Jiangxi Yingtan Bangpai Balot Whole House Customization Store opened on May Day

2016-05-16 11:33:10   Source: China Franchise Network   1854 people participated
  • Business scope: heating
  • Number of stores: 120
  • Single store investment: 20~50 ten thousand
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On May 1, Yingtan City, Jiangxi Province, which was famous for its "ripples swirling in the air and eagles dancing on the air" in history, ushered in a big event - Bangpai Balot, a brand of customized furniture for the whole house, strongly entered the prefecture level city of Yingtan for grand opening!

Jiangxi Yingtan Bangpai Balot Whole House Custom Shop is a grand overall kitchen with a bar+solid wood wine cabinet, and on the right is a Chinese style dining table. The counter of the cupboard is full of golden eggs shining with stars.

On site promotion of Wuyi Community -- the partners of Bangpai Balot promotion team set up tents and X exhibition stand to promote the new buildings in the urban area.

In order to let customers more intuitively experience the decoration results of Bonaparte's customized home, each set of products is carefully designed and arranged in an independent experience area, including household appliances, chandeliers, accessories, tablecloths, tableware, etc., to highlight the unique charm of each set of customized furniture.

Jiangxi Yingtan Bangpai Balot Whole House Custom Shop Tatami

Jiangxi Yingtan Bangpai Balot Whole House Custom Shop -- Yimen District, Sliding Gate District

Jiangxi Yingtan Bangpai Balot Whole House Custom Shop - children's room area, children's room wardrobe, children's room computer desk, children's room double bed, solve the problem of two children with one bed!

Bangpai Balot Jiangxi Yingtan Franchise Store has always been adhering to the concept of providing intimate services to customers in Yingtan area, inheriting Bangpai Balot's good sales team and high-quality service attitude. Bangpai Balot Yingtan Franchise Store will allow Yingtan citizens to experience Bangpai Balot's fashionable space home.

Jiangxi Yingtan Bangpai Balot Whole House Custom Shop Address: No. 112-113, Building 5, Shenghua International, Yuehu District, Yingtan City

Bonpai Balot cabinet joining: http://www.jiameng.com/bangpai123/

  • five hundred and sixty-nine people Focus on the cabinet
  • seven thousand and twenty people Consulting cabinet

Registered member -Pay attention to the brand - offline recommendation - in-depth communication - confirm the deal and find the project is so efficient

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