What about loose teeth? Is Bushen Guchi Pill effective for loose teeth?

What about loose teeth? If the teeth are slightly loose, the causes should be analyzed. For example, if the teeth are loose due to trauma, in a short time, the loose teeth should not be forced or eaten to rest,

Release date: November 30, 2022

dental periphery How is inflammation treated most effectively? How to judge whether it is gingivitis or dental periphery Inflammation?

dental periphery How is inflammation treated most effectively? 1 Antibiotic treatment: select appropriate sensitive antibiotics to actively fight infection, such as metronidazole injection, oral or intravenous administration, which can eliminate local inflammation, and is also the most

Release date: November 18, 2022

Do you distinguish between tooth stains, tartar, dental plaque and dental calculus?

Tooth stains? Tooth tartar? Plaque? Dental calculus? Although these substances are all adhered to the tooth surface, they are fundamentally different. They have their own "characteristics"

Date of issue: 2022-11-09

[Daily News] Laser, dental periphery A sharp weapon for disease treatment

Laser, dental periphery Laser and dental periphery Abscess, laser and dental periphery Cure, laser and special crowd treatment

Issued on: November 8, 2022

dental periphery Disease must be prevented and treated How to prevent it in daily life dental periphery Illness?

Why don't your teeth hurt dental periphery Inflammation? Is it normal for gums to bleed when chewing apples dental periphery Disease should be prevented and treated. A toothache that is not painful is also a disease where bacteria accumulate around the teeth, and then the human body will produce a killing effect

Issued on: September 19, 2022

Daily highlights: Shanghai: the caries rate of 5-year-old children's deciduous teeth exceeds 65% for middle-aged and elderly people dental periphery Low health rate

In an interview, Wang Ying said frankly that "missing teeth" should not be despised, which will not only affect the health of other teeth, but also "bad" the whole body. The 34th "National Teeth Love Day" photographed by Xu Lanqing is coming

Issued on: September 19, 2022

Today's hot article: netizen: medical insurance cannot be used for many dental treatments. The cost of dental treatment is high. What items can be paid by the medical insurance fund according to regulations?

[Source: Shantou Municipal People's Government Hotspot Response] Reply: according to the relevant national and provincial requirements, our city implements the unified medical insurance drugs, diagnosis and treatment projects, medical consumables directory, dental pulp treatment, children's teeth

Issued on: August 31, 2022

[News from the World] Can loose teeth recover?

[Source: Wuhu Disease Control] Q Can loose teeth recover? A The answer is: not necessarily. Under normal circumstances, the teeth have a certain degree of movement, generally not more than 0.02mm, which is not easy to be detected. But we

Issued on: July 29, 2022

What are the precautions after tooth washing? Will the crevice recover by itself after tooth washing?

What are the precautions after tooth washing? 1. After tooth washing, there will be slight bleeding and ulceration of the gums. Therefore, do not eat spicy, overheated and hard food. The gums have a strong recovery ability, usually bleeding after 1-2 days

Issued on: July 29, 2022

What is? dental periphery Inflammation? dental periphery What are the treatment methods for inflammation?

What is? dental periphery Inflammation? dental periphery Inflammation is the invasion of gums and dental periphery Chronic inflammation of tissues is a destructive disease, and its main characteristics are dental periphery Bag formation and inflammation of bag wall, alveolar bone absorption and gradual tooth loosening

Issued on: July 19, 2022

Xing Mingming, Ruier Dental Doctor: dental periphery Just like the foundation, someone needs to tamp it

Some things must be done by someone. As far as Dr. Xing Mingming is concerned, this is a matter of moving forward firmly dental periphery Be a good person on the way dental periphery doctor. Xing Mingming Ruier Dental Department dental periphery Specialist Sichuan University Hua

Issued on: June 17, 2022

"Small stones" grow out of the gap between your teeth, which still stinks if you can't brush them off? Zoom in 1000 times to see what it is?

"Doctor, I have a bad toothache, and it is difficult to eat." When the doctor examined Ms. Zhang's teeth, he couldn't help but be dumbfounded. He had been practicing medicine for many years, and he was also a person who had seen "the world". Before seeing Ms. Zhang, he

Issued on: May 14, 2022

China's development of tooth regeneration technology is expected to make dentures history

# China's development of tooth regeneration technology is expected to make dentures history # In the world's speed oriented environment, Liu Yi's "slow" seems out of place, but this time, she is ahead. It doesn't take a long time

Issued on: April 21, 2022

Nearly 50% of 3-year-old children have dental caries, and less than 10% of middle-aged and elderly people dental periphery healthy! Caring for oral health and taking action

Today (March 20) is the 15th World Oral Health Day. The theme of this year is "Proud of Healthy Oral Health", which aims to hope everyone cares about their oral health. To implement the Healthy Shanghai Action

Issued on: March 20, 2022

It is easy to cause dental diseases such as pulpitis in spring. It is recommended to drink more water and eat more light diet

The large temperature difference between morning and evening in spring will affect the human body's ability to regulate itself. The toothache symptoms of some people are also related to the temperature change. Xing Puchunti, stomatologist of Nankai Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine affiliated to Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Issued on: March 3, 2022

Exclusive interview with President Du Yan: show ingenuity and do dental periphery Health Guardian

Among the doctors interviewed, Dean Du Yan is one who seldom reveals his inner feelings. He is concise and comprehensive about his special identity as a military doctor and the academic bully label of a doctor. However, in

Issued on: May 31, 2021

Big shot | President Zhang Dongxin of United Dentistry dental periphery Inflammation: The gentle knife of a health killer has to be prevented!

dental periphery Inflammation, a relatively mild and non malignant health killer, is a gentle blow to people's health. Although it is not fatal, it is enough to make the quality of life of most people suffer a Waterloo in the second half of their lives, eventually leading to

Issued on: January 7, 2021


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