Current hot: Don't invisible Wear glasses“ invisible Killer "

Recently, a long-term wearer invisible The woman with glasses suddenly felt that her eyes were extremely stinging, and she had red eyes, dry eyes, photophobia and other symptoms. After medical treatment, the ophthalmologist of a hospital found that the woman's cornea had edema

Release date: November 24, 2022

Global Express: Vein Thromboembolism: Pregnancy and Maternity invisible Killer!

Venous thromboembolism (VTE) refers to the abnormal coagulation of blood in the vein, which blocks the blood vessels. It is a venous reflux disorder. It includes deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary thromboembolism. This disease is often acute

Issued on: November 23, 2022

Global hot news: What will Dai Meitong do after sleeping for two hours?

It is recommended not to sleep with them. invisible Glasses are corneal contact lenses. When they contact the cornea directly, they should have high requirements to avoid adverse effects on health. They have weak oxygen permeability and are prone to egg production

Issued on: November 11, 2022

Consumer electronics cross-border“ invisible Champion ", Lewu NOVOO makes efforts to open the second growth curve in the domestic market

3C digital accessories are usually a red sea in the eyes of most cross-border sellers. However, from the perspective of Lewu Novoo brand, which integrates industry and trade, this track has great potential. Lewu Novoo hopes to become an overseas parts market

Issued on: November 7, 2022

What should pupils do about myopia? How does myopic eye restore vision slowly?

What should pupils do about myopia? Pupils' myopia, also known as children's myopia, is a kind of ametropia. If the eyes are used too close, too long, too dark, and unsanitary, the ciliary muscles in the eyes will lose

Issued on: November 2, 2022

Watch it now! State Food and Drug Administration: Increase the color of illegal production and operation invisible Investigation and punishment of eyewear behavior

People's Daily Online, Beijing, November 1 (Reporter Sun Hongli) According to the official website of the State Food and Drug Administration, on October 28, the Department of Medical Device Supervision of the State Food and Drug Administration held a color conference invisible The video report on the special rectification of glasses pointed out that,

Issued on: November 1, 2022

Watch it now! How can the cornea be perforated after wearing too many beautiful eyes?!

How to wear beauty pupil correctly?

Release date: October 30, 2022

3 "20" to eliminate visual fatigue

Looking at the computer screen for a long time may cause dry eyes, tingling, and even headache. There is a simple way to alleviate the above symptoms: remove your eyes from the screen every 20 minutes, and move to 20 feet (about 6

Issued on: October 28, 2022

Global rolling: It is said that only myopic people can understand this picture

What's the use of the red house seen during optometry?

Release date: October 18, 2022

On World Health Day, Juhuasuan went online to "let invisible "And pay attention to the health of middle-aged and elderly people

On the World Health Day on October 13 this year, Vista Look Around the World and Fruit Shell jointly gathered together to launch an initiative to care for the hidden diseases of middle-aged and elderly people, and at the same time, launch a special activity to invisible The old problems of the public are seen, and we appeal to the public

Release date: October 14, 2022

View every day! Shop in decorative colors invisible Tips for glasses consumption

Decorative color invisible Glasses (commonly known as "beautiful pupil"), whose professional name is "corneal contact lens". Because it directly covers the corneal surface and closely contacts with eye tissue, it is directly related to human eye safety and has a high risk

Release date: October 10, 2022

Current view: "female trapeze" invisible Health Killer

There are often female friends in the circle of friends who send out photos of their frequent business trips. What health risks will these "flying women" who travel at least 3 to 4 times a month cause by their frequent business trips? Coping with women

Issued on: September 22, 2022

World Information: Science Popularization Do You Really Know Beauty Pupil?

[Source: Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture Market Supervision BureauWork News] Decorative color flat light invisible Science popularization knowledge of glasses (beauty pupil) LOVEEYES decorative color flat light invisible Glasses (beautiful pupil) are used for

Issued on: September 20, 2022

[Global Times News] State Food and Drug Administration: strictly control color invisible Quality and safety risks of glasses

People's Daily Online, Beijing, September 8 (Reporter Sun Hongli) On September 7, the State Food and Drug Administration held a standardized color conference invisible Video conference on special rectification of glasses production and operation behavior requires drug regulatory authorities at all levels to take strict precautions and control

Issued on: September 8, 2022

Current observation: Does cucumber need to wash after dressing

Do you need to wash your face after applying cucumber facial mask? Do you want to wash your face after cucumber dressing? Do you want to wash your face after applying fresh cucumber slices? After applying cucumber slices to face, return

Release date: 2022-09-07

Rolling: the eyes blow into the sand, and the woman rubs the eyes invisible Glasses crumpled to pieces

"Several times, I took it invisible I can't find my glasses invisible Glasses. Last week, because I rubbed my eyes, it was the doctor who helped me find what was broken in the eye invisible Glasses. "

Release date: 2022-09-06

State Food and Drug Administration: color invisible Special rectification action for glasses to eliminate potential safety risks

Recently, the website of the State Food and Drug Administration released the "On the Standardization of Decorative Color invisible Notice on Special Rectification Action for Glasses Production and Operation Behavior. The Notice clearly states that from September 1

Issued on: September 5, 2022

Public offering fund shares in the second quarter, including liquor, medical, etc

With the end of the disclosure of the semi annual report, the shareholding of public funds in the second quarter was exposed. By the end of the second quarter of this year, the total number of public funds in the whole market was 9794, with a net asset value of 2694547.5 billion yuan, compared with the previous year

Date of issue: 2022-09-02

World Focus! Two plum trees, one gram of salt“ invisible So much salt!

Shut up! These foods taste sweet, but their salt content is very high!

Issued on: August 18, 2022

Daily observation! Anesthesia nurse: in the operating room invisible Angels, but few people know and value

Anesthesia nurse: in the operating room invisible Angels, but few people know and value

Issued on: August 3, 2022

[Global Time News] How to arrange the time flow of myopia surgery reasonably?

Softness invisible Stop wearing glasses for 1 week, hard invisible Glasses and softness with astigmatism invisible The glasses were stopped for 3 weeks, and the corneal shaping glasses were stopped for 3 months; The fundus examination and optometry need mydriasis, so when you go to the hospital for examination, you must

Issued on: August 1, 2022

What's the point of the world: What is the reason why ophthalmologists do not perform myopia surgery?

Laser surgery is divided into full laser (previously known as laser), half femtosecond laser and full femtosecond laser.

Issued on: July 25, 2022

Shenzhen's new material industry scale continues to expand, and the birth of subdivisions“ invisible Champion "

A small new graphene heat conduction film can help improve the heat dissipation efficiency of mobile phones by 20% - 30%; A pressure-sensitive PVC insulating tape named KC63 will not age even in the harsh outdoor environment for a long time

Issued on: July 22, 2022

Daily hot spot: When performing myopia surgery in summer, we must pay attention to these three points!

Not everyone can have myopia surgery, nor can they do it at any time. Deputy Chief Physician, member of the Refraction Sub committee of the Ophthalmology Special Committee of China Association of Non public Medical Institutions, and Aier Eye Hospital affiliated to Wuhan University

Issued on: July 14, 2022

Daily Express: Can I wear it if my pupil is a little cracked

About the content of "Can I wear a little bit with a broken eye?", including "Can I wear a little bit with a broken eye?"

Issued on: July 14, 2022

Global quick news! What can I do if my eyes are worn

The content about what to do with Meitong after wearing it, including what to do with Meitong when wearing it, why to wear Meitong when the hair is dry and the right eye is still worn. What to do with Dai Mei's eyes? What to do with Mei Mei's eyes

Issued on: July 14, 2022

Latest news: can I take the beauty pupil with a little broken edge

The content about whether the edge of the beautiful pupil is a little damaged can you still take it? It includes that if the edge of the beautiful pupil is a little damaged, can you continue to wear morphine? If the edge of the beautiful pupil is a little damaged, can you still take it

Issued on: July 14, 2022

World popular: choose color invisible Glasses, what are the precautions?

[Source: Healthy China] Original title: Color invisible Glasses, what are the precautions? colour invisible Glasses are sought after because they can make eyes look big and bright due to various beautiful colors and styles

Issued on: July 12, 2022

Attention today: choose color invisible Glasses, what are the precautions

Select color invisible Glasses, what are the precautions

Issued on: July 12, 2022

Hot article every day: Huaibei Education Bureau's latest release: crack down on disciplines invisible Variation training

Xin'an Evening News Anhui Wangda Anhui News According to the Huaibei Education Bureau, on July 7, the Huaibei Education Bureau issued a warm reminder about after-school training during the summer vacation, reminding parents that all compulsory education stages in the city

Issued on: July 8, 2022


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