Hot search“ Mycoplasma pneumonia ”What is it?

Source: Recently, many hospitals across the country have seen more patients infected with Mycoplasma pneumoniae, most of whom are children. What is mycoplasma? What age children are easy to get? Will adults also get it? lower

Release date: October 16, 2023

Taking "high fever" as a signal, "small patients" gather in summer

In the hot summer, we enter the grilling mode. As hot as the weather, there are also children in summer. What diseases do small patients see when they come to see doctors? The reporter's visit found that the number of children in infection department and respiratory department increased significantly compared with previous years

Issued on: August 31, 2023

Many places Mycoplasma pneumonia The number of children has increased. Doctor: Cephalosporin is invalid

"The child had a fever of nearly 39 ℃ without any symptoms a few days ago. At first, he thought it was a cold, so he took Merrill Lynch and retreated

Issued on: August 21, 2023

be vigilant Mycoplasma pneumonia The doctor suggested that the child should go to the doctor in time if he has fever and cough for more than 3 days

Since June this year, Mycoplasma pneumonia The number of children increased significantly, and the respiratory ward of Nanjing Children's Hospital was full

Issued on: August 18, 2023

be vigilant Mycoplasma pneumonia The doctor suggested that the child should go to the doctor in time if he has fever and cough for more than 3 days

Since June this year, Mycoplasma pneumonia The number of children increased significantly, and the respiratory ward of Nanjing Children's Hospital was full

Issued on: August 15, 2023

be vigilant Mycoplasma pneumonia The doctor suggested that the child should go to the doctor in time if he has fever and cough for more than 3 days

Doctors remind: ① Mycoplasma pneumonia After infection, the main symptoms are persistent fever, cough, wheezing and breathing

Issued on: August 15, 2023

children Mycoplasma pneumonia Infectious? Is pneumonia infectious

1. Pneumonia is an inflammation of the lungs caused by pathogenic microorganisms affecting the alveoli. Most pneumonia is not infectious

Issued on: June 24, 2023

New news: The National Health Commission printed and distributed the 2023 version of children's pneumonia Mycoplasma pneumonia practice guidelines

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, February 16 (reporter Li Heng) Pneumonia Mycoplasma pneumonia It is a common community acquired pneumonia in children, mostly occurring in autumn and winter, and sporadic cases are found in other seasons. To further improve children's pneumonia

Issued on: February 17, 2023

Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection was known early

Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection has long been known. First, what is Mycoplasma pneumoniae? Second, the way of infection of Mycoplasma pneumoniae. Third, the main symptoms after infection of Mycoplasma pneumoniae. Fourth Mycoplasma pneumonia Diagnosis of

Date of issue: 2022-11-09

Adults also need to be alert Mycoplasma pneumonia

□ Our reporter Xu Chen Mycoplasma pneumonia It is a common infectious disease among young people, accounting for 10% - 40% of children's community acquired pneumonia. Many people think that adults are not susceptible, but this is not the case. Recently,

Issued on: March 3, 2022



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