World news: mining M&A, Purple gold Core competitiveness of mining industry?

Purple gold Mining Stock Market Practical Technology Exchange Forum Skills Information Technology Research Exchange

Release date: November 25, 2022

Know everything every day! Purple gold Mining plans to issue 10 billion yuan of convertible bonds to the market

Purple gold Mining Stock Market Practical Technology Exchange Forum Skills Information Technology Research Exchange

Issued on: October 23, 2022

Global news: 10-13 news

Stock Market Practical Technology Exchange Forum Skills Information Technology Research Exchange

Release date: October 14, 2022

Daily viewpoint! Purple gold How about mining? Purple gold What is the outlook for mining stocks?

Those who pay attention to mining should pay attention to Purple gold Mining is no stranger to this stock. The company is mainly engaged in the exploration, mining, smelting and processing of gold, copper, lead, zinc and other mineral resources and the sales of related products

Release date: October 12, 2022

What are the gold stocks? Who is the real leading stock of gold concept?

What are the gold stocks? 1. China Gold (600489); 2、 Purple gold Mining (600612); 3. Zhongjin Gold (600916); 4. Lao Fengxiang (600988); 5. Chifeng Gold (601899); 6. Hunan Huang

Issued on: September 20, 2022

Daily news: Purple gold The Bank's revenue growth in the first half of the year was sluggish, and the share price fell to a record low in early August

On the evening of August 30, Purple gold The bank (601860 SH) publishes the semi annual report for 2022. Data display, Purple gold In the first half of the year, the Bank realized an operating revenue of 216.8 billion yuan, up only 271% year on year; Realize attribution to listed companies

Issued on: August 31, 2022

"Lesheng Semiconductor" won tens of millions of yuan of Pre-A round financing, AVIC Fund Purple gold Hong Kong Capital Joint Investment

Innovation Bay learned that on June 7, the TFT LCD control chip R&D enterprise "Lesheng Semiconductor" announced to complete tens of millions of yuan of Pre-A round financing. This round of financing was funded by AVIC Fund Purple gold Hong Kong capital joint investment. book

Date of issue: 2022-06-07

Purple gold Is mining a state-owned enterprise? Purple gold Where is the mining headquarters

Purple gold Mining is a state-owned enterprise. Its controlling shareholder is Minxi Xinghang State owned Assets Investment and Management Co., Ltd., which holds Purple gold The proportion of Mining Group Co., Ltd. is 2397%, and the ultimate controller is Fujian

Date of issue: 2022-06-07

"She" takes the lead in the fight against the epidemic, and women show responsibility

After the outbreak of this round of epidemic, Maqun Street, Qixia District, Nanjing Purple gold Under the leadership of the General Party Branch, the Community Women's Federation actively responded to the call, mobilized women volunteers in the area under its jurisdiction, and assisted in epidemic prevention and control. Rapid deployment

Issued on: April 29, 2022

Purple gold Is mining a state-owned enterprise Purple gold How was the mining revenue last year

There are so many enterprises in China that most people only pay attention to large enterprises, such as Alibaba, Tencent, byte beating and so on. Recently, many people asked, Purple gold Is mining a state-owned enterprise? 2022 Purple gold Mining camp

Issued on: April 27, 2022

Nanjing Purple gold It is planned to invest in the "21 Purple gold Y1 "interest payment, interest rate 3.9%

Leju Financial News Zhang Linxia, April 18, Nanjing Purple gold Investment Group Co., Ltd. will publicly issue renewable corporate bonds (Phase I) in 2021 and pay interest in 2022. It is reported that the bond is called 21 for short Purple gold Y1,

Issued on: April 19, 2022

Purple gold Bank (601860. SH) has redeemed secondary capital bonds

Zhitong Finance APP, Purple gold The bank (601860 SH) announced that in March 2017, the company issued a 10-year tier two capital bond with a scale of 300 million yuan in the national inter-bank bond market (hereinafter referred to as“

Issued on: March 29, 2022

Purple gold Bank's latest announcement: full redemption of Tier 2 capital bonds of 300 million yuan

Purple gold The bank announced that in March 2017, the company issued a 10-year tier two capital bond with a scale of 300 million yuan in the national inter-bank bond market. According to the relevant provisions of the Prospectus of the Bonds

Issued on: March 29, 2022

Wang Chuanfu expects the penetration rate of new energy vehicles in China to reach 35% by the end of this year! Beishang Capital has already increased its position against the trend!

Guoxin Energy, Yintai Gold, Shandong Gold, Solar Energy, Baofeng Energy Stock Market Practical Information Technology Exchange Forum Information Technology Exchange

Issued on: March 27, 2022

Carry forward the spirit of Lei Feng and strive to be the vanguard of the times

In order to further promote the spirit of Lei Feng, on the morning of March 4, the New Era Civilization Practice Station in the second section of Wutang New Village, Mufushan Street, Gulou District invited troops and co construction units in the area under its jurisdiction to open at the Happy World Elderly Apartment Square

Issued on: March 21, 2022

Zhonghai Property carried out "Lei Fengyue" series of activities for the convenience of people

On March 5, Zhonghai Property Management Co., Ltd. Nanjing Company carried out a series of convenience activities in Phoenix Garden, such as charity sale, charity clinic, shoe repair and umbrella repair, to practice Lei Feng's spirit and let residents feel at home

Issued on: March 21, 2022

Purple gold Chen and Che Che "run away" from iQiyi one after another to make original content or face new pressure

IQIYI recently lost one of its top generals. On January 7, Che Che, vice president of iQIYI and head of YOH Studio, responded to the news of his resignation on Weibo, saying that he would take charge of iQIYI as a part-time job

Issued on: January 12, 2022

The expenses are falsely listed, Purple gold Property and Casualty Insurance Qinzhou Branch was fined 250000 yuan

According to the information of Qinzhou Supervision Branch of CBRC, Purple gold Qinzhou Central Branch of Property and Casualty Insurance Co., Ltd. was fined 250000 yuan for falsely listing expenses, and Wei Mingquan was given a warning and fined 40000 yuan

Release date: December 30, 2021

Purple gold The Bank was replaced, Tang Yu stepped down, and Zhao Yuankuan took over

Purple gold When the head of the bank changed, Tang Yu stepped down as chairman and Zhao Yuankuan took over. However, Zhao Yuankuan's qualification as chairman of the board still needs to be submitted to the regulatory authority for approval.

Issued on: November 16, 2021

Jiangsu Purple gold The establishment of Cultural and Creative Research Institute will promote the development of cultural and technological industries

On October 21, the 2021 China (Nanjing) Culture and Science and Technology Integration Achievements Exhibition and Trade Fair (hereinafter referred to as "the Fair") opened. While exhibiting a batch of latest cultural and science and technology integration achievements, key high-end think tanks in Jiangsu Province Purple gold Cultural and creative

Issued on: October 22, 2021

Purple gold The growth rate of bank's revenue in the first half of the year dropped by 14.4%, the bottom of the list, and the real estate loans increased by 14.3% compared with the beginning of the year

August 27, Purple gold The bank disclosed its performance report for the first half of 2021, realizing an operating revenue of 21.11 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 14.4%. Among the listed banks that have disclosed their semi annual reports, Purple gold Bank revenue growth rate was the bottom; Attributable to parent company

Issued on: August 29, 2021

Weifang Purple gold The construction party of Yuantianjiao Water Bank Project was punished for defaulting on the wages of migrant workers

Zhonghuanet Finance and Economics News on August 27: According to the bad behavior of enterprises released by Weifang Housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau on the Weifang construction market supervision and integrity integration platform, Weifang Huazhen Construction Engineering Co., Ltd Purple gold Garden Tianjiao Waterfront Project, due to

Issued on: August 28, 2021

Nanjing Innovation Launch“ Purple gold Shan Yingcai Card "and smart cloud platform

Focusing on the theme of gathering talents from Nanjing to realize innovation dreams, the 13th Nanjing International Exchange and Cooperation Conference for Chinese Returned Overseas Students recently opened in Nanjing International Expo Center. The reporter learned from the meeting that Nanjing

Issued on: June 23, 2021

2021 Nanjing Innovation Week Purple gold Mountain Innovation Conference Held

As the No. 1 event brand in the construction of Nanjing Innovation City, 2021 Nanjing Innovation Week Purple gold The Mountain Innovation Conference was held on the 21st. Focusing on the theme of urban innovation under the new development pattern, the conference stands on its own through innovation coordinates

Issued on: June 22, 2021

Purple gold Bank revenue dropped by 22%, the bottom of the list of agricultural commercial banks

At the end of April, Jiangsu Purple gold Rural Commercial Bank Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as“ Purple gold Bank ", 601860 SH), the annual report for 2020 and the first quarterly report for 2021 show that the bank's revenue will decline by 45% in 2020

Issued on: May 13, 2021

Listed agricultural commercial banks with 22% lower revenue Purple gold How to reverse the decline of banks

At the end of April, Jiangsu Purple gold Rural Commercial Bank Co., Ltd“ Purple gold Bank ", 601860 SH), the annual report for 2020 and the first quarterly report for 2021 show that the bank's revenue will decline by 45% in 2020

Issued on: May 13, 2021

Issued in Nanjing“ Purple gold "Shan Yingcai Plan" attracts talents globally

Nanjing announced on the 26th Purple gold Shan Yingcai Plan Purple gold Shan Yingcai Card Purple gold Shan Yingcai's smart cloud platform will attract talents globally during the 14th Five Year Plan period. According to the plan, Nanjing will focus on

Issued on: March 28, 2021

The growth rate of multiple indicators reached the bottom Purple gold Can the joining of post-80s executives of banks break the situation?

As of February 10, among the A-share listed agricultural commercial banks, except Chongqing Agricultural Commercial Bank, the rest 7 agricultural commercial banks have released their 2020 performance reports, of which Purple gold The bank is one of the two banks with declining revenue, and the decline is large,

Issued on: February 22, 2021

The growth rate of multiple indicators reached the bottom Purple gold Can the joining of post-80s executives of banks break the situation?

As of February 10, among the A-share listed agricultural commercial banks, except Chongqing Agricultural Commercial Bank, the rest 7 agricultural commercial banks have released their 2020 performance reports, of which Purple gold The bank is one of the two banks with declining revenue, and the decline is large,

Issued on: February 19, 2021

Due to the preparation of false documents, materials, etc Purple gold Property insurance Wenzhou Zhongzhi was fined 450000 yuan

Recently, the information disclosure form of administrative punishment released by Wenzhou Supervision Branch shows that, Purple gold Wenzhou Central Branch of Property and Casualty Insurance Co., Ltd. has violated the laws and regulations by preparing false documents and materials and failing to use the approved or recorded insurance terms and rates as required, and has been fined 4 in total

Release date: October 28, 2020


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