Fast broadcast every day: OPEC is not optimistic about the future demand to pressure the price of crude oil

Stock Market Practical Technology Exchange Forum Skills Information Technology Research Exchange

Release date: November 16, 2022

Global Today's Hotspot: Reuters: SBF tries to Saudi Arabia Sovereign wealth funds and Japan Nomura Holding seek help

On November 16, it was reported that the day after CZ, founder of Coin Security, announced the sale of FTT on Twitter, SBF told executives that FTX was out of money. Later, they calculated that Alameda could sell about $3 billion in a few hours

Release date: November 16, 2022

Economic diplomacy: march for Vietnamese agricultural products Saudi Arabia Arab market opens

Economic diplomacy: march for Vietnamese agricultural products Saudi Arabia Arab market opens

Issued on: November 7, 2022

BGI and Saudi Arabia Signing a memorandum of cooperation to help Saudi Arabia Transformation of health care industry

Since the outbreak of COVID-19 Saudi Arabia Outbreak, BGI and Saudi Arabia BGI has carried out cooperation in many aspects, not only to Saudi Arabia It provides a full set of new coronavirus nucleic acid detection scheme and virus sequencing platform, and also

Issued on: November 1, 2022

Focus on quick look: the resurgence of supply worries limits the decline of crude oil price

Stock Market Practical Technology Exchange Forum Skills Information Technology Research Exchange

Release date: 2022-10-27

Global observation: the global demand outlook is weak, and the oil price has slightly retreated

Stock Market Practical Technology Exchange Forum Skills Information Technology Research Exchange

Release date: October 17, 2022

Global news: oil prices fell slightly but basically stabilized above the 90 mark

Stock Market Practical Technology Exchange Forum Skills Information Technology Research Exchange

Release date: October 12, 2022

Information: Saudi Arabia Sovereign wealth funds issue 100 year green bonds

Saudi Arabia Sovereign wealth funds issue 100 year green bonds

Issued on: October 7, 2022

Global hotspot! Rare tacit cooperation! Allegedly Saudi Arabia Russia intends to push the oil price to 100 yuan

According to multiple foreign media reports, the source said, Saudi Arabia Both the government and the Russian government believe that the oil price of $100 per barrel is a fair price.

Issued on: September 17, 2022

Global real-time: OPEC maintains optimistic expectation of oil demand Saudi Arabia The production capacity in August exceeded 11 million barrels/day

On Tuesday (September 13) local time, the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) predicted in its monthly report that global oil demand would increase by 3.1 million barrels per day in 2022 and 2.7 million barrels per day in 2023.

Issued on: September 14, 2022

Current view: oil price is in shock and production reduction news needs continuous attention

Stock Market Practical Technology Exchange Forum Skills Information Technology Research Exchange

Release date: 2022-09-07

Know everything every day! Saudi Arabia Arabia opens dairy market to Uruguay

Saudi Arabia Arabia opens dairy market to Uruguay

Release date: 2022-09-07

Global hot spot: why does OPEC+warn of production reduction at this time? Wall Street analysts: Saudi Arabia Just want to make more money

stay Saudi Arabia After Abdulaziz bin Salman, the Energy Minister, warned last week that "OPEC+" might reduce production, the international oil price has changed the previous days' decline and moved to the 100 dollar threshold again. Some analysts refer to

Issued on: August 29, 2022

Daily Express: What's the signal? Saudi Arabia Energy Minister Calls for Production Reduction International Oil Price Rises

On Monday, the international crude oil market weakened significantly due to the progress of the Iran nuclear agreement, Saudi Arabia Prince Abdulaziz Bin Salman, Minister of Energy, clearly sent a signal to the market that "production may be reduced in the future",

Issued on: August 23, 2022

Current concern: the international oil price has suffered a heavy fall! Saudi Arabia And Iran respectively report the possibility of increasing supply

In the European market on Monday (August 15), international crude oil prices fell sharply.

Issued on: August 15, 2022

[Look at the materials at Global Speed] Saudi Arabia Continue to enjoy the dividend of high oil price: Q2 economic growth hit the highest level since 2011

Driven by high oil prices and high production, the world's largest oil exporter Saudi Arabia The Arab economy grew by nearly 12% in the second quarter, maintaining the highest growth rate since 2011.

Issued on: August 1, 2022

[Exclusive focus] Biden is full of confidence in the outcome of the talks Saudi Arabia Diplomat Pours Cold Water: Increasing Production Depends on the Market

On Friday (July 15) local time, US President Biden Saudi Arabia Arab visit. That night, he met Saudi Arabia King Salman, then Saudi Arabia Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman held

Issued on: July 18, 2022

Communication! Biden Saudi Arabia End of the trip: 18 new cooperation projects but no oil production increase

On Saturday, President Biden of the United States ended Saudi Arabia Arab visit. During this landmark visit, the United States and Afghanistan signed 18 cooperation agreements, involving energy, communications, space and health care

Issued on: July 17, 2022

"Zong" Love Dragon Boat Festival, and "Children" Happiness -- "Revival Children's Palace" in Lingfeng Street Village, Anji County

We first made Zongye into a funnel like the teacher, and then put glutinous rice in it... Recently, at the square next to the village committee of Xiaquan Village, Lingfeng Street, Anji County; Zong’ Love Dragon Boat Festival, with you

Issued on: June 10, 2022

In the first quarter of this year, the export volume of Japanese surimi increased by 16% year-on-year

In the first quarter of this year, the export volume of Japanese surimi increased by 16% year-on-year

Date of issue: 2022-06-07

Where's the specialty of Juewei Duck Neck? Which is better, Zhou Black Duck or Juewei Duck Neck

Juewei Duck Neck is a specialty of Changsha. It has four flavors: signature flavor, black crow flavor, spiced flavor, and sauce duck flavor. Juewei Duck Neck has built four core factories in Guangdong, Henan, Wuhan and Hunan

Issued on: May 30, 2022

US gasoline futures hit a new high Saudi Arabia The Minister of Energy stressed that high oil price is the "pot" of refineries

Bloomberg reported Friday that, Saudi Arabia In the latest interview, Energy Minister Abdulaziz bin Salman refuted the logic of "high oil price due to insufficient crude oil production" again, emphasizing that people should

Issued on: May 14, 2022

Saudi Arabia Aramco became the world's largest company by market value, and the soaring oil price created huge profits for it

The global market cap champion changed owners. By the close of the 11th day, Apple's share price had dropped by 518% to $1465, with a total market value of about $237 trillion; Saudi Arabia May received 45 5 Saudi Arabia Riyal shares, total market value

Issued on: May 13, 2022

"Tesla Killer" Seizes the Middle East: Lucid and Saudi Arabia The government reached a large order of 100000 electric vehicles

Electric vehicle manufacturer Lucid said on Tuesday that the company has Saudi Arabia The Arab government signed an agreement that the latter will purchase up to 100000 Lucid electric vehicles in the next decade.

Issued on: April 27, 2022

Mask's rich circle of friends chat exposure: abuse Saudi Arabia Sovereign funds renege

The trial on whether Musk's statement concerning Tesla's privatization four years ago is suspected of fraud is in the hot war in the court. By taking this opportunity, melon eating people can also have a glimpse of the privacy between the "world's richest friends circle"

Issued on: April 25, 2022

Russia in China and Saudi Arabia Leading chocolate suppliers in the Arab market

Russia in China and Saudi Arabia Leading chocolate suppliers in the Arab market

Issued on: April 22, 2022

Is the global economic outlook bleak? Middle East local tyrant Saudi Arabia But it is expected to "make a fortune in silence"

Affected by the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) significantly revised down its forecast for global economic growth this year in its latest global economic outlook released on Tuesday.

Issued on: April 20, 2022

Top up quickly! The oil price may rise for seven consecutive years. Expert: Let's see Saudi Arabia Has

If the forecast is true, including all six increases in 2022 and the last increase at the end of 2021, domestic oil prices will usher in a rare "seven consecutive increases".

Issued on: March 31, 2022

Saudi Arabia Brent crude oil jumped 11.9% this week when oil facilities were attacked

The Yemeni Husei armed forces issued a statement saying that Saudi Arabia A new round of attacks was launched against domestic targets. As of the closing of this morning, WTI crude oil had risen by 92% this week and Brent crude oil had risen by 11.9% this week.

Issued on: March 26, 2022

Goldman Sachs: Saudi Arabia Pushing forward oil RMB settlement indicates that the reserve position of the US dollar has been eroded

Last week, some media quoted sources saying that, Saudi Arabia The use of RMB in oil sales transactions to China is under consideration. After the news, the status of the US dollar as the global reserve currency,

Issued on: March 22, 2022


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