The leading enterprises in Changsha Economic and Technological Development Zone have made great efforts to increase their exports Two way investment passageway

Not long ago, enterprises in Changsha Economic Development Zone made the front page of the overseas page of People's Daily. In the report titled "More Openness, Foreign Trade and Foreign Investment in Spring", Hunan Nanfang Anmei Fire Equipment Co., Ltd. became a domestic and foreign company

Date of issue: 2022-03-07

In January, the foreign exchange market smoothly operated cross-border Two way investment Stay active

On February 18, the offshore RMB exchange rate against the US dollar rose significantly, breaking through the 63200 mark in the session, hitting a new four-year high of 63144, the highest point since May 2018. At the same time, people on shore that day

Issued on: February 22, 2022

The implementation of RCEP agreement promotes Ningxia's investment and accelerates export competition in some fields

Among the RCEP countries, ASEAN is the second largest trading partner of Ningxia, Japan and South Korea are the third and fifth largest trading partners of Ningxia, and also an important source of foreign investment in Ningxia. Australia is the import capital of Ningxia

Issued on: December 28, 2021

China and Central and Eastern European countries Two way investment Increasingly enthusiastic, green, low-carbon and other new investment hotspots

At present, China and Central and Eastern European countries Two way investment The scale has reached nearly 20 billion US dollars, involving auto parts, chemicals, household appliances, logistics, minerals, business cooperation and other fields. Under the epidemic, Two way investment heat

Issued on: May 13, 2021


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