network Fraud How to report the case? Is there a transfer record to recover the defrauded money?

network Fraud How to report the case? network Fraud You can call the police to report a case. The public security organ shall, in accordance with its jurisdiction, promptly conduct examination. After the case is filed, it shall be investigated, collected and retrieved

Issued on: November 21, 2022

[World Time Express] Win! The court ruled that the company's M&A target was fraudulent

Solar energy, Lianchuang, Wells Fargo's first REIT stock market practical technology exchange forum, skills, information technology research and exchange

Issued on: November 21, 2022

Bailihao Global: Collection and preservation! Teach you how to effectively guard against telecommunications Fraud

With the rapid development of science and technology, the information network popularizes our life, but it also allows many lawbreakers to take advantage of the situation and erode cyberspace. When netizens tell you that online loans need to be paid first, will you

Release date: November 15, 2022

Rolling Everyday: Cartoons and Miscellaneous Words: Prevention of Elderly Care Fraud

In recent years, pension is involved Fraud Most of the cases are in the name of selling "pension products", investing in "pension projects", handling "pension insurance" on behalf, and carrying out "pension assistance" Fraud , of which, pension sales

Release date: November 14, 2022

The Supreme People's Procuratorate issued a notice to crack down on elderly care Fraud Special actions

The Supreme People's Procuratorate held a "crackdown on pension" on the 9th Fraud The press conference of "Procuratorial Blue Guarding the Sunset Red" reported the nationwide procuratorial organs to crack down on the elderly care Fraud Special actions. According to the notification, special

Issued on: November 10, 2022

Hot headlines every day | China Consumer Association "Double 11" tip: beware of all kinds of telecommunications Fraud

People's Daily Online, Beijing, November 9 (Reporter Sun Hongli) The annual "Double 11" shopping festival has begun. The China Consumer Association today reminded consumers to consume scientifically and rationally on demand, and to guard against business promotion routines,

Date of issue: 2022-11-09

Soul's Third Quarter Ecological Security Governance Report, attacking the network Fraud Significant behavior achievements!

In recent years, online social networking is very popular with young people. Generation Z young people who grew up with the Internet are happy to meet an interesting soul through online communication. Soul App is a winner

Date of issue: 2022-11-09

Baihui Securities reminds you: beware of finance Fraud Avoid asset losses

Recent telecommunications and finance Fraud The number of cases soared, reflecting Fraud Molecules are becoming more and more rampant. They even pretend to be famous securities suppliers by means of social media, messages, phone calls, e-mail, etc

Issued on: November 8, 2022

Bailihao Global: During the epidemic, we must be alert to these diseases Fraud tricks!

During the epidemic, many criminals pretended to be authorities, packaged fishing messages as various epidemic prevention tips, or lied about epidemic prevention and control staff, illegally obtaining citizens' personal information. In fact, on

Release date: October 25, 2022

Hot news: Anhui Provincial Health Commission: resolutely crack down on illegal medical practice Fraud The old man's "fake white coat"

Anhui News According to the news on October 21 on the website of Anhui Provincial Health Commission, Anhui Provincial Health Commission recently issued a document to crack down on the normalization of old-age care Fraud Put forward further requirements. First, continue to check the hidden problems

Issued on: October 22, 2022

The police and enterprises cooperate to build an anti fraud front. Gome Xinke invites you to "prevent old-age care Fraud To build a happy old age together "

On October 20, the Internet and Financial Anti fraud Alliance under the guidance of the Investigation and Control Center of the Ministry of Public Security invited eight leading Internet financial institutions including Gome Xinke to jointly carry out old-age prevention Fraud Publicity activities for building happiness in old age

Issued on: October 21, 2022

World hot comments! Announce rectification of pension in many places Fraud Special action results

Cracking down on pension Fraud It has been half a year since the launch of the special action, and all regions have intensively cracked down on the elderly Fraud The pace of the accelerated, remarkable results, endless deception has also surfaced one after another.

Release date: October 19, 2022

World News: Aptos: The comment function of the Discord and Telegram channels has been turned off to prevent the community Fraud

On October 18, Aptos tweeted that the Aptos network was operating as expected, and the corresponding activities would increase with the launch of the ecosystem project, so the comment function of the official Discord and Telegram channels

Release date: October 18, 2022

Daily express: Xingtai Banking and Insurance Regulatory Bureau organized to crack down on insurance Fraud Special criminal action

Online news of the Bank of China Insurance News (Zheng Songhai, Li Bin) In order to purify and standardize the order of the insurance market and ensure the healthy development of the insurance industry, from April 10 this year, Xingtai Banking and Insurance Regulatory Branch responded to the number of Hebei Banking and Insurance Regulatory Bureau

Release date: October 17, 2022

Focus quick look: female answer Fraud Call to remit money Dangtu Police stop it in time

Dawan News On the afternoon of October 12, Gushu Police Station of Dangtu Public Security Bureau received a high-risk warning clue from the Anti fraud Center, and Ms. Chen in the jurisdiction seems to be answering Fraud Telephone. Emergency, Gushu Police Station Police Pan Yaoxun

Release date: October 14, 2022

Du Xiaoman Actively Performs Social Responsibility to Establish Anti Fraud Public welfare platform

With the progress of technology, fraud has emerged in an endless stream, whether it is the financial business rooted in digital technology or the digitalization of traditional finance. At present, the risk of financial fraud continues to expand, and the anti fraud situation is grim

Release date: October 13, 2022

WorldCom! The district medical insurance bureau launched a crackdown Fraud Spot check and reexamination of special rectification action of medical insurance fund

Contributed by the District Medical Insurance Bureau (Huang Songbin), hit by provincial and municipal medical insurance bureaus in 2022 Fraud The phased requirements of the special rectification action plan of the medical insurance fund, in late September, the self inspection of the designated medical institutions in the area will be carried out in the early stage

Release date: October 10, 2022

Current speed reading: Prevention and Care for the Elderly Fraud Publication and distribution of the Manual

Online news from the Bank of China Insurance News [Reporter Zhu Yanxia] Recently, the Ministry of Public Security, the National Office for the Aged and the China Association for the Aged jointly launched the "Prevention of Old age Care for the Elderly" Fraud Handbook, Prevention of Telecommunication Networks for the Elderly Fraud

Issued on: September 30, 2022

Global fast broadcast: the court of Tunxi District, Huangshan City publicly announced that a pension was involved Fraud case

According to the news released by the People's Court of Tunxi District, Huangshan City, on September 28, this afternoon, the court of Tunxi District publicly announced a judgment involving old-age care according to law Fraud Case. Raising funds for the defendant Jia Moumou Fraud Crime Fraud Crime sentence

Issued on: September 28, 2022

Watch it every day! Popularize trust finance knowledge and establish correct investment concept

□ Our reporter Fan Rongjie is currently in the period of "Financial Knowledge Popularization Month" in 2022. Many trust institutions have carried out online and offline activities to enrich the means of trust knowledge popularization and guide trust investors to build a tree

Issued on: September 27, 2022

Global quick look: the district medical insurance bureau strikes hard against deception Fraud Protect the behavior and protect the people's "life-saving money"

(1) Strengthen linkage and break information barriers. Actively dock with civil affairs, health and other departments, cooperate with each other, exchange information, locate doubtful data, and accurately verify that 64 people received treatment after death. The Joint Inspection Unit was established,

Issued on: September 22, 2022

Today's global headlines! Does the streaming call require transfer? Beijing Disease Control Reminder: Prevention of "Diaspora" Fraud ” 

People's Daily Online, the official microblog of the Beijing Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Beijing, September 22 (Reporter Sun Hongli) According to the official microblog of the Beijing Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention, recently, some netizens reported that they had received a report claiming that "Beijing disease

Issued on: September 22, 2022

World News: The Supreme Law: Strictly Punish Financial Crime Fund Raising Fraud The rate of severe punishment for crimes reached 78.78%

The Supreme People's Court held a press conference today (September 22) to introduce the work of punishing financial crimes according to law. Give full play to the role of criminal justice, punish financial crimes according to law, and maintain financial management order

Issued on: September 22, 2022

A scam to collect small household appliances for free is coming. Don't identify it easily and be careful about personal information leakage

As long as you identify the QR code, you can get small appliances for free. I believe many people have seen similar information. However, there may be huge hidden dangers behind this. Some criminals use the victim's

Issued on: September 21, 2022

Finance Fraud Frequent consumers should establish vigilance awareness and strengthen personal information protection

The day before yesterday, I was harassed by a stock recommendation fraud for a long time. Today, someone lied to me about asking me to lend money. Did the fraud catch my eye? On September 18, netizen Wang Li (a pseudonym) told the Beijing Business Daily reporter that he recently received

Issued on: September 20, 2022

Daily WeChat Headlines | Intelligently Breaking Suspected Gangs Fraud Medical insurance case

□ Liu Changjun reported several minor scratch accident insurance cases, but the claim application agent was the same person, the same mobile phone number and the same area. This series of unusual cases caused the claim investigators of Taikang Life Insurance Liaoning Branch to

Issued on: September 20, 2022

Today's selection: ABC Shanghai Xuhui Caoxi Sub branch successfully blocked a telecom Fraud

Recently, ABC Shanghai Xuhui Caoxi Sub branch successfully blocked a telecom Fraud To help customers avoid a capital loss of $50000. On September 9, Ms. Liu, a citizen, came to Caoxi, Xuhui, Shanghai, Agricultural Bank of China

Issued on: September 19, 2022

Daily headlines! The Wealth Supervision Group of Qiqihar Banking and Insurance Regulatory Bureau launched a crackdown on elderly care Fraud Publicity activities

Bank of China and Insurance News Online News [Li Huiyin, reporter Zhao Xiubin] Recently, the Wealth Supervision Group of Qiqihar Banking and Insurance Regulatory Bureau organized the banking and insurance institutions under its jurisdiction to carry out in-depth promotion of safety construction and crackdown and rectification throughout the county

Issued on: September 19, 2022

Communication! Information leakage, repeated fraud! Uncover finance Fraud "Black Hand" routine

However, it should be noted that no institution or individual may engage in various forms of securities and futures investment consulting business without the approval of the CSRC

Issued on: September 19, 2022

Global Today News Health Insurance Bureau: To deceive Fraud Protect the behavior "show the sword"

[Source: Jinhu County People's Government of Huai'an City department information] In order to protect the vital interests of the insured people and protect the "fund pool" of medical insurance, since this year, the Health Insurance Bureau has implemented the "sword action" to continue to combat fraud

Issued on: September 18, 2022


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