Hot discussion every day! Yongfeng Erguotou is marked with "royal tribute wine", which is false propaganda Fined 200000 yuan

On December 1, according to the national enterprise credit information publicity system, many types of wine bottles such as Yongfeng 42 degree Beijing Erguotou (Huanglong) Liquor and the outer packaging of wine boxes were marked with words such as "from 1163 royal tribute liquor"

Issued on: December 1, 2022

Minsheng Bank Urumqi Branch carries out deposit insurance system propaganda Escort your deposit

This year marks the seventh anniversary of the implementation of the Deposit Insurance Regulations. In order to effectively improve the public's awareness and understanding of deposit insurance and safeguard their legitimate rights and interests, China Minsheng Bank Urumqi Branch actively practices

Release date: November 30, 2022

General Contracting Branch of Southwest Branch of China Construction Fourth Engineering Bureau started learning propaganda Spiritual upsurge of the 20th CPC National Congress

Recently, the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China was successfully held in Beijing. In order to further guide the general contracting branch of Southwest Branch of China Construction Fourth Engineering Bureau to deeply learn and understand the spirit of the conference

Issued on: November 29, 2022

Nucleon Huaxi, which has been repeatedly notified of violations, has established 16 nucleic acid institutions within the year, and has been involved in fraud propaganda Be filed

It is worth noting that the data statistics show that nuclear gene has registered 16 "Nuclear China Sunlight" in 2022 alone, and the registration time is mostly concentrated in the past three months, and the two companies have been renamed "Nuclear China Sunlight".

Issued on: November 29, 2022

Keep the People's Money Bag, Shaoxing Bank Finance propaganda Enter the countryside

In order to further implement the requirements of the Notice of the Office of the Joint Conference of the State Council on Counterfeit Currency Work on Further Strengthening Counterfeit Currency Work in Rural Areas (Guo Fang Fa [2002] No. 4), Huang Yan, Bank of Shaoxing

Release date: November 25, 2022

Current observation: 14 types of original beer detection: 11 types of cooked beer fake original beer, and one type of Taishan original beer is suspected of being false propaganda

Are all kinds of original beer on the market with different shelf life really the original beer you want? Is there anything "fishy" in it?

Issued on: November 21, 2022

Zhaoqing Banking and Insurance Industry Launches Financial Services for New Citizens propaganda Monthly activities

From November 10 to December 10, Zhaoqing Banking and Insurance Regulatory Bureau organized the banking and insurance industry within its jurisdiction to widely carry out financial services for new citizens with the theme of "warming up new citizens at the beginning of financial practice"

Issued on: November 17, 2022

The 5th OTC brand in China propaganda The closing station of the community health trip in June - Jinan Shuyu Civilian Station came to a successful end

In the morning of November 13, the fifth OTC brand in China propaganda June Community Health Walk - Jinan Shuyu Civilian Station was officially held! Dancing gracefully opened the wonderful curtain, and the cold wind could not stop the passion of Spring City. This activity was organized by

Release date: November 16, 2022

New world trend: Xuancheng Branch of Agricultural Development Bank of China started learning propaganda Upsurge in implementing the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress

Bank of China Insurance News Online News After the victory of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the party committee of Xuancheng Branch of Agricultural Development Bank of China organized party members and cadres to convey and learn the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and quickly set off a learning process propaganda Implement the Twentieth Anniversary of the CPC

Issued on: November 8, 2022

Suichang Tea Dragon Valley Brand propaganda The slogan collection activity ended successfully, with 15 works winning prizes

Recently, after extensive solicitation, online voting, offline expert review and other links, it was jointly issued by Suichang County People's Government, Suichang County Agricultural and Rural Bureau, Suichang County Financial Media, Alibaba Digital Rural Business Department

Issued on: November 4, 2022

Liaoning Releases the Development Plan of Red Tourism to Develop a Batch of Excellent Red Tourism Routes

On October 29, the reporter learned from the Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism that the recently issued Liaoning Provincial Red Tourism Development Plan (2022-2030) proposed to promote the high-quality development of red tourism in the province with a series of measures

Issued on: November 1, 2022

China Minsheng Bank Urumqi Branch actively launched the financial quality month of "financial standards for the people and enterprises" propaganda activity

In order to implement the National Standardization Development Outline and the 14th Five Year Development Plan for Financial Standardization and promote the high-level development of financial standardization, according to the relevant requirements of Urumqi Central Sub branch of the People's Bank of China

Release date: October 31, 2022

Today's report The 53rd National Medicinal Materials and Drugs Fair opened in Jiangxi Zhangshu

On the morning of October 28, Qihuang Town, Zhangshu City, Jiangxi Province, was bustling with activity. The 53rd National Medicinal Materials Trade Fair of Zhangshu, which lasted for three days, was opened here. At the opening ceremony, China (camphor tree) Chinese herbal medicine industry digital platform was

Release date: October 31, 2022

Wujin medical insurance department enters Wujin Radio Station to facilitate medical insurance propaganda

In the afternoon of October 26, Wujin Medical Insurance Sub center went into the column of FM88 6 Kaleidoscope of Wujin Life Radio to give a detailed introduction and propaganda In the half hour live broadcast program, guide

Release date: 2022-10-27

Global perspective: Pengzhou Health Bureau launched the theme of "World Stroke Day" in 2022 propaganda activity

In order to implement the relevant requirements of the Healthy China Action (2019-2030), improve the awareness and concern of the general public on stroke, further strengthen the awareness of self health care, and achieve early prevention

Release date: 2022-10-27

World headline: The General Administration of Market Supervision announces that the medical beauty industry is false propaganda And Guidelines for the Control of Price Violations

Recently, the Price Supervision, Inspection and Anti unfair Competition Bureau of the General Administration of Market Supervision issued the "False Medical Beauty Industry" propaganda And the Guidelines on the Governance of Price Violations (hereinafter referred to as the "Guidelines"), issued 8

Release date: 2022-10-27

Sanlidong Community Health Service Center: create a good environment to help mental health

On October 25, on the occasion of the 31st "World Mental Health Day", Sanlidong Community Health Service Center actively responded to relevant arrangements, formed a medical service team, and closely focused on "creating a good environment and helping

Date of issue: 2022-10-26

Viewpoint! "Six entry" activities give policy free, and medical insurance services warm people's hearts

In order to further improve the awareness rate of residents' medical insurance policies, on the morning of October 26, the municipal medical insurance center went into Zou District and town to carry out the medical insurance policy of "six entry" activities to send policies, and medical insurance services warm people's hearts " propaganda Activities. Activity

Date of issue: 2022-10-26

Global fast information | benefit people, facilitate enterprises, and provide zero distance medical insurance propaganda Entering villages and towns - Zhonglou District held the "six walks in" concentration of medical insurance policies propaganda Monthly activities

On the morning of October 26, the Zhonglou Medical Insurance Branch, together with the municipal medical insurance center and the Zou District and Town Government, went into Zouxin Garden Community to carry out the medical insurance policy with the theme of "six entry" activities and warm medical insurance services propaganda live

Date of issue: 2022-10-26

Message: Xingan Medical Insurance Bureau pays close attention to the establishment of honest and diligent units propaganda

First, conference mobilization. A mobilization and deployment meeting for the establishment of honest units was held to study and deploy the establishment of honest units. The main leaders of the bureau conveyed the spirit of the superior meeting at the meeting, and requested that no one be left behind,

Date of issue: 2022-10-26

The Municipal Medical Insurance Bureau organized all the supporting cadres to carry out the "policy, implementation and strong recognition" in the designated villages propaganda Activities and clean campaign of "promoting changing customs and helping rural revitalization"

According to the Emergency Notice of the Office of the Beihai Municipal Headquarters for the Implementation of the Rural Revitalization Strategy on Carrying out the Work of "Emphasizing Policies, Focusing on Implementation, and Strengthening Recognition" of assisting cadres at all levels to enter the home, the implementation of the rural revitalization strategy in Beihai City means

Date of issue: 2022-10-26

World Headlines | Traditional Chinese Medicine propaganda Month | Gaoyou: Chinese medicine culture enters the campus, herbal medicine fragrance lingers in the heart

In the Herb Garden of Traditional Chinese Medicine, dozens of students are busy picking chrysanthemums, cassia seed, and isatis root, feeling the joy of harvest in their labor. Huang Huirong, a senior, has accumulated a lot of traditional Chinese medicine because of her interest

Release date: October 25, 2022

Daily Watching: Traditional Chinese Medicine propaganda Month 1 Adhere to the original intention, carry forward the quintessence of Chinese culture, inherit the essence, uphold integrity and innovate - Yangzhou Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine launched the 13th Cream Festival

Most of the people who prescribe the ointment suffer from chronic diseases, some are attracted by the name, and some are "loyal fans" of the experts in traditional Chinese medicine of the city hospital. Aunt Li, a citizen, said that she could see what she wanted to see at her door every year on the Pastry Day

Issued on: October 24, 2022

How to quickly identify stroke? Theme of World Stroke Day propaganda Activity Start

People's Daily Online, Beijing, October 24 (Reporter Sun Hongli) October 29, 2022 is the 17th World Stroke Day. Recently, the National Health Commission issued a notice requiring the theme of "World Stroke Day" propaganda Activity

Issued on: October 24, 2022

Quickly recycle Alipay, "magic" propaganda Film landing Focus Media

October 17, quick recovery propaganda Focus Media, the largest urban life circle media network in China, plays the film to the audience in a rolling manner. Mobile phone door-to-door recycling is optional! This brainwashing advertising language

Issued on: October 20, 2022

Daily report: "anti-aging expert" found no such person, and the refa beauty instrument was fake propaganda Fined 450000 yuan

On October 20, the reporter learned on the official website of the Shanghai Municipal Market Supervision Administration that Amtiji (Shanghai) Trading Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Amtiji") was false propaganda , under the supervision of Shanghai Pudong New Area Market

Issued on: October 20, 2022

World News: Hundreds of complaints and reports from Bama Tea Industry: weak research and development, continuous violations, false propaganda numerous

Stock Market Practical Technology Exchange Forum Skills Information Technology Research Exchange

Release date: October 17, 2022

Today's latest! Xinxiang Banking and Insurance Regulatory Branch launched the theme of industry credit propaganda

Recently, Xinxiang Banking and Insurance Regulatory Bureau actively organized the banking and insurance institutions under its jurisdiction to carry out the special topic of credit construction of Xinxiang banking and insurance industry in 2022 propaganda Activities, do a solid job in Xinxiang Bank Insurance Bank

Release date: October 14, 2022

[Daily news broadcast] Create a good environment to help mental health - Qiaotou Community Health Service Center launched a series propaganda activity

October 10 is the World Mental Health Day propaganda The theme is "creating a good environment to help mental health". In order to improve the masses' mental health and mental health

Release date: October 12, 2022

Nurture the soul and build health together - Wuhan Wudong Hospital held the "World Mental Health Day" propaganda activity

In order to improve the level of mental health and mental health and promote the formation of a friendly atmosphere of understanding, acceptance and care for patients with mental illness, Wuhan Wudong Hospital, together with the Sunshine Heart Language Service Station of Qingshan District Disabled Persons' Federation

Release date: October 12, 2022


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