Global news: dry goods | optical liquid analysis prototype production platform is real-time and efficient Water body Monitoring opens up new channels

Author: Sydney Wells, ADI application engineer, Scott Hunt, ADI system application engineer, real-time monitoring environment is crucial for improving global sustainable development. Be able to quickly analyze samples and identify problems

Date of issue: 2022-10-26

Global Communications! Anhui President Water body The area will decrease by about 1202.9 square kilometers in three months. The next week will still be sunny, hot and hot

Xin'an Evening News Anhui Wangda Anhui News News According to the official account of the Anhui Meteorological Observatory, Anhui Province continued to experience high temperature on August 12, with the highest temperature in 74 cities and counties exceeding 37 ℃, and the highest temperature in 16 cities and counties exceeding 40 ℃

Issued on: August 13, 2022

Global quick reading: section above provincial control of Guiyang Gui'an in the first half of the year Water body 100% up to standard

>On July 27, the reporter learned from the press conference held by Guiyang Water Authority that from January to June, the quality of water environment in Guiyang Gui'an was stable and good, and the section above provincial control Water body 100% compliance rate, Water body excellent

Issued on: July 28, 2022

World quick look: Beijing health level Water body More than 80% of the "physical examination report" was newly released

[Source: Beijing Daily] The Water Quality and Water Ecology Monitoring Center of Beijing Municipal Water Affairs Bureau recently completed the 2021 Beijing Water Ecology Monitoring and Health Assessment Report, 148 of which were monitored Water body Medium, healthy

Issued on: June 27, 2022

Zhangjiagang City Continuously Promotes Sewage Treatment to Improve Quality and Efficiency and Rivers Water body Action to eliminate the inferior and strive for the superior

Since this year, Zhangjiagang City has continued to promote the improvement of quality and efficiency of sewage treatment and river courses around the task of agricultural and rural modernization Water body The campaign to eliminate the inferior and strive for the superior will speed up the creation of a new picture of beautiful countryside. First, continuous

Issued on: May 20, 2022

China's first marine surveillance and monitoring satellite constellation was officially completed

At 7:47 on April 7, China successfully launched a 1-meter C-SAR operational satellite on the Long March 4C carrier rocket at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center. This satellite is the second C-band multipolar SAR service in China

Issued on: April 8, 2022

At the end of the 14th Five Year Plan, Shandong basically eliminated rural black odor Water body

13 departments in Shandong jointly issued documents to speed up the solution of prominent ecological and environmental problems in agriculture and rural areas. At the end of the 14th Five Year Plan, Shandong basically eliminated rural black odor Water body Reporter Chen Xiaowan reports from our newspaper in Jinan recently

Issued on: March 31, 2022

Governance Microenterprise Water body Dredge "capillaries"

On March 6, as the head of the river, Chen Weizhong, secretary of the General Party Branch of Longchi Village, Qinghe Township, Huaining County, went to Guanshan Reservoir to patrol the lake as usual. "We belong to the mountain area, microenterprise Water body More than 30 village cadres are responsible for guarding the whole village

Issued on: March 9, 2022

Two departments: carry out rural black odor in 2022 Water body Governance pilot work

People's Daily Online, Beijing, March 4 (Reporter Wang Zhen) Recently, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Ecological Environment jointly issued a notice to launch the 2022 rural black odor Water body Administer the pilot work, improve the quality of rural residential environment

Issued on: March 4, 2022

Fangtai frequency conversion intelligent heating dual-use stove, heating+hot water for your super comfortable use Water body Verification

China has a vast territory, with great differences between the north and the south, especially in cold seasons. There has been such a joke on the Internet that southerners shiver in quilts in the weather of 15 degrees above zero; Northerners are below zero

Issued on: July 28, 2021

Half mountain companion Water body Tourism integrates with Green Valley Pharmaceutical to create health

After docking, Xue Zhanrun, secretary of the Party Leadership Group of Bijie Sports Bureau, and Zhang Chao, director of Bijie Sports Bureau, visited the Banshan Banshui Resort of Zhejiang Ningbo Wanhui Group on March 29 for investment promotion. In the morning of March 30, with Ma Huai'an, Chairman of Wanhui Group

Issued on: June 22, 2021

The water color index of 36% of large lakes and reservoirs in the world shows a downward trend Water body Become clearer

According to the world's first set of remote sensing water color index scientific data set released by the Aerospace Information Innovation Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 36% of the world's large lakes and reservoirs have seen a significant decline in water color index in the past 20 years

Issued on: February 10, 2021

The black smell of Neijiang Water body How did governance fight a turnaround?

With clear lake water and eyeful flowers and plants, now 76 year old Chen Guodong goes out with his wife every day to take a walk in Xiejiahe Wetland Park near the Tiancheng Lake in Neijiang City, Sichuan Province. The old man said that sometimes there are more than 10 people in a day

Issued on: May 23, 2019

Governance Microenterprise Water body Eliminate "pollution around"

In nature, big rivers are the life arteries of the earth, microenterprise Water body It is the capillaries of the earth. So called microenterprise Water body , referring to ditches, canals, streams, ponds, etc. distributed in urban and rural areas, characterized by poor mobility

Issued on: April 23, 2019

Two departments jointly carry out urban black odor Water body Special patrol for rectification

The reporter learned from the Ministry of Ecology and Environment that the Ministry of Ecology and Environment and the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development will carry out the 2018 Urban Black Smell from October 22 to November 2 Water body Special patrol for rectification, 36 key cities (municipalities directly under the Central Government, provinces

Release date: October 23, 2018


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