Minsheng Bank Shenzhen The branch continued to enhance the ability of small and micro financial services

Inclusion is not ordinary, and microenterprises have no trivial matters. How to provide better, more efficient and more comprehensive financial services for small and micro enterprises is a subject that Minsheng Bank continues to explore. Since this year, Minsheng Bank Shenzhen Branch usage

Issued on: December 1, 2022

Shenzhen Jinhang has won tens of millions of angel investment, and will realize commercial deep-sea mining in 2025

Held from November 24-26 Shenzhen At the 2022 China Marine Economy Expo (hereinafter referred to as the Expo) held in Futian Convention and Exhibition Center, Shenzhen Jinhang Deep Sea Mineral Development Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Jinhang)

Issued on: December 1, 2022

Top 10 cities with per capita GDP: Wuxi ranks first, Shenzhen Slightly higher than Shanghai, Hangzhou has no chance

The per capita GDP is one of the important indicators to measure the economic strength of a region. The United Nations official also takes the per capita GDP of more than 20000 US dollars as an important criterion for whether it is a developed country. Generally speaking, if a regional

Issued on: December 1, 2022

[Nanshan District Activity Recruitment] 2021 Shenzhen Municipal National Science Popularization Month and Shenzhen Recruitment for the city science popularization month activity, waiting for you!

In order to implement Xi Jinping's Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, implement the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the plenary sessions of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and comprehensively promote the implementation of the Outline of the National Plan of Action for Scientific Literacy (2021-2035)

Issued on: September 11, 2021

Look at the world quickly Shenzhen CBRC promotes digital transformation of bancassurance institutions

[Reporter Yu Han] The reporter from the Bank of China Insurance News learned that recently, Shenzhen Issued by CBRC《 Shenzhen Action Plan for Digital Transformation of Banking and Insurance Industry (2023-2025) (hereinafter referred to as the Plan)

Release date: November 30, 2022

Shenzhen What kinds of food are there? Shenzhen What are the special snacks you can take away?

Shenzhen What kinds of food are there? Gongming Roasted Goose Shenzhen Fried Rice Cake, Bao'an Cloud Cake, Songgang Preserved Duck, Xixiang Shrimp, Tian Ai Xie, Pork Tripe Wrapped Chicken, Guangzhou Steamed Rice Noodles, Songsha Cake, Guanlan Dog Meat, Longgang Sanhuang Chicken

Release date: November 30, 2022

Shenzhen What are the conditions for bank loans? Shenzhen What information is required for handling provident fund loan?

Shenzhen What are the conditions for bank loans? with Shenzhen For example, the loan conditions of China Construction Bank are as follows: 1. A natural person between the age of 18 and 65 with full civil capacity and a solid foundation

Issued on: November 29, 2022

Shenzhen Announcement on Abnormal Fluctuations of Convertible Corporate Bonds Transactions of Shanghai Shangrong Medical Co., Ltd

Shenzhen Announcement on Abnormal Fluctuations of Convertible Corporate Bonds Trading of Shanghai Shangrong Medical Co., Ltd

Issued on: November 29, 2022

Message: Shenzhen : Strive to rectify the chaos of "agency surrender"

News from our correspondent [Reporter Yu Han] On November 25, Shenzhen Municipal Insurance Trade Association Organization Shenzhen Signed by some life insurance companies《 Shenzhen Self discipline Convention on "Agency Surrender" in Insurance Industry Rectification. This is Shenzhen Heavy insurance industry

Release date: November 28, 2022

Global Focus: Shenzhen Central Plains has lost money in the past two years, and 300 shops have been closed, imploring owners to "rent free" to overcome difficulties

Under the cold winter of the property market, real estate agents are facing difficult times. On November 24, a copy of Zhongyuan Real Estate Agency circulated on the Internet( Shenzhen )Limited Company (hereinafter referred to as "the Company")“ Shenzhen Zhongyuan ")

Release date: November 28, 2022

Yuanhengda Shenzhen The headquarters plot was sold at the base price of 7.54 billion yuan, and the consortium such as Industrial Trust and Anju Jianye won the bid

On November 28, Shenzhen According to the land and mining rights trading platform, the former Evergrande Shenzhen Headquarters plot (T208-0054) is composed of Shenzhen City Anhe No.1 Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as“ Shenzhen Anhe No.1)

Release date: November 28, 2022

World News: January October Shenzhen The economy continues to recover!

Wells Fargo pioneered the water REIT stock market practical technology exchange forum, skills, information technology research and exchange

Issued on: November 27, 2022

Flash: Shenzhen The contract sales in the first 10 months of the holding period dropped 31.8% year on year, and the single month dropped 49.8% year on year

On November 25, China.com Finance News: Shenzhen Holding (00604 SZ) released the announcement of unaudited contract sales performance in September and October 2022, which showed that the group's unaudited contract sales in September 2022 was about

Release date: November 25, 2022

Quick news! Amazon Cloud Technology and Shenzhen Technician college cooperates to build cloud computing specialty

Helping vocational education cloud talent training achievements emerge, Shenzhen Chen Xinyuan, a technician college, won the gold medal in the special cloud computing project of the 2022 World Skills Competition. Amazon Cloud Technology helped Shenzhen Technician College Construction Vocational Education Special

Issued on: November 23, 2022

Cinema movie "Navigation for Love" in Shenzhen Start up, the theme of highway romantic comedy is attracting attention

On November 20, 2022, the movie "Navigation for Love" was officially launched Shenzhen When the movie was launched, it was directed and written by Shen Mubai, starring Hong Kong movie stars and domestic young actors of strength: Gao Junxian, Li Fengming, Zhuang Simin

Issued on: November 21, 2022

Benefit millions of enterprises and stabilize the industrial "ballast"—— Shenzhen 5 "30" landing observation

Since this year, Shenzhen Five "30" and "20+8" policies were introduced intensively to promote high-quality economic development while maintaining stability.

Issued on: November 21, 2022

Global trends: The 24th China International High tech Fair (hereinafter referred to as "CHTF") will be held on November 15-19, 2022 Shenzhen Hot!

With the theme of "scientific and technological reform drives innovation, and scientific and technological innovation drives development", this exhibition focuses on green and low-carbon innovative technology, and focuses on water saving innovation, water governance, smart water, sewage sludge treatment, marine

Release date: November 18, 2022

Global Hot Comments! Shenzhen Metro completed the issuance of 2.4 billion corporate bonds at 3.08% and 3.43% respectively

Shenzhen Metro completed the issuance of 2.4 billion corporate bonds with interest rates of 308% and 343% respectively

Release date: November 16, 2022

Fully display intelligent technology! Shenzhen The new generation industrial park and enterprise group appeared at the High tech Fair

The 24th China International High tech Fair (hereinafter referred to as the "High tech Fair") was held in the Shenzhen The exhibition center held. This High tech Fair is driven by scientific and technological reform and innovation

Release date: November 16, 2022

New information: Shenzhen Metro successfully issued 2.4 billion yuan of corporate bonds with a maximum interest rate of 3.43%

Shenzhen Metro successfully issued 2.4 billion yuan of corporate bonds with a maximum interest rate of 343%

Release date: November 16, 2022

Global News: Shenzhen How to open an online stock account? Shenzhen What is the specific process of opening an online stock account?

If you want to buy and sell stocks online, the first thing to do is to open an account, and then download the corresponding stock speculation software. Although the overall process is relatively simple, there are many things that need to be prepared and paid attention to

Release date: November 14, 2022

OIWAS bags appear Shenzhen The gift exhibition highlights the new style of Chinese gifts

Gather new products of the industry and present a wonderful and grand ceremony industry exhibition. November 8-11, 2022, the 30th China( Shenzhen )International Gifts and Housewares Exhibition Shenzhen Gift Show) at Shenzhen International Association

Release date: November 14, 2022

[Global Focus] [Pratt&Whitney Microenterprise Travel] Shenzhen Launch a new brand of inclusive finance

□ Our reporter Wang Xiaobo, on November 3, under the joint witness of regulators, government departments, industry organizations, business entities and other parties, Shenzhen The banking and insurance industry innovated and launched the "Shenzhen Benefiting All Enterprises in Action" program

Release date: November 14, 2022

Global Express! Shenzhen Take multiple measures to support enterprises to "go to sea in groups" to expand business opportunities

29 people from 118 enterprises Shenzhen The exhibition group took a chartered plane to Jakarta, Indonesia, to participate in the 2022 Smart Technology Exhibition of the Overseas Chinese Fair.

Release date: November 14, 2022

Xu Jiayin resold assets: 7.543 billion yuan was transferred one year after the lease of Evergrande headquarters building was returned Shenzhen Bay Headquarters Plot

On November 11, Shenzhen The Public Resources Trading Center issued a public announcement on the transfer of land use right, "Shenzhen Land Delivery Notice (2022) No. 68", for public transfer Shenzhen The right to use the parcel T208-0054 of Bay Super Headquarters Base.

Issued on: November 11, 2022

Burst! Golden towel with multiple popular IP co branded new products appeared in the 30th session Shenzhen Gift Show

November 8, 30th China( Shenzhen )International Gifts and Home Furnishings Exhibition (hereinafter referred to as "the Exhibition") Shenzhen Gift Show) at Shenzhen Bao'an International Convention and Exhibition Center opened grandly. As the industry leader and the largest scale in China

Issued on: November 11, 2022

Murata China will participate in 2022 International Internet of Things (IOTE)

Murata China (hereinafter referred to as "Murata"), the world's leading integrated electronic component manufacturer with a wide range of Internet of Things product lines covering from industrial to consumer applications, will participate in the Shenzhen country

Issued on: November 10, 2022

"Double 11" is coming! Online and offline promotions are busy, Shenzhen Make efforts to build an international consumption center city

Online and offline, Wells Fargo pioneered the water REIT stock market practical technology exchange forum, skills, information technology research and exchange

Issued on: November 10, 2022

Chuangfu Port shared office Shenzhen Shekou new store opened grandly, enabling entrepreneurship and innovation in the core business district

Shenzhen Yes‘ Dreamland’, Innovation and entrepreneurship must come Shenzhen Come to Nanshan, where dreams come true. This year's National Innovation and Entrepreneurship Week Shenzhen On the activity, Shenzhen Vice President Zhang Xueji

Issued on: November 10, 2022


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