Scroll: "Running down trees can preserve health"? wrong! Be careful to have a big problem

"Knock down trees to preserve health"? wrong! Be careful to have a big problem

Release date: November 26, 2022

Daily attention: red pomelo is not ripe?

It is not red heart pomelo, but also called red meat honey pomelo, red heart honey pomelo and red meat pomelo. It tastes sweet, acidic and cool. It contains a lot of vitamins, cellulose, sugar, protein, organic acids, calcium, iron, phosphorus and other ingredients

Release date: November 25, 2022

Current message! Bananas are bad for the stomach hurt Is it?

It is OK for people with a strong stomach to eat bananas, but not for their stomach hurt Yes, but if you have a cold stomach, it's easy to eat cold food if you eat bananas again hurt People with bad stomachs should follow their own conditions

Issued on: November 21, 2022

Global perspective! Check the increased life insurance products immediately

□ Reporter Zhu Yanxia, on November 18, the Life Insurance Department of the CBRC issued the Notification on Recent Problems of Life Insurance Products (hereinafter referred to as the Notification), requiring all life insurance companies to immediately increase their life expectancy

Issued on: November 21, 2022

How to reduce the amount of alcohol you have to drink hurt Remember these 13 points!

The safest alcohol intake is "0". I hope everyone can reduce or not drink

Release date: 2022-11-20

Can I turn on the air conditioner with an electric mosquito lamp?

When turning on the air conditioner, do not use electric mosquito repellent incense, because usually when turning on the air conditioner, you will choose to close the doors and windows to keep the environment in a relatively closed situation, and electric mosquito repellent incense usually contains certain chemicals,

Release date: November 18, 2022

How is the skin red and bloody? Laser treatment of red blood on the skin hurt Is it?

How is the skin red and bloody? 1. Heredity: If one of the parents has red blood on the skin, the children may also have red blood on the skin. It is a normal phenomenon and does not need

Release date: November 18, 2022

Daily news! Will wifi installed on the bedside cause radiation to people?

Generally, there is radiation to the human body hurt Wifi also uses radio waves to radiate, but it is very small and has little effect on the body hurt If you are worried about radiation hurt The body is far away from the radiation source

Issued on: November 17, 2022

Global quick look: the harm of lampblack to the body can be reduced by doing this hurt

Friends who often cook are exposed to a lot of lampblack every day. In fact, lampblack has certain effects on the body hurt What harm does lampblack do to the body? Everyone knows that too much lampblack inhalation is harmful to the body

Issued on: November 17, 2022

Current video! Do white fronted spiders climb onto people at night?

The white fronted spider likes the night. It belongs to nocturnal creatures. It especially likes dark and humid places. Usually, it likes to sneak into farmhouses and other places. The white fronted spider is also the largest indoor spider. It is quiet in the daytime

Issued on: November 17, 2022

Hot every day! Do spiders climb on people at night?

Not tall legged spiders like the night. They are nocturnal creatures. They especially like dark and wet places. They usually like to sneak into farmhouses and other places. White fronted tall legged spiders are also the largest indoor spiders. They hide quietly in the daytime

Issued on: November 17, 2022

Is 1998 red wine still drinkable?

First, please check whether it has expired. Don't drink it if it is overdue. Because out of date red wine is very likely to deteriorate, which will breed bacteria or harmful microorganisms, and the taste and taste of the wine will also

Release date: November 16, 2022

Do you want to fry your own cassia seeds?

The cassia seed you grow should be fried, and if you don't fry it for a long time, it will cause damage to the spleen and stomach hurt Stir fry is more convenient to eat. Stir fried cassia seed is to take clean cassia seed and put it in the pot until it has a slight aroma, take it out and cool it. through

Release date: November 16, 2022

Feedback on the IPO of Yongda Shares: CSRC requires disclosure of lifting that caused one death hurt Accident details Finance learned that recently, the official website of the CSRC disclosed the initial feedback of Xiangtan Yongda Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Yongda"), which mainly included normative issues

Release date: November 15, 2022

Global highlight: Five major hazards of smog to human body, let alone you don't know

Many people have heard of the word "haze". Haze is a constituent word of fog and haze. Haze weather is bad for health, so what are the hazards to the body? How is haze produced? Haze weather

Release date: November 14, 2022

Office workers who often walk should not wear high-heeled shoes, hurt You can't imagine

Wearing high heels will wear deformed toes. Wearing high heels will bring more hurt Wearing skills of high heels

Issued on: November 11, 2022

What effect does hysterectomy have? Hysterectomy for the body hurt Is it big?

What effect does hysterectomy have? 1、 After the uterus is removed, fertility is lost. The uterus is the organ for women to conceive. If the uterus is removed, there will be no place to conceive babies, and there will be no fertility. 2、 No

Issued on: November 8, 2022

What's going on with hair loss after straightening it?

Hair loss may be caused by the following reasons: 1. The main component of hair due to insufficient protein intake is keratin, so adequate protein intake will help hair growth, and lack of protein will cause hair to stop growing and lose

Issued on: November 8, 2022

[Quick look] Does the router radiate to human body hurt

Does router radiate to human body hurt Does the radiation of wireless router WIFI network affect human body hurt Does the radiation of wireless router WIFI network affect human body

Issued on: November 6, 2022-12

Daily quick broadcast: What should I do if the peeled crispy persimmon is a little astringent

What should I do about the peeled crispy persimmons that are a bit astringent? Does it include how to eat crispy persimmons? How to peel crisp persimmons

Date of issue: 2022-11-03

Current video! Handan Insurance Industry Serves New City with Large Civilian Capacity

Online news from the Bank of China Insurance News (Guo Zhibing, reporter Li Bin) Not long ago, Li Yuan, who lives in Huaguanying Village, Huaguanying Township, Cixian County, Handan City, Hebei Province, engaged in water conservancy construction, had an accident and spent a lot of money

Issued on: November 2, 2022

Watch every day: what will static electricity do hurt

What about static electricity hurt What does static electricity do to human body hurt Static electricity with a voltage of 20000 volts will cause harm to people hurt Is it? Why Stay Away from Static Electricity during Pregnancy hurt

Issued on: November 2, 2022

Frontier hot spot: is it harmful to sleep with your mobile phone beside your pillow

Is it harmful to put your mobile phone beside your pillow to sleep? It includes what is the harm of putting your mobile phone beside your pillow to sleep. What is the harm of putting your mobile phone beside your pillow to sleep

Issued on: November 1, 2022

[World News] Is it good for your body to put your mobile phone under your pillow for charging hurt ?

1. Impact on sleep: With mobile phones, our sleep time will only get later and later, and many young people can go to bed at 3:00 or 4:00 in the morning in order to paint a new play. In this way, sleep time and sleep

Issued on: October 28, 2022

Does playing mobile phones beside your baby radiate?

The radiation of mobile phones is within the safety range specified by the state, at least in the current scientific cognition, as long as a certain distance is kept, playing mobile phones near the baby will not cause any harm to the baby's health. What radiation can

Issued on: October 28, 2022

Hot discussion: a small amount of alcohol is not good for the body hurt Is that a safe amount of alcohol

Most people know that drinking is harmful to their health, but some people still have a fluke mentality. They think that just a little drinking will not affect their health. Is this really the case? What harm does drinking do to your body

Release date: 2022-10-27

How big is the radiation of the induction cooker? What are the hazards of long-term use of induction cookers?

How big is the radiation of the induction cooker? The radiation of the induction cooker is generally 1 60 of that of the mobile phone. Unless necessary, pregnant women are advised not to use the induction cooker. No matter how small the radiation is, it will also have some nutrition for the healthy development of the fetus

Date of issue: 2022-10-26

What will happen to your ears if you don't wear your headphones correctly hurt

With the progress of technology, the use of earphones is more convenient. Many people like to wear earphones on their ears and immerse themselves in their own world. But wearing earphones can also affect health

Issued on: October 24, 2022

Global news: Is lard harmful to cardiovascular system? How to eat lard for health

When it comes to lard, many people like to eat it. A mouthful of lard mixed with rice leaves fragrance. Now many people think that lard is unhealthy and will increase the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Is this true? Eat lard

Issued on: October 20, 2022

Global quick broadcast: Can 84 disinfectant be used in the ground?

No. 1, 84 disinfectant contains a large amount of chlorine. If it is a private residence, it is recommended to mop the floor once or twice a week. However, if there is a large flow of people and many bacteria in public places, it can be used every day. 2. 84 disinfectant has one

Release date: October 19, 2022


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