"It's glorious to work

It's no shame to help my mother sweep the street

It's shameful not to help "


A dialogue between a teenager and his mother

Touched the hearts of many netizens

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Weekend morning

Furong Road, Wuling District, Changde, Hunan

There are always one big and one small

Two figures in orange vests

Sweep the road one after the other

Mom takes a broom to clean quickly

The boy is holding a broom in one hand

With a waist high garbage can in one hand

Skillfully load leaves and dry garbage into trash cans

Since 5:00 in the morning

Clean it until 8:00

The rising sun paints the eastern sky red

Reflected on the red faces of mother and son

An old man doing morning exercises on the roadside

Give a thumbs up

"Such a baby can be raised

During the holidays, I watched him help me every day... "

The boy's name is Zhou Yiwei

15 years old

Is a junior two student of Changde Foreign Language School

He got up early to help his mother clean the street

More than one year

Morning of each holiday

He would ride a bike

Come to Furong Road with Mom

Skillfully sweep the floor and shovel garbage

Before Mom goes to work

Deliver the garbage to the transfer station

Mother Li Chunmei

Working in a property company

Last March, for the purpose of subsidizing household expenses

Li Chunmei decides to go to work at 8:30

Part time sanitation worker

Mother's efforts

Zhou Yiwei sees everything

Every day when I pass the road cleaned by my mother at school

He always squeezes the brake to slow down

Call "Mom"

Half a month after my mother worked part-time

Zhou Yiwei tells his mother

"Call me on the weekend morning

I'll go with you "

At first, Zhou Yiwei was not very skilled

Mom asked him to sweep again many times

One day because of the cooling

Zhou Yiwei is well dressed

The arm can't be unfolded


I was driven home by my mother

"I thought of my mother alone on the road

I turn back and sweep again "

The son and mother waved brooms side by side

At that moment, they all understood each other

For a whole year

Weekends and summer vacation

Zhou Yiwei was absent only twice

Once during the summer vacation

He really wants to sleep more

Another time because he had a final exam the next day

Mom won't let him help

Now Zhou Yiwei is skilled

No regenerative blisters at finger joints

Better study habits

Doing housework is more active

Weekend cooking for working parents

"Will you be embarrassed when you meet your classmates?

Do you feel ashamed of sweeping the streets? "

Because the street cleaning is very close to the school

Li Chunmei also asked her son

But Zhou Yiwei said

"It's glorious to work and help my mother sweep the street

No shame, no help is disgraceful "

At the end of the interview

The shy Zhou Yiwei made a small suggestion

He wants to appeal to everyone

Don't throw rubbish out of the window

"Sanitation workers are laborious and unsafe on the road

Especially in rainy days with poor visibility "

In the morning sun

People walk on clean streets

Clean and pleasing

Is a pure heart

It's a wordless love

Thank you, Yiwei

The future is foreseeable!