What are the nutritional values of sufu? Is sufu high in purine?

What are the nutritional values of sufu? Sufu is rich in vitamin B12 and iron, which can promote hemoglobin Synthesis, improve hematopoietic function, and prevent pernicious anemia. Sufu also contains a lot of protein

Issued on: May 30, 2023

What is iron deficiency anemia in children? How to treat children with iron deficiency anemia?

What is iron deficiency anemia in children? Iron deficiency anemia in children is a nutritional disease, mainly caused by iron deficiency hemoglobin Decrease. There are three levels of general iron deficiency anemia, mild iron deficiency anemia

Issued on: April 11, 2023

How is soy sauce urine? Does soy sauce urinate by itself?

How is soy sauce urine? Soy sauce urine can be observed to be reddish brown with the naked eye, mainly because the urine contains a large amount of hemoglobin With a small amount of myoglobin. It is commonly seen clinically in broad bean disease

Issued on: March 16, 2023

Do you want to boil the water?

In brief, the repeatedly boiled water contains trace elements such as calcium, magnesium, chlorine and heavy metals, which has been proved by experiments that the nitrate in the water will become toxic nitrite after repeatedly boiling

Issued on: March 6, 2023

hemoglobin What is the normal value? What is the most obvious sign of anemia?

hemoglobin What is the normal value? hemoglobin The normal range of values is 120-160g L for adult males and 110-150g L for adult females. If the adult male is less than 120g L, it is hemoglobin Less; Adult female

Issued on: February 27, 2023

Can dried longan be soaked in wine?

Longan is longan, which is called longan when it is fresh and longan when it is dried. Longan is a good tonic with the functions of supplementing qi, nourishing blood, appetizing spleen, calming nerves and improving intelligence. But there are some drawbacks

Issued on: February 22, 2023

How to keep the washed cherries?

Cherry is called "cherry" in most parts of China, and Cherry in Taiwan and Guangdong. Because the flesh of cherries is soft and the skin is thin, they are particularly easy to break when touched. It is more difficult to save, generally

Issued on: February 20, 2023

What is the meaning of low red blood cells? hemoglobin What can I take to make it up?

What is the meaning of low red blood cells? Low red blood cells also refer to anemia. For patients with anemia hemoglobin The quantity of, hemoglobin More than 90g/L is mild anemia, blood red

Issued on: February 3, 2023

Saccharification hemoglobin What does Gao mean? Saccharification hemoglobin How much is normal?

Saccharification hemoglobin What does Gao mean? Saccharification hemoglobin High has two meanings. The first one is diabetes and saccharification hemoglobin Positive correlation with plasma glucose, the second formula

Issued on: January 28, 2023

Finger clip oximeter, blood oxygen watch, blood oxygen APP... which is reliable? We made a scientific evaluation, and the doctor gave professional advice. Collect it quickly!

After a sheep, it is just necessary to measure blood oxygen saturation at home. Is it reliable? Scientific evaluation Expert science popularization, full of dry goods, don't miss it!

Issued on: January 15, 2023

Daily news! What is the frequently named "blood oxygen saturation"? One article understanding →

What is the frequently named "blood oxygen saturation"?

Issued on: January 13, 2023

Why should fried vegetables not be heated repeatedly?

Cooked vegetables should not be placed for a long time and should not be heated repeatedly. With the heating and seasoning during cooking, there must be water and water soluble nutrients in vegetables. The longer the storage time, the more precipitated material

Issued on: January 8, 2023

Global Insight: How bad will your body become after losing these six things?

Doctor, in one minute, his posture keeps rising

Release date: December 30, 2022

Can you eat cherries and blueberries?

Can eat together.; Cherry is warm in nature, rich in water, carbohydrate, anthocyanin, sugar, vitamin A, carotene, calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, iron and other nutrients; Blueberries are mild, cool and rich

Issued on: December 29, 2022

hemoglobin What does concentration mean? female sex hemoglobin What's good for eating on the low side?

hemoglobin What does concentration mean? hemoglobin Concentration refers to the concentration of hemoglobin Content, which is the main component of red blood cells, that is, the body hemoglobin It is the main component of red blood cells

Issued on: December 7, 2022

hemoglobin What are the reasons for high? hemoglobin How to improve the high position?

hemoglobin What are the reasons for high? hemoglobin High volume is hemoglobin Increased concentration, hemoglobin When the concentration increases hemoglobin The concentration exceeds the normal range. Generally adult male hemoglobin strong

Issued on: December 5, 2022

Latest information: What nutrition does jujube and wolfberry have?

Dry and astringent eyes are caused by yin deficiency of liver and kidney in traditional Chinese medicine. It is a yin tonifying drug that persists in soaking lycium barbarum water into the liver and kidney meridians! In addition to staying up late and losing sleep, dark circles are more caused by blood circulation, which is unavoidable due to kidney deficiency and

Issued on: December 3, 2022

What is hemolysis? Why do doctors fear pregnant women with type O blood?

What is hemolysis? Hemolytic disease is actually hemolytic anemia. It can be seen at any age. The etiology of the disease includes the abnormality of erythrocyte membrane hemoglobin And congenital red blood cell destruction

Issued on: December 1, 2022

What is indirect bilirubin? How much more indirect bilirubin is serious?

What is indirect bilirubin? Bilirubin is the product of aging in the blood circulation, the decomposition and destruction of red blood cells in the mononuclear phagocytic system of liver, spleen and bone marrow, and the destruction of red blood cells and the release of hemoglobin , via

Issued on: November 27, 2022

Daily hot text: yoga+meditation, sugar control

A recent study by the University of Southern California found that yoga and meditation can help patients with type 2 diabetes control their blood sugar, which is comparable to metformin and other commonly used hypoglycemic drugs. The research team selected 28 items involving yoga and qi

Release date: November 25, 2022

What is acute carbon monoxide poisoning? How to deal with carbon monoxide poisoning?

What is acute carbon monoxide poisoning? Acute carbon monoxide poisoning generally refers to carbon monoxide poisoning. Carbon monoxide poisoning is caused by inhalation of the product of incomplete combustion of carbon containing substances through the respiratory tract, commonly known as gas

Release date: November 18, 2022

What is the thalassemia gene? Is female thalassemia terrible?

What is the thalassemia gene? Thalassemia gene is the direct cause of thalassemia, which is caused by a group of hereditary peptide chain synthesis disorders hemoglobin Abnormal disease. mediterranean sea

Issued on: November 2, 2022

Global news: why is amaranth soup red?

The red color of amaranth soup is related to the pigment contained in amaranth itself. 1: Amaranth, original name: Amaranthus tricolor, alias: Yanlaihong, old and young, old and young, tricolor, Latin name: Amaranthus tricolor, Amaranthaceae

Release date: October 9, 2022

[Hot Spots] Is the sugar index of oranges high?

The sugar index of oranges is not high. Every 100 grams of orange contains 0.8 grams of protein, 0.4 grams of fat, 124 grams of carbohydrates, and 47 kcal of energy. Orange has a glycemic index of 43, which is a low glycemic index food

Issued on: October 1, 2022

World view focus: pitaya, how many days can it be preserved at room temperature?

The shelf life can exceed 2 weeks at 25 ℃~30 ℃ room temperature. Under the low temperature of 5 ℃~9 ℃, the fresh pitaya fruit can be stored for more than one month without extrusion and collision. Efficacy and cultivation of pitaya fruit

Issued on: October 1, 2022

Current focus! Can you soak tremella in a vacuum cup?

Tremella can be put into the thermos. First, put the cleaned tremella into the thermos bottle with boiling water. The next day, pour the tremella soup into the pot, boil it on high heat and simmer it on low heat for 20 minutes, then drink the thick tremella soup. silver

Issued on: September 27, 2022

World rolling: how to select blood tonics correctly

Anemia refers to the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin Below the normal value, there are many reasons for anemia, and each blood tonic can only act on specific types of anemia, but it is ineffective for other types

Issued on: September 27, 2022

Dynamic: Do you understand all the relevant examinations of diabetes?

[Source: Huaihua Daily Digital News Huaihua Daily] Diabetes is a group of diseases with metabolic disorder and high blood sugar as the main clinical characteristics, and its main causes are insulin secretion defects and insulin resistance in different degrees

Issued on: September 16, 2022

World information: can you eat the tremella that has been put in place for five years

The content about whether the five year old tremella can be eaten includes whether the dried tremella can be eaten after more than one year, whether the dried tremella can be eaten after eight years, whether the shelf life of the dried tremella can be eaten after five to six years, whether the tremella can be eaten after three years

Issued on: September 15, 2022

Daily News: Can barley be drunk after its expiration date?

It is not recommended to drink barley leaf juice after its expiration date. Because if the shelf life is over, the taste will be greatly reduced, and there may be many bacteria. Barley leaves green juice, raw material is big

Issued on: September 9, 2022


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