Information: Spring, summer, autumn and winter month Start?

Spring, summer, autumn and winter are divided into 3, 4 and 5 month 6, 7, 8 in summer month , September, October and November in autumn month 12, 1, 2 in winter month This is divided by temperature. according to month Come and row

Issued on: November 29, 2022

Third extension! Oceanwide Holdings plans to month The payment of USD bonds will be postponed to May 23, 2023

On November 28, Zhonghuanet Finance and Economics News: Oceanwide Holdings (000046 SZ) released a progress announcement on the issuance of overseas dollar bonds by overseas wholly-owned subsidiaries, saying that the company originally planned to month Remaining principal of USD bond is about 2

Release date: November 28, 2022

Daily quick news! China month Cold?

It will be cold in China about September, that is, it turns cold one month after the beginning of autumn, and the temperature drops. However, the coldest in China should be the severe cold and mild cold in the season, which will last as long as one month, with long nights and short days,

Issued on: November 27, 2022

1-9 month , Xuancheng City's county financial revenue was announced, Guangde opposed Ningguo, and Xuanzhou ranked third

Fiscal revenue is an important reference index to measure the quality of a local economic development, and also an important material basis for achieving local economic development, which is often referred to as the "purse". Xuancheng City is located in the east of Anhui Province

Issued on: November 27, 2022

[Global Focus] Central Bank: 10 month A total of 4583.22 billion yuan of bonds were issued

Central Bank: 10 month A total of 4583.2 billion yuan of various bonds were issued

Release date: November 26, 2022

Global Focus: Central Bank: 10 month The bond market issued 4.58 trillion yuan of various bonds

Central Bank: 10 month A total of 458 trillion yuan of various bonds were issued in the bond market

Release date: November 25, 2022

nine month Is it hot to Mount Putuo?

It's not so hot when you go to Mount Putuo in September. The temperature is between 22 and 30 degrees. The tourist attraction you can't miss is Guanyin Temple, which is also a famous scenic spot in Mount Putuo. The incense fire is quite prosperous

Issued on: November 23, 2022

[New World Vision] LPR has remained unchanged for three consecutive months! eleven month One year 3.65% Five year 4.30%

On November 21, Zhonghuanet Finance and Economics learned from the official website of the People's Bank of China that the People's Bank of China authorized the National Interbank Funding Center to announce that the loan market quoted rate (LPR) is: 1 year LPR is 3 65

Issued on: November 21, 2022

seven month What grass can be planted in shrimp ponds?

How and what to plant grass in shrimp ponds? Recommended content: How and what to plant grass in shrimp ponds? The best answer is recommended by the questioner. Anonymous users should pay attention to the following points when planting aquatic plants in shrimp ponds: 1. Types of aquatic plants

Release date: November 18, 2022

Southern pickled dried turnip table month fit?

ten month Main ingredients in November: white radish, salt, ginger, garlic. Specific methods: white radish can be cleaned, cut into pieces or strips, and put into a large basin with appropriate amount of

Issued on: November 17, 2022

How to eat shepherd's purse? What is the northern shepherd's purse called? Several month The shepherd's purse is the best?

How to eat shepherd's purse? Shepherd's purse can be taken directly with fresh products, taken orally with decoction, or taken after being made into pills or powders with professional tools. Shepherd's purse is a common food material as well as a traditional Chinese medicine

Issued on: November 17, 2022

Daily WeChat Headlines month Is the swimming crab fat?

Hello 12 month The swimming crab is not very fat. The second mother swimming crab is also a kind of swimming crab, so when the second mother swimming crab is fat, it is also the time when the swimming crab is fat. Generally, it is best to eat swimming crab in August November every year

Issued on: November 17, 2022

Current speed reading: Do Portunus have meat in March?

The pike crab meat in March is average, 8 to 10 month Is the fattest. Portunus in August to October every year month The fattest, because this is the fattening period of Portunus sinensis, its body width can reach 130 mm, and the Portunus sinensis

Issued on: November 17, 2022

Rolling every day: 10 month The national economy continues to recover

□ Our reporter Tan Lezhi held the 10th meeting of the National People's Congress month At the press conference on the operation of the national economy, Fu Linghui, director of the National Economic Comprehensive Statistics Department of the National Bureau of Statistics, said that month International ring

Release date: November 16, 2022

Non bank financing of real estate enterprises in the year 10 month Positive year-on-year growth for the first time

Non bank financing of real estate enterprises in the year 10 month Positive year-on-year growth for the first time

Issued on: November 8, 2022

Observation: Winter 12 month How many months did the planted strawberry bear fruit?

March results. Choose to plant strawberry in winter. If the environment is suitable for its growth, it will bear fruit in about 3 months. If seeds are used for planting, the curing time will be longer for the desired results

Issued on: November 7, 2022

New World News: July 8 of the solar calendar in Linyi month Do you have any strawberries?

seven month And strawberries. Strawberry ripening time is about 2-3 month The real harvest is 4-5 month Every December to the first day of the next year month It's the peak season for picking strawberries, but the strawberries in this period are basically

Issued on: November 7, 2022

Watch it every day! Cockroach table month It's gone

About cockroaches month Completely missing content, including how many month It is the most thorough way to kill cockroaches month Huh? Cockroach table month Not much month No cockroaches? That's so annoying

Date of issue: November 5, 2022

Central Bank: 9 month A total of 5201.59 billion yuan of various bonds were issued in the bond market

Central Bank: 9 month A total of 52015.9 billion yuan of various bonds were issued in the bond market

Release date: October 31, 2022

Global Focus: Municipal Aquatic Station Releases November 12, 2022 month Prediction of aquaculture diseases

11-12 month In winter, the weather in our city is cold, fish consumption is low, and the incidence of various fish diseases is relatively low. 1、 Disease prediction 1. Conventional fish: a few fish have gill rot, enteritis, red skin disease

Date of issue: 2022-10-26

Statistics Bureau: 1-9 month Investment in real estate development nationwide dropped by 8.0%, and investment in housing fell by 7.5%

On October 24, the official website of the National Bureau of Statistics released January September 2022 month National real estate development investment data.

Issued on: October 24, 2022

Current observation: 12 month Do sea crabs eat male or female?

Usually, in December, male crabs begin to appear and are sold on the market. This time, male crabs are big and it is the best time to enjoy delicious food. Crab's heart, stomach, gills and intestines. These four departments

Issued on: October 24, 2022

Global News Today! eleven month Are hairy crabs still fat?

Hairy Crab Mother Crab Lunar Calendar 9 month The fattest. Hairy crab is a common kind of river crab in life, also known as Chinese mitten crab. Its meat is fat and nutritious. It is generally 8-9 per year month It will come into the market when

Issued on: October 22, 2022

Global hot news: August 2022 to retirement age, 9 month Yes, when can I get a pension?

According to the current policy, if retirement is approved in the month of birthday, the social security agency department will issue pensions to retirees from the month after the approval of retirement. This is the usual practice. nine month Retirement, 10 month Get pension

Release date: October 19, 2022

Global Today News! Pomelo table month Eat best

About pomelo table month Eat the best content, including pomelo table month Eat a few month Grapefruit is the best? How many grapefruit can you eat month

Release date: October 18, 2022

Daily report: Statistics Bureau: 9 month CPI rose 2.8% year on year, pork prices rose 36%

September 2022 month Consumer prices nationwide rose 28% year on year. Among them, urban growth was 27% and rural growth was 31%; Food prices rose by 88%, while non food prices rose by 15%; Consumer goods prices rose 4 3%

Release date: October 14, 2022

Daily headlines | Statistics Bureau: 9 month PPI rose 0.9% year on year and fell 0.1% month on month

September 2022 month The ex factory price of industrial producers across the country rose by 0.9% year on year and dropped by 0.1% month on month; The purchase price of industrial producers increased by 26% year on year and decreased by 0.5% month on month. From January to September, the average output of industrial producers

Release date: October 14, 2022

Current developments: 9 month How to choose flower crabs?

The following points should be paid attention to when selecting flower crabs: 1. Look at the male and female. Choose female crabs in August and September of the lunar calendar, and male crabs after September. Because the gonads of male and female crabs mature in these two periods, the best time for taste and nutrition is also different. 2、

Release date: October 13, 2022

Global WeChat: Central Bank: 9 month The increase in the scale of social financing was 3.53 trillion yuan, 624.5 billion yuan more than the same period last year

Central Bank: 9 month The increase in the scale of social financing was 353 trillion yuan, 624.5 billion yuan more than the same period last year

Release date: October 11, 2022

Focus today! The sales amount of Jiayuan International in the first nine months decreased by 61.11% year-on-year 9 month Received a petition for bond liquidation

On October 11, Zhonghuanet Finance and Economics News: Jiayuan International Holdings (2768 HK) released a nine month sales briefing as of September 30, 2022, which showed that month The contract sales amount of Jiayuan International is about 981 yuan

Release date: October 11, 2022


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