World Day of Traditional Chinese Medicine: Traditional Chinese medicine has spread to 196 countries and regions

On October 14,, in order to celebrate the fifth World Day of Traditional Chinese Medicine, promote and disseminate Chinese traditional medicine science, and promote exchanges and cooperation between China and France in the cause of health, the French Center for Traditional Chinese Medicine (CFC

Release date: October 16, 2023

Changchun Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Hospital Wang Jian teaches you how to eat iodine for thyroid disease?

Changchun Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine The thyroid department of the hospital is a highly praised professional team

Issued on: September 13, 2023

Shaoyang City Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Hospital: national unity, hand in hand, free clinic, warm heart to heart

Red Network Moment News August 30 (Correspondent Liu Yu) August 28, Shaoyang Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Hospital Group

Issued on: September 1, 2023

Bu Xianchun, a famous old Chinese medicine expert, inherits the second-class workstation of the studio in Shaoyang Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine The hospital was established

Red Network Moment News, August 24 (Correspondent Tao Jingjie) On the morning of August 23, "Bu Xianchun, a famous old Chinese doctor

Issued on: August 30, 2023

World Forum on High Quality Development of Traditional Chinese Medicine Education Held in Toronto Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine

China news agency, Toronto, August 27 (reporter Yu Ruidong) World Forum on High Quality Development of Traditional Chinese Medicine Education (2023)

Issued on: August 29, 2023

Jiangxi Province Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine The hospital held a grassroots training meeting for family doctors to sign up for service

In order to further improve the connotation of family doctor signing service and standardize the operation process of family doctor signing service

Issued on: August 27, 2023

70 year old man suddenly suffocates, Wendeng District Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine The hospital rescue was successful!

Recently, Wendeng District, Weihai City Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine The Department of Respiratory Neurology of the hospital received 2 cases of special emergency patients,

Issued on: August 24, 2023

Another municipal key college settled in Jiangxi Province Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine hospital

Recently, Nanchang Municipal Health Commission announced the first batch of municipal key clinical specialty construction projects in Nanchang,

Issued on: August 20, 2023

Held in Decheng District, Dezhou, Shandong Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Critical Care Skills Competition

CAMCE News According to the WeChat public account of Dezhou Decheng District Federation of Trade Unions "Decheng Trade Unions Online", it is for the first time

Issued on: August 18, 2023

Wendeng District Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine The hospital invited Professor Feng Shilun, a famous doctor of the Capital State, to the hospital for diagnosis and teaching

Recently, Wendeng District Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine The hospital invited Professor Feng Shilun, a famous doctor and economic expert from the capital, and

Issued on: August 16, 2023

Shaoyang City Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Hospital: "One lesson in one month, one practice" enriches the "background" of organizational life

Red Net Moment News, August 15 (Correspondent Liu Wanxia and Yao Feifei) Shaoyang City Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Hospital Pro

Issued on: August 16, 2023

No. 2 in Wuhan Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Is the hospital the same as the 672 Hospital (the second hospital in Wuhan Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Hospital)

Let's answer the above questions for you. No. 2 in Wuhan Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine The hospital is the same as the 672 hospital

Issued on: August 3, 2023

Zibo City Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Hospital: build "Xinglin Post Station" to create high-quality diagnosis and treatment services

Shandong. com, China - Perceived the news from Shandong on August 1, in order to solve the urgent problems of the masses and strengthen the group

Issued on: August 1, 2023

Shanghai Yueyang Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine The new outpatient complex building of the hospital will be opened soon

Yueyang, affiliated to Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine New Outpatient Complex Building of the Hospital

Issued on: July 7, 2023

city Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Great strides have been made in the development of the emergency department of the hospital | Know All

The emergency area was upgraded, the emergency medical union was grid oriented, and the provincial emergency "celebrities" were invited to pass on their experience regularly

Issued on: June 22, 2023

Today's global headlines! Breach! Fengtai, Beijing Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Hospital adds new hard core technology!

Recently, Fengtai, Beijing Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine The foot and ankle team of the orthopedics and traumatology department of the hospital successfully completed the first minimally invasive fixation of double tibia and fibula fractures with double intramedullary nails. The operation was a complete success, reflecting Beijing

Issued on: April 18, 2023

"Flagship" leads the way and leads the way. The State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine came to Wuhan to investigate the province Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine hospital

The atmosphere of the symposium was warm. Changjiang Daily, Wuhan, April 8 (reporter Luo Lan, correspondent Ying Shuhui), "flagship" pilot, steady and far-reaching. On April 7, the National Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Issued on: April 8, 2023

hot wire! Hefei Angel Children's Hospital Specially Invited Professor Jin Wuguan from Shanghai Ruijin Hospital and Beijing Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Professor Wang Yun from the hospital came to the hospital for joint consultation on April 2-6

Children are the flowers of the motherland, and their health is related to the happiness of thousands of families. In order to help children grow up healthily and help children in Anhui Province and surrounding areas obtain more professional and authoritative diagnosis and treatment services

Issued on: March 29, 2023

[Medical News] Beijing Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Professor Wang Yun of the hospital was in the Department of Pediatrics of Zhengzhou University of Science and Technology Hospital from March 25-26. Don't miss it!

When the spring is warm and flowers are blooming, everything is reviving. However, parents' worries have not diminished, and children's problems have become the most concerned problems of parents! In recent years, the incidence of children's developmental behavior diseases has been rising

Issued on: March 23, 2023

Zibo City Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Hospital: Repeated cerebral infarction leads to an extra "eye" in the heart

[Source: Zibo Municipal Health and Health Committee_Work News] Mr. Li, 57 years old, has suffered from repeated cerebral infarction in recent years, which has seriously affected his normal work and life. Accompanied by his family, he came to Zibo for traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine

Issued on: March 7, 2023

Global micro headlines | National key specialty of traditional Chinese medicine -- the third ward of the department of encephalopathy of Zibo Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital

[Source: Zibo Health Care Committee_work trends] The Department of Encephalopathy of Zibo Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine is a key specialty of encephalopathy in the "12th Five Year Plan" of the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, a key specialty of traditional Chinese medicine in Shandong Province, and an advantageous specialty of traditional Chinese medicine in Shandong Province

Issued on: February 24, 2023

Zibo City Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Hospital Urology Department Achieves New Breakthrough in Accurate Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment of Prostate Cancer

[Source: Zibo Health Care Committee_Working Trends] Recently, Zibo City Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Ding Jiyang's team in the hospital's urology department successfully carried out the first case of AI AI MRI and ultrasound image fusion transperineal prostate puncture

Issued on: February 15, 2023

Beijing Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine The Department of Nephrology in the hospital successfully carried out DSA guided semi permanent catheterization of internal jugular vein

[Source: Beijing Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine Academic Garden] Recently, Beijing Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine The Department of Nephrology in the hospital successfully completed the placement of a semi permanent tube for right internal jugular vein hemodialysis in an elderly female patient under C-arm fluoroscopy

Issued on: February 13, 2023

Quick news! Municipal Public Health Center Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Section officially opened

[Source: Chengdu Municipal Health Commission _ work trends] In order to adapt to the business development of the department, strengthen the discipline construction of the hospital, meet the medical service needs of the masses, and further improve the hospital's comprehensive service capacity, on the morning of February 6

Issued on: February 7, 2023

Focus speed reading: the city launched the "Dongfeng Hongci" comprehensive service point for the elderly to facilitate medical treatment for the elderly

[Source: Wenzhou Municipal Health Commission News] In the afternoon of February 6, Wenzhou Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine The hospital held the launching ceremony of "Dongfeng Hongci" elderly comprehensive service point. The first batch of 29 elderly volunteers came to the hospital

Issued on: February 7, 2023

[Exclusive] Zibo City Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Hospital Liu Xiao: Shanghai Pediatric Massage Protects Children's Health

[Source: Zibo Municipal Health and Health Committee_work trends] Children's massage is to prevent and treat children's diseases by applying manipulation on specific acupoints or parts on the children's body surface under the guidance of traditional Chinese medicine theory, differentiating disease and syndrome

Issued on: February 1, 2023

First Affiliated Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine: Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Cure critically ill patients with COVID-19

[Source: Guizhou Provincial Health and Health Commission Frontline Style] On January 13, the warm winter sun fell into the ICU ward of the First Affiliated Hospital of Guizhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (hereinafter referred to as the First Affiliated Hospital of TCM University), which made Lao Zhao feel good

Issued on: January 15, 2023

Guilin Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Hospital: Seven star community health service center was awarded the advanced unit of "high-quality service at grassroots level"

[Source: Guangxi Health Commission cities] Recently, Guilin Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine The seven star community health service center under the hospital, due to its outstanding performance and service

Issued on: January 9, 2023

The world is watching! Give play to the effect of "1+1 > 2", save Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine The hospital provides full cycle services for patients with COVID-19

[Source: Changjiang Daily - Changjiang Network] On January 6, Changjiang Daily's Wuhan client (reporter Zhang Ming's correspondent Xie Ying), what department should we go to for treatment of COVID-19 infection in hospital? Cough, fatigue and ease after "Yang Kang"

Issued on: January 6, 2023

"One patient, one plan" Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Treatment, 96 year old critically ill man recovered and discharged

[Source: Changjiang Daily - Changjiang Network] On January 5, Ding Nian, the director of the lung department of Hanyang Hospital of Wuhan Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, called Grandpa Jin, a 96 year old man who was discharged two days ago. Knowing that the old man is doing well,

Issued on: January 5, 2023



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