"Courtesy in Feishe Township" Wencheng County Held the Fourth Collective Wedding

Singing antiphonal songs, drinking pagoda tea, eating glutinous rice cake, stepping on the rice sieve... Recently, the fourth collective wedding ceremony was held in Zhouyang Ethnic Village, Zhoushan She Nationality Township, Wencheng County. The bride wears a phoenix crown and the groom's waist

Date of issue: 2022-06-09

Enshi Airport Fire Detachment United En Shi Hua Dragon General Hospital carried out emergency rescue drills

Enshi report on the cloud (correspondent Huang Lei) In order to test the linkage and coordination ability between the fire brigade and medical institutions, and the emergency response ability and practical operation ability of medical staff, recently, Enshi Airport Fire Brigade

Issued on: March 31, 2022

Shi Hua Coyne hair dye has been punished for six times and 2.59 million yuan in total

Recently, Shi Hua Henkel Co., Ltd., an affiliated company of Kao, was punished again for the problem of hair dye. The reason for punishment was the production of cosmetics for special purposes without an approval number. The punishment result was a fine of 540369 56 yuan and the illegal income of 135 yuan was confiscated

Issued on: September 14, 2021


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