China Minsheng Bank Urumqi Branch Business Department : Popularize financial knowledge and carry forward the pioneering spirit

In the golden autumn season, the sky is clean and cool. In the face of the sudden COVID-19 epidemic, everyone pressed the "pause" button in their work and life, but we firmly believe that as long as we work together,

Release date: October 8, 2022

China Minsheng Bank Urumqi Branch Business Department : Popularize financial knowledge and carry forward the pioneering spirit

In the golden autumn season, the sky is clean and cool. In the face of the sudden COVID-19 epidemic, everyone pressed the "pause" button in their work and life, but we firmly believe that as long as we work together,

Release date: October 8, 2022

Global quick reading: place orders on behalf of multiple customers by reporting mobile phones, Business Department Staff's "low-level violations" are impossible to prevent, exposing the industry's gray operations for many years

A subsidiary of CSC Business Department Compliance issues arise, Business Department And its employees to issue a warning letter.

Issued on: September 16, 2022

Global WeChat: more than half of Shenzhen in July Business Department Loss, the chill in the third quarter is not small? The net profit cut by half, and the commission sales revenue dropped by 90%, which may become the epitome of the industry

The second quarter, which had already warmed up, saw another cold snap in July. According to the latest data, Shenzhen jurisdiction in July Business Department The operating revenue totaled 113.6 billion yuan, down 19.66% month on month; The total profit was cut to 28.8 billion yuan

Issued on: September 1, 2022

Daily SMS: Due to the introduction of fictitious financial products to customers, Essence Securities I Business Department Warning letter issued

Upon investigation, Andersen Securities Chengdu Longteng East Road Business Department The Sichuan Securities Regulatory Bureau has decided to take the following measures against the employees' behavior of promoting fictitious financial products to customers to seek illegitimate interests: Business Department The supervisor who issues a warning letter

Issued on: July 21, 2022

Daily hot spot: Sichuan Branch of Agricultural Development Bank of China Business Department : Keep the "three rural" basic plate and help the "ecological dream" around the city

According to the latest data from the Bank of China Insurance News, as of the end of May, the Agricultural Development Bank of China Sichuan Branch Business Department A total of 954.1 billion yuan of loans were granted, with a loan balance of 4088.7 billion yuan, an increase of 117.5 billion yuan or 29% over the beginning of the year

Issued on: June 22, 2022

Tangshan Branch of Bank of Hebei Business Department Hold the theme activity of offering gifts to the celebration

To celebrate the 26th anniversary of the establishment of Bank of Hebei, Tangshan Branch of Bank of Hebei Business Department The theme activity of "Gratitude grows together, and river travel is accompanied by" salary "" was held to celebrate the trip. after Business Department Two week

Issued on: June 6, 2022

Two state owned companies in Jinhua Development Zone successfully issued targeted debt financing instruments worth 2 billion yuan

On May 4, it was learned from the State owned Assets Supervision Center of Jinhua Development Zone that under the background of complex and severe epidemic prevention and control situation and increasingly tight financing situation this year, two state-owned enterprises in Jinhua Development Zone recently overcame the April 15 epidemic

Issued on: May 7, 2022

How to open a stock account? What materials need to be prepared for offline stock account opening?

Stock account opening can be online or offline. First, offline account opening. First, offline account opening Business Department To open an account. 2. Opening corresponding shareholder accounts,

Issued on: May 7, 2022

Another disaster caused by compliance risk control, two CITIC Securities Business Department Repeated punishment

On April 21, Jiangsu Securities Regulatory Bureau issued three tickets in succession to two CITIC Securities Jiangsu Branch Business Department Take the decision to order corrective measures and issue a warning letter to the two persons involved. One month ago, CITIC Securities Jiang

Issued on: April 24, 2022

Xixiang Rural Commercial Bank Headquarters Business Department Hold 2022 county wide key construction project financial service follow-up research and judgment meeting

In order to further deepen the cooperation between the government and the bank, optimize the financial services for key projects in the county, and promote the high-quality development of the county economy, recently, the headquarters of Xixiang Rural Commercial Bank Business Department Financial services for key construction projects in 2022 were held

Issued on: April 13, 2022

Due to the lax implementation of the "three checks" system for loans, West Street, Bank of Ordos Business Department Fined 300000 yuan

Ordos West Street, Ordos Bank Co., Ltd Business Department The implementation of the "three checks" system for loans was not strict and the person directly responsible for the "three checks" system was not strict Business Department Liu Zhongmin was fined 300000 yuan and given a warning.

Issued on: November 1, 2021

Essence Securities I Business Department The person in charge is issued a warning letter for introducing others to carry out entrusted financing in violation of regulations

On May 11, Guangdong Securities Regulatory Bureau issued a letter to Anson Securities I Business Department Person in charge Zhou Jumin issued a warning letter. According to the investigation, Zhou Jumin is working as an employee of Essence Securities, Guangzhou Nansha Jingang Avenue Securities Business Department During the period of responsible person, the CSRC failed to implement the account real name system

Issued on: May 12, 2021

gf securities Business Department The president's illegal stock trading amount is nearly 1.2 billion, and the profit is 15 million

According to the investigation of the CSRC, Jiang Moutao served as Guangfa Securities from March 28, 2007 to March 6, 2019 Business Department During the period of responsible person, as a securities practitioner, he used multiple accounts to buy and sell stocks in violation of regulations, with a trading amount of nearly 1.2 billion yuan, making a profit

Issued on: March 30, 2021


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