The weather in Beijing on weekends is mainly sunny. The temperature difference between day and night is large. The minimum temperature is only one digit

China Weather News Two days on the weekend (October 21-22), the weather in Beijing will still be sunny, with the highest temperature in the early 20 ℃, but the temperature difference between day and night is large, and the lowest temperature is only a single digit, so the public can take

Issued on: October 23, 2023

Stronger cold air will hit the central and eastern regions to welcome a wide range of rain and snow cooling weather

China Weather Network News Today (October 16), the precipitation in central and eastern China is scarce, and the good weather from North China to the south of the Yangtze River continues to be high and cool in autumn. From tomorrow, with the arrival of a strong cold air,

Release date: October 17, 2023

Luoyang Minimum temperature Don't catch cold if you fall below the beginning of "2" sooner or later

It's sunny and cloudy in Luoyang today, and the temperature is 17 ℃~28 ℃.

Issued on: August 30, 2023

It's sunny and cloudy in Qingdao today. The highest temperature in the urban area is 29 ℃, Minimum temperature 22℃

According to @ Qingdao Meteorological Microblog, the Qingdao Meteorological Observatory announced at 06:00 on the 24th that: [Qingdao downtown] today

Issued on: August 25, 2023

Get your rain gear ready! It's raining in Qingdao today. The highest temperature in the urban area is 30 ℃, Minimum temperature 25℃

The sea watching news learned from the "Qingdao Weather" microblog that the Qingdao Meteorological Observatory announced at 6:00 this morning:

Issued on: August 20, 2023

Xining Minimum temperature Drop to 11 ℃! Remember to add clothes!

Original title: Xining Minimum temperature Drop to 11 ℃! Remember to add clothes

Issued on: August 19, 2023

Qingdao is cloudy and sunny today! The highest temperature in the urban area is 31 ℃, Minimum temperature 24℃

At 06:00 on the 14th, the Qingdao Meteorological Observatory announced: [Qingdao downtown] Today, it is cloudy and sunny, and the north wind is short

Issued on: August 16, 2023

Today, Qingdao has cloudy showers or thunderstorms. The maximum temperature is 29 ℃ Minimum temperature 23℃

The Qingdao Meteorological Observatory announced at 06:00 on the 11th that: [Qingdao urban area] Today, there will be showers or thunderstorms in the cloudy day,

Issued on: July 11, 2023

Take an umbrella when you go out! Today, Qingdao is overcast with light rain. The highest temperature in the urban area is 26 ℃, Minimum temperature 22℃

At 06:00 on the 25th, the Qingdao Meteorological Observatory announced that: [Qingdao downtown] Today, it is cloudy and overcast with light rain

Issued on: June 25, 2023

Take an umbrella when you go out! Today, Qingdao is overcast with light rain. The highest temperature in the urban area is 26 ℃, Minimum temperature 22 ℃ _ today's hot spot

The news of watching the sea was learned from @ Qingdao Meteorology. The Qingdao Meteorological Observatory announced at 06:00 on the 25th: [Qingdao Urban Area] today

Issued on: June 25, 2023

Now look: take an umbrella when you go out! Today, Qingdao is overcast with light rain. The highest temperature in the urban area is 26 ℃, Minimum temperature 22℃

The news of watching the sea was learned from @ Qingdao Meteorology. The Qingdao Meteorological Observatory announced at 06:00 on the 25th: [Qingdao Urban Area] today

Issued on: June 25, 2023

Take an umbrella when you go out! Today, Qingdao is overcast with light rain. The highest temperature in the urban area is 26 ℃, Minimum temperature 22 ℃ Global Quick Look

The news of watching the sea was learned from @ Qingdao Meteorology. The Qingdao Meteorological Observatory announced at 06:00 on the 25th: [Qingdao Urban Area] today

Issued on: June 25, 2023

Take an umbrella when you go out! Today, Qingdao is overcast with light rain. The highest temperature in the urban area is 26 ℃, Minimum temperature 22 ℃ - Global Express

At 06:00 on the 25th, the Qingdao Meteorological Observatory announced that: [Qingdao downtown] Today, it is cloudy and overcast with light rain

Issued on: June 25, 2023

Daily Highlights: Take an umbrella when you go out! Today, Qingdao is overcast with light rain. The highest temperature in the urban area is 26 ℃, Minimum temperature 22℃

The news of watching the sea was learned from @ Qingdao Meteorology. The Qingdao Meteorological Observatory announced at 06:00 on the 25th: [Qingdao Urban Area] today

Issued on: June 25, 2023

Shandong Winter Minimum temperature How many winters in Guangzhou Minimum temperature

1. Generally, it is about 16 degrees, and the special weather is above 10. February 12-19, 2010, Guangzhou lasts for 8

Issued on: June 23, 2023

Winter in Guangzhou Minimum temperature How many degrees in general _ winter in Guangzhou Minimum temperature

1. Growing up in Guangzhou, I should have some say. I think there are about 3 times in the hottest summer in Guangzhou

Issued on: June 23, 2023

Every day daily | moderate rain+thunder and lightning will "arrive" tomorrow! It's cloudy and sunny in Qingdao today. The highest temperature in the urban area is 23 ℃, Minimum temperature 18℃

The Qingdao Meteorological Observatory announced at 6:00 on the 26th that: [Qingdao urban area] Today, it is cloudy and sunny, with light fog. The south wind is from level 3 to 4 to level 4 to 5, and the gust is from level 6. Today, it is night

Issued on: May 26, 2023

Focus selection! Beijing this weekend Minimum temperature Will fall below freezing point

From the night before yesterday to the day before yesterday, cold air came with strong wind and dust, and Beijing suffered the strongest dust weather this year. After the passage of sand and dust, Beijing began to cool down. From today to the 25th

Issued on: March 23, 2023

Global hot comments! Jilin Provincial Health Commission and Jilin Provincial Meteorological Bureau jointly issued the yellow warning signal of meteorological conditions for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases "Level III/severe" "2023-01-23"

[Source: Jilin Provincial Meteorological Station] Jilin Provincial Health Commission and Jilin Provincial Meteorological Bureau jointly released the yellow warning signal of meteorological conditions for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases at 9:17 on January 23: Tonghua is expected to be in the next 24 hours

Issued on: January 23, 2023

Global news: Jilin Provincial Health Commission and Jilin Provincial Meteorological Bureau jointly issued a yellow warning signal for meteorological conditions of respiratory diseases such as colds, which is "Level III/severe", "2023-01-23"

[Source: Jilin Provincial Meteorological Station] Jilin Provincial Health Commission and Jilin Provincial Meteorological Bureau jointly issued a yellow warning signal for meteorological conditions of respiratory diseases such as colds at 9:24 on January 23: It is expected that in the next 24 hours,

Issued on: January 23, 2023

The temperature is stable during the light cold solar term

[Source: Danyang Municipal People's Government _ Danyang News] "The little cold is at 29, and the weather is freezing cold to shiver." At 23:04:39 yesterday, we ushered in the little cold solar term. The reporter learned from the municipal meteorological department that

Issued on: January 6, 2023

Focus speed reading: strong cold air is coming! Many places Minimum temperature Or break the historical extreme value of the same period

Wells Fargo pioneered the water REIT stock market practical technology exchange forum, skills, information technology research and exchange

Release date: December 17, 2022

Global News: No matter how heavy the storm is, we must let you go home safely

Large scale cold wave and snowfall have occurred in many places of Inner Mongolia in recent days Minimum temperature When the temperature drops below - 20 ℃, the police will immediately launch the emergency plan for severe weather and actively deploy it, so as to quickly respond to the fact that the majority of police take snow as their order

Release date: December 15, 2022

World headlines: "No matter how heavy the storm, we must let you go home safely"

A large range of cold waves and snowfalls have occurred in many places of Inner Mongolia in recent days Minimum temperature When the temperature drops below - 20 ℃, the police will immediately start the emergency plan for severe weather and actively deploy it, so as to quickly respond to the fact that the majority of the police take snow as an order

Release date: December 15, 2022

Shandong strong wind+cooling+snowfall group attack, we must do a good job in keeping warm!

Just now, Shandong Meteorological Station has released an important weather forecast. Shandong issued a yellow warning for sea gales. The maximum gust was 11. Shandong Meteorological Observatory issued a yellow warning for sea gales at 11:00 today. Affected by strong cold air

Release date: December 13, 2022

The comprehensive intensity of the "strongest cold wave" reached the fifth in the same period of history! The low temperature in many places broke the historical extreme value in November →

Wells Fargo pioneered water REIT, cloud computing ETF stock market practical technology exchange forum skills information technology research exchange

Issued on: December 3, 2022

How strong is this cold wave when most of China starts the "quick freezing" mode?

China news agency, Beijing, November 28 (Reporter Chen Su) The reporter learned from the China Meteorological Administration on the 28th that due to the cold wave weather, most parts of China will experience severe cooling, and the "quick freezing" mode will be started. This cold wave weather

Issued on: November 29, 2022

Daily SMS! The national down jacket warning map has been released. South China also needs down jacket protection

China Weather News The strongest cold wave since this winter has been delivered. Have you got your down jackets ready? The next two days (November 29-30) will be the main period affected by the cold wave

Issued on: November 29, 2022

The World's Most News How Does Okra Winter in the South?

Planting technology of okra overwintering greenhouses 1. The planting facilities are generally solar greenhouses with good thermal insulation performance, covered with a layer of straw, covered with ground film, and hung with reflective screens on the back wall to enhance indoor lighting. In winter

Release date: November 25, 2022


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