Current hot text: Zunyi City Announcement of the Medical Insurance Service Center on the addition of designated medical institutions directly under the municipal administration for medical security

According to the Interim Measures for the Administration of Medical Security Designated Medical Institutions (Order No. 2 of the National Medical Security Bureau) and the Administrative Procedures for Agreement Management of Designated Medical Institutions in Guizhou Province (for trial implementation),

Issued on: September 27, 2022

[World News] 2 newly confirmed cases and 122 asymptomatic infections in Guizhou on September 10

[Source: Guizhou Provincial Health Commission] According to the information of Guizhou Provincial Health Commission, from 0 to 24 hours on September 10, 2022, there will be 2 newly confirmed cases in Guizhou Province (1 case in Guiyang City, 1 case in Zhijin County, Bijie City); New asymptomatic infection

Issued on: September 11, 2022

Hangzhou Qiantang New District Yaoge Stone Business Department: the "closure system" allows small stores not to be cancelled

Yaoge Stone Business Department in Qiantang New District, Hangzhou is a self-employed business in our district that deals in building decoration materials. Affected by the epidemic, and due to the expiration of the lease, the business is difficult to sustain. Mr. Shen, the operator, originally intended to pay attention

Issued on: May 27, 2022

Zunyi City Health medicine station: actively promote "Internet+" medicine distribution

Colorful Guizhou Netnews actively explores and innovates to broaden service channels. In order to improve the awareness and availability of free medicine collection among the public, and improve the coverage of medicine distribution, Zunyi City Standing stock of health medicine

Issued on: April 15, 2022

Chishui Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine takes multiple measures to improve the level of diagnosis and treatment of traditional Chinese medicine

Warm needle, fire needle, electric needle, bird pecking moxibustion, governor vessel moxibustion, fire dragon moxibustion, such characteristic "acupuncture" is common in Chishui City, and has already become the regular means for citizens to cure diseases and maintain health. Chishui Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital

Issued on: March 4, 2022

Zunyi City Maotai Flavor Wine Experience Center of Wine Association settled in Xi'an! "Zunrentai" Maotai flavor liquor is on the market!

For Shaanxi dealers and fans of Maotai flavor liquor who love Maotai flavor liquor in Renhuai production area, there is no need to go to Maotai Town to choose Maotai flavor liquor and buy Maotai flavor liquor Zunyi City (Renhuai City) Wine Industry Association Xi'an

Issued on: May 14, 2021

Zunyi City Consumer Association rights protection case: express Maotai liquor shall be compensated at market price for damage

Zunyi City The Consumer Association announced ten typical cases of consumer rights protection in Zunyi in 2020, two of which involved Maotai liquor products.

Issued on: March 15, 2021

Zunyi City The "14th Five Year Plan" was launched: take Moutai as the lead to expand the liquor industry cluster

On January 22, the Communist Party of China Zunyi City Committee on the formulation of Zunyi City The 14th Five Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development and the Proposal for the Vision of 2035 (hereinafter referred to as the Proposal) were released, releasing a series of important letters on the development of liquor industry

Issued on: January 24, 2021


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