How many designers of Pinai cabinet are popular

2023-10-19 09:20:00   Source: Global franchise network   462 people participated
  • Business Scope: Home Furnishing
  • Number of stores: 200
  • Single store investment: 20~50 ten thousand
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Now when decorating new houses, many young people tend to customize the form of home. Customized home can design favorite styles and styles according to the house type, which can be matched arbitrarily. The decoration of cupboards is a necessity for families, and Pinai Cupboards is a strong overall customized brand in China, which attracts many consumers. Pinai Cupboards have a good reputation. If Pinai Cupboards are selected, how many designers are there and are their designs popular?

 Pinai cabinet joining

How many designers are there in Pinai cabinet

Pinai Cupboard is a customized household brand in Guangdong. The company was founded in 2008 and now has 15 years of industry experience. It has successfully opened 200 chain stores in China. The store has a unified image, high service quality, and honest business philosophy, which has been recognized and praised by consumers. The design of Pinai's cabinet store is more than 3, which is generally determined by the size of the store. If the order quantity in the store is large, the designer will be more. If you choose to live in a small city, you will need fewer designers.

Is Pinai Cabinet Design Popular

Pinai Cupboards have sample displays in stores. At the same time, the company has entered the online platform and established the form of e-commerce sales. Customers can place orders online and enjoy services offline, which can increase the sales performance in the store. Pinai cabinet is not only popular in China, but also has entered Southeast Asia. It has developed many branches, established a research and development department, and has professional research and design software, which can easily manage the store.

 Pinai cabinet

Is Pinai's cabinet market promising

Now when people decorate their new houses, they will choose the customized form. The customized cabinets are beautiful, novel and personalized, which are favored by the majority of consumers. Choose the whole house customization industry, with high market development potential and large profit margin.

I believe you have a better understanding of how many designers there are in Pinai cabinet and how popular the design is. Pinai cabinet has a great brand reputation, high service quality, good furniture customization technology, and good after-sales service. It has won praise from many repeat customers and good market reputation. If you want to join the customization industry, you can take action and choose a suitable store location.

  • one thousand three hundred and seventy people Focus on the cabinet
  • eight thousand four hundred and twenty-one people Consulting cabinet

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