Daily selection! Tibet The highest altitude administrative township achieves mobile 5G signal coverage

The 5G base station built by China Mobile in Tangxiang, Puma River, Langka County, the highest administrative township in China at 5373m above sea level, was opened. Interviewees provided pictures. On the 28th, reporters from China Mobile Tibet The company's Shannan branch learned that

Release date: November 30, 2022

Tibet Changdu strictly implements the policy of social security to help enterprises rescue, and does a good job in employment services

Since the outbreak of the epidemic, Changdu Human Resources and Social Security Bureau has continued to make efforts to reduce the burden, stabilize the post and expand employment, helping enterprises resume work and production as soon as possible while doing a good job in epidemic prevention and control, so as to ensure the employment situation in the city

Issued on: September 28, 2022

Latest information: Tibet Everest Argentina 600338 with an annual output of 5000 tons of lithium carbonate put into production

Stock Market Practical Technology Exchange Forum Skills Information Technology Research Exchange

Issued on: September 14, 2022

New news: Follow the doctor Tibet | Start again! Zhengzhou Seventh Hospital went to Tibet for the fifth time to screen and rescue children with congenital heart disease

On the morning of July 8, the Seventh People's Hospital of Zhengzhou "Angel Tour" Tibet The "screening and rescue action for children with congenital heart disease" team set out Tibet The reporter from Dahe Network will follow the team.

Issued on: August 12, 2022

Global WeChat! Tibet The contribution rate of scientific and technological progress in the autonomous region increased to 45.6%

>Our correspondent from Lhasa, August 9 (reporter Xu Yuyao) Tibet The Science and Technology Department of the autonomous region learned that since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Tibet The contribution rate of scientific and technological progress increased from 35% in 2012 to 45.6% at the end of the 13th Five Year Plan,

Issued on: August 10, 2022

Golden Axe 10th Anniversary · 2022 Medium term Strategy Meeting | Tibet Trust Wang Jia: wealth protection and inheritance in the new situation

On July 23, Tibet Wang Jia, Deputy General Manager of Trust Wealth Management Center, visited Golden Axe 2022 Medium term Strategy Conference and made a theme for investors to share wealth protection and inheritance in the new situation through online video

Issued on: August 9, 2022

World fast information: multi terminal medicine: Tibet A new upstart in pharmaceutical stocks! Leading enterprise in the field of plasma substitute crystal liquid

Dorui Pharmaceutical Stock Market Practical Technology Exchange Forum Skills Information Technology Research Exchange

Issued on: August 2, 2022

Two Cities Bloom! Wanxin Zhige Hotel Brand, Settled in Damei for the First Time Tibet , Lingxiu Hunan!

The sun is blazing, and hundreds of barges are competing for the first place. Recently, the brand has launched a new transformation of the two cities, reshaping the operation of Wanxin Zhige Hotel, a subsidiary of Home Inn, with a suitable transformation scheme, stable and reliable business management services and systematic private

Issued on: July 18, 2022

Guangdong helps Linzhi to create a unique and advantageous product, the whole industrial chain and open up new industrial space

Nyingchi Matsutake Soup Noodles and Vermicelli Products are out of stock again this Dragon Boat Festival! In the Guangdong Forestry Industrial Park, a key Tibetan aid project of Guangdong in Linzhi Economic Development Zone, Tibet Liu Yan, the founder of Dawa Quzhen Industrial Co., Ltd., is full of energy.

Issued on: June 21, 2022

What is the highest county in China? How many meters above sea level is the highest county in China

The highest altitude counties in China rank from high to low: Gangba County (4700 meters), Naqu (4500 meters), Shigatse (3836 meters), Lhasa (3658 meters), Shangri La (3280 meters), Lijiang (2418 meters), West

Issued on: May 27, 2022

Chief Underwriter of PICC Tibet Air accident flight

[Reporter Qiu Zhaoyan] On May 12, Tibet An airline plane caught fire after veering off the runway at Chongqing Jiangbei International Airport. The reporter of the Bank of China Insurance News learned that the aircraft was headed by PICC

Issued on: May 14, 2022

Lanxi City's psychological assistance hotline for COVID-19 epidemic: build a psychological "epidemic prevention wall"

(1) I feel nervous! Can I be nervous? I don't want to stay here! I want to go out! After receiving the call, Pan Li, the national secondary psychological consultant of the psychological assistance hotline for COVID-19 epidemic in Lanxi City,

Issued on: May 9, 2022

Naqu "Experimental Demonstration Base of High Cold High Altitude Scientific and Technological Tree Planting" was rated as "National Popular Science Education Base"

Recently, the Chinese Association for Science and Technology released the "Decision of the Chinese Association for Science and Technology on Naming the First Batch of National Popular Science Education Bases from 2021-2025", Tibet Naqu "Experimental Demonstration Base of Planting Trees in High Cold and High Altitude" was appraised“

Issued on: April 26, 2022

Expand against the trend! Yilong Anyue Hotel settled in Lhasa and opened Tibet Pleasant lodging life

The pressure of the epidemic has never stopped the expansion of Ancheng Hotel. Recently, the Yilong Anyue Hotel under Ancheng Hotel continued to expand its territory and signed the core business circle of Lhasa. This entry Tibet , marking the opening of Yilong Anyue Hotel

Issued on: April 22, 2022

"Old clothes warm people's hearts" Tibet Children's donation materials in mountainous areas

Thank you! Please rest assured that the love materials will be delivered to every villager and child in need. Video connection, Tibet Luo Sang Danzeng, Village Director of Kadapu Village, Qudang Township, Dingri County, Shigatse City,

Issued on: April 19, 2022

Three highland barley varieties were registered by the state, Tibet Promote the quality and efficiency of agriculture and animal husbandry with science and technology

A few days ago, Tibet Three highland barley varieties "Zangqing 20", "Zangqing 17" and "Zangqing 3000" bred by the Academy of Agricultural Sciences of the Autonomous Region have been successfully registered as new varieties of non major crops by the state. Tibet Autonomous Region Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Science

Issued on: April 19, 2022

Linzhi launched the special activity of Employment Assistance Month to broaden employment channels and provide high-quality jobs

In order to do a solid job of "six stabilities", implement the task of "six guarantees", increase employment assistance for key groups, and constantly enhance people's sense of happiness and security, Linzhi Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau provides employment assistance and sincere help

Issued on: April 7, 2022

Tibet Agricultural specialty industry explores the path of "live broadcast+e-commerce", and farmers and herdsmen become "online celebrities" new farmers

The Tibetan spring clothes I wear are of good quality, and there is a discount. Please place an order as soon as you like. Recently, when the reporter interviewed the public service center of the e-commerce park in Dazi District, Lhasa, he saw that

Issued on: March 31, 2022

The Audit Bureau of Dafeng District, Yancheng City strictly controls the "three passes" to help standardize the use of donations

The Audit Bureau of Dafeng District, Yancheng City, in the 2021 budget implementation audit of the District Red Cross Society, earnestly fulfilled its supervision responsibilities, strictly controlled the three passes, and helped to standardize the management and sunny use of the donations. Strictly control the reception. shut

Issued on: March 27, 2022

Nantong Haimen District Audit Bureau Helps Rural Sewage Treatment Achieve Actual Results

Recently, the audit bureau of Haimen District, Nantong City focused on rural sewage treatment in the audit of the village sewage treatment facility project in Zhengyu Town. The audit team checked the rain and sewage separation, facility operation and sewage

Issued on: March 27, 2022

Tibet Spring ploughing: open the plateau harvest "plough"

[Narration] March 16 is the 13th month of the Tibetan calendar. According to the Tibetan tradition and climate characteristics, Tibet Every place has entered the annual spring ploughing season. On the same day, mulberry smoke curled in the farmland of Chabalang Village, Qushui County, Lhasa,

Issued on: March 18, 2022

Tibet In 2021, 67 new administrative villages will be connected to Hardened Road

Xinhua News Agency, Lhasa, March 17 (reporter Liu Hongming) Tibet The Department of Transport of the autonomous region learned that in 2021 Tibet Five townships and 67 administrative villages were added to build hardened roads, realizing 94.55% of the townships and 77.94% of the villages

Issued on: March 18, 2022

Prices in 31 provinces were announced: the increase in 17 provinces was lower than that in the whole country, Tibet negative growth

On February 31, prices in provinces were announced: the increase in 17 places was lower than that in the whole country, Tibet Negative growth, China Singapore, Jingwei, March 12 (Dong Xiangyi) Recently, the National Bureau of Statistics released the consumer price index (CPI) of 31 provinces in February 2022. in

Issued on: March 12, 2022

School begins! Tibet Shuli, a traffic policeman in Naqu, also came to "report"

Winter went to spring, and the school season came as scheduled. We reluctantly said goodbye to the winter vacation, and with the beautiful vision of the New Year, students ushered in a new semester. In order to ensure the safe return of teachers and students from schools under the jurisdiction, the public security organ of Naqu City

Issued on: March 10, 2022

Tibet Last year, 3083 new 5G base stations and 271400 kilometers of existing optical cable lines were built

Journalists from Tibet The Communications Administration of the Autonomous Region has learned that, Tibet The total number of 5G base stations reached 6660. The Internet of Things based on 5G technology has been widely used in municipal, Internet of Vehicles, smart homes and other fields. The number of 5G end users reached

Issued on: February 17, 2022

Tibet Release the "14th Five Year Plan" Science and Technology Innovation Plan to Strengthen the Scientific and Technological Breakthrough in Key Fields

On January 29, reporters from Tibet The Department of Science and Technology of the Autonomous Region learned that the 2022 Tibet At the scientific and technological work conference of the autonomous region, it was clarified that the scientific and technological work of the whole region in 2022 would focus on

Issued on: January 30, 2022

2021 Tibet The gross regional product increased by about 7%, and rural revitalization was deeply implemented

On January 5, reporters from Tibet It was learned at the two sessions being held by the autonomous region that in 2021 Tibet The gross domestic product of the autonomous region exceeded 200 billion yuan, an increase of about 7%. The per capita disposable income of urban and rural residents in the region was

Issued on: January 6, 2022

Tibet The investment of 601.5 billion yuan in the 14th Five Year Plan is 58% higher than that in the 13th Five Year Plan

The reporter recently Tibet It was learned at the fifth session of the 11th People's Congress of the Autonomous Region that during the 14th Five Year Plan period, Tibet The planned investment is 601.5 billion yuan, an increase of 58% over the "13th Five Year Plan".

Issued on: January 6, 2022

Tibet Several power stations have been completed and put into operation in the past five years to improve the security and stability of the power grid

Recently, reporters from the State Grid Tibet The power company learned that in the past five years, with the continuous progress of power grid construction, Tibet The demand for electricity for economic and social development has been released rapidly. From 2016 to 2020,

Issued on: December 6, 2021-12


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