(High quality development research trip) Promote comprehensive rural revitalization, build a new era and higher level "Tianfu granary" in Sichuan

China News Network, Chengdu, October 17 (Zhu Huan, Chang Xinyu) As of today, we have worked for 45 consecutive days and completed the rush harvest of more than 6500 mu of autumn grain. On the 16th, on World Food Day, in Chengdu, Sichuan Province

Release date: October 18, 2023

Ping An Securities Investment Banking Department professional manager Gao Yi: Deepen the business of securities industry to serve customers

The securities industry provides enterprises and individuals with investment, financing, risk management and other important services to promote economic transformation and growth

Issued on: August 30, 2023

Hebei Qingyuan develops college student agriculture professional manager On duty practical training

China News, Hebei, August 21 (Xu Qiaoming, Wang Lei) August 18-20, Qingyuan, Baoding, Hebei

Issued on: August 21, 2023

Tourism | 2023 Scenic Area professional manager (Dunhuang) training class was successfully held

From June 15 to 18, under the guidance of China Association of Tourist Attractions, Beijing Zhilvchuangjing Cultural Media Co., Ltd

Issued on: June 26, 2023

What is a rat barn? What's the trend of the stock after the rat position?

What is a rat barn? Mouse position refers to that before the dealer uses institutional funds to raise the share price, he/she builds a position at a low level with the funds of individuals (including the head of the institution, the relatives and friends of the trader, etc.) until the institutional funds

Issued on: June 27, 2022

Create a "new definition" of tax management position - tax professional manager

In the first year of the 14th Five Year Plan, improving quality and efficiency and being more sustainable will become two key words of fiscal and tax policies in 2021, and the promotion of fiscal and tax system reform will become a major focus! From the perspective of the needs of the enterprise, the final key positions

Issued on: February 8, 2022

About professional manager Overview of Cognition was released in Beijing

On the 15th, "On professional manager An Overview of Cognition was officially released in Beijing. China professional manager Founding President and Senior Advisor of the Association professional manager An Overview of Cognition, said Hong Hu, chief editor,

Issued on: April 16, 2021



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