Look at the world: the exchange rate of the yen against the dollar hit a new low in nearly 20 years

The exchange rate of the yen against the dollar hit a new low in nearly 20 years. Recently, the exchange rate of the yen against the dollar in the Tokyo foreign exchange market fell below the threshold of 127 yen per dollar, a new low since May 2002. Recently, the yen has fallen 13% against the dollar

Issued on: April 25, 2022

"Wisdom" is among them - Zhongzhi Technology helps African Mala wiki Station project

Recently, Mara, a country in southeast Africa wiki In the station project, several generator sets are assembled with Zhengzhou Zhongzhi Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Zhongzhi Technology") control module HGM4020T

Issued on: April 13, 2022

Byte skipping and Chinese wiki The encyclopedia staff cooperated to create a new "news seeking encyclopedia", which is not officially true

It is reported that byte hopping is now associated with a group of Chinese characters wiki The exodus of Encyclopedia secretly reached an agreement to provide technical and economic support for the latter's newly created "Qiwen Encyclopedia". Headlines is responsible for this

Date of issue: 2022-02-07


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