a new life". Urban renewal is a big environment, which creates conditions and expands space for improving residents' sense of gain as a whole. Grass roots governance is becoming reasonable.

Fenyang Community, built in 1981, is a after-sales housing community. The original property company withdrew from the community due to the adjustment of enterprise operation, and the property service of the community once faced the difficulty of "out of gear". In combination with the reconstruction project of "three old" to "three new", the street has improved the quality of the community as a whole, the external wall has been refreshed, the roof has been repaired, the handrails and steps of the public stairs on each floor of the corridor have been renovated, the public parts of the community have been optimized, the parking spaces and access lanes have become more reasonable and orderly, and the improvement of the environment is "visible and tangible".

The director of the industry committee told the story of a resident who had refused to pay the property fee and changed his attitude. This resident has been demanding absolute fixed parking spaces, which is a bit "excessive" and has friction with the operation of the property. This time, after the reconstruction of the community, the parking service has a larger scheduling space and more reasonable operation, which can be "rationally" coordinated. It is agreed that the parking spaces are relatively fixed, and they should be used as a whole when scheduling, to ensure that there will not be "no parking spaces". The resident not only voluntarily paid the property fee, but also accepted the price adjustment scheme.

In other communities, there are also their own "rationalization" operations. Residents of Lane 106, Wukang Road reported that there were some impacts in the business process of the merchants next door. According to the "truth", this is not the scope of coordination of property services in the community, but people should respond to their complaints. The street tried to hold an "expanded consultation meeting" to get through the inside and outside of the community. If there are contradictions, "negotiate together and resolve them as a whole".

Reasonably traceable

"The quality and price match" is the principle of this property fee adjustment. To implement the principle, we also need to achieve "one community, one scheme" in each specific service scenario; On each clear service item, highlight the "cause and reason", set out operational processes and staffing, and achieve "evaluation and traceability" during and after the event.

There are various types of street houses in Hunan, and residents' service demands for property are also different. The street launched the "Personalized Scheme Law", which, in combination with the industry committee and the property management, reasonably formulated the "One Scheme for One Community" for different types of communities, and made a thorough understanding of the "business" objectives of the service items.

The community of Lane 106, Wukang Road is a mixed type of public housing and after-sales housing. In the newly released "One Community One Plan", the upgraded management system for property management personnel has been formulated in detail and compared with the previous standards. It can be seen at a glance which items are "not available in the past", which are "excellent in the past", how to implement the service items, and how many posts and responsibilities are assigned to each post.

For example, professional environmental cleaning has listed eight major items such as road cleaning and corner cleaning, and each item has detailed service content and frequency. In the road cleaning project, general sweeping plus patrol sweeping will be carried out once a day in the morning and once in the afternoon. The operation requirements and cleaning details will be clearly carried out, and can be "marked" daily to accept the supervision and inspection of residents.

Yiyuan Building, built in 1999, is a high-end commercial housing community. The "One Community One Scheme" here has a personalized attempt to complete the daily renewal of the maintenance fund by combining with the adjustment of property fees, that is, to take a part of the property fees and add it to the maintenance fund. All accounts are transparent and open. How does the adjusted property fee correspond to the optimized service? What part of the money is withdrawn and put into the maintenance fund account? Owners can see it and know it. They can check it at any time, so they will be relieved.

As for the "hard to chew bone" of Hunan Street, Sheng Zhiming, a professor from the School of Social Sciences of Shanghai University, and other experts commented that the pilot exploration has accumulated experience, the community party organization has led with "strength", the personalized scheme method has "breadth", and the whole process of people's democracy has "temperature". (Reporter Li Rong)