What is the "mycoplasma pneumonia" on the hot search?

Source: Recently, many hospitals across the country have seen more patients infected with Mycoplasma pneumoniae, most of whom are children. What is mycoplasma? What age children are easy to get? Will adults also get it? lower

Release date: October 16, 2023

It's cold and easy to freeze. Quick learn some moves to protect joints

When the cold air suddenly strikes, Beijing enters the winter with one click, and everything enters the stage of closing Tibet. Those who pay attention to health care must have already worked hard to prepare a winter health care plan. In addition to tonifying, proper exercise in winter is beneficial to the human body

Issued on: September 1, 2023

How to choose antihypertensive drugs for hypertensive intracerebral hemorrhage patients

The weather gradually turns cool, the temperature drops, the elasticity of human blood vessels decreases, and patients with hypertensive cerebral hemorrhage tend to increase. The typical symptoms of cerebral hemorrhage are severe headache, nausea and vomiting, local neurological dysfunction

Issued on: August 29, 2023

How is there a nodule in the lung? How to eliminate female pulmonary nodules?

How is there a nodule in the lung? Pulmonary nodules are pulmonary Imaging examination As a result, it may or may not matter. Nodules in the lung may be caused by virus or bacteria infection or lung tumor

Issued on: June 26, 2023

What is diffuse liver injury? Does diffuse liver disease need treatment?

What is diffuse liver injury? Diffuse liver disease refers to liver tissue disease Imaging examination A performance of. Diffuse liver disease is common in patients with hepatitis B, because the virus replicates for a long time

Issued on: May 26, 2023

What are the general items of the induction physical examination? Do you need an empty stomach for the entry physical examination?

What are the general items of the induction physical examination? First, routine examination of sight, touch, percussion and hearing of heart, lung, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, spleen, kidney and other important organs in internal medicine and surgery. II. Items of blood sampling inspection

Issued on: May 4, 2023

Where is the inguinal lymph node? How to judge inguinal lymph node enlargement?

Where is the inguinal lymph node? 1. Superficial inguinal lymph nodes: located below the inguinal ligament and on the surface of the fascia lata, they are divided into upper and lower groups. The upper group has 5-6 lymph nodes below the inguinal ligament

Issued on: March 3, 2023

Is the lung infection without fever more serious? What are the three most feared signs of lung infection?

Is the lung infection without fever more serious? If there is infection in the lung but no fever, it needs to be combined Imaging examination , such as chest X-ray CT, also needs to be combined with laboratory tests, such as blood gas analysis, procalcitonin

Issued on: March 3, 2023

What is ct examination? Which is more accurate, ct or color ultrasound?

What is ct examination? CT examination is a kind of Imaging examination Technology, specifically refers to the computer X-ray tomography technology. It is applied according to the different absorption and transmittance of X-ray in different tissues of the human body

Issued on: December 2, 2022

Early screening and early diagnosis of lung cancer are very important. How should different items be selected?

At present, lung cancer is the tumor with the highest morbidity and mortality in China. Early screening, early diagnosis and early treatment (the third early stage of clinical diseases) are very important. For early lung cancer screening

Issued on: August 24, 2022

Is tuberculosis contagious? One move to determine whether you have tuberculosis

Is tuberculosis contagious? Tuberculosis is an infectious disease of the respiratory tract. The patient is infectious, so it can be transmitted mainly through the respiratory tract, through coughing, expectoration, and spitting

Issued on: June 28, 2022



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