[Global broadcast information] Ping An Fund won the bid for public offering of affordable housing in Xi'an High tech Zone REITs Fund management service project

Zhonghuanet Finance and Economics News on December 21: Public offering of Xi'an Hi tech Zone Security Housing Investment Construction Development Co., Ltd REITs Publicity of the winning results of the selection project of the public offering fund manager and the manager of the special asset support plan.

Issued on: December 21, 2022

Public offering of insurance funds REITs

□ Our intern reporter Yang Yumeng In November 2021, the CBRC issued the Notice on Matters Related to the Public Offering of Infrastructure Securities Investment Funds for Insurance Fund Investment to insurance institutions, agreeing to invest insurance funds in public

Release date: November 25, 2022

World hot discussion: REITs What new trends will the pilot project further expand and develop?

Recently, the head of the relevant department of the CSRC disclosed that it will promote more high-quality projects to be issued and listed, and further expand the real estate investment trust fund( REITs )The pilot scope should cover new energy, water conservancy

Release date: November 15, 2022

World hot information! The sword points to new energy! Public offering REITs Or expand the capacity again, a trillion yuan blue ocean is expected in the future!

Goldwind Technology, TBEA, Shenzhen Energy, Energy Industry Stock Market Practical Technology Exchange Forum Skills Information Technology Research Exchange

Issued on: November 11, 2022

Announcer: Huaxin Company Launches the Infrastructure of Pharmaceutical High tech Industrial Park REITs The project is the first one in central Jiangsu

Recently, Huaxin Pharmaceutical Investment Co., Ltd. launched the infrastructure of the pharmaceutical high-tech industrial park REITs Project. The proposed public offering of infrastructure in the pharmaceutical industrial park REITs It is currently a rare variety in China and the first in central Jiangsu

Release date: October 10, 2022

Daily news: Bank of Shanghai Fund: analyze the value of public REITS investment

Bank of Shanghai Fund: Analyzing the Value of Public REITS Investment

Issued on: September 22, 2022

Global Express: the 5th industrial park REITs Strong willingness to subscribe for the sale funds today

The 5th single industrial park REITs Strong willingness to subscribe for the sale funds today

Issued on: September 14, 2022

The first public offering REITs All parties attach great importance to market construction on the first anniversary of the project's listing

On June 21 last year, the first nine infrastructures were publicly raised REITs The project is listed. At present, the first public offering REITs The project has been listed and operated steadily for one year, and the pilot project is in line with expectations. As of August 15, Shenzhen and Shanghai stock markets

Issued on: August 17, 2022

Affordable rental housing REITs Why is the pilot acceleration so popular in the market?

Recently, affordable rental housing REITs Speed up on a pilot basis, connecting three cities. On August 12, the first affordable rental housing in China REITs ——CICC Xiamen Anju REIT was officially launched, and another affordable rental housing

Issued on: August 15, 2022

Current focus! Improve the value of inefficient property assets and raise public funds REITs It will subvert the track of the industrial park

Improve the value of inefficient property assets and raise public funds REITs It will subvert the track of the industrial park

Issued on: August 10, 2022

Focus information: Public offering of infrastructure issued by Postal Savings Bank REITs M&A loans help the development of the real economy

Recently, the Postal Savings Bank of China issued a M&A loan of "Guojin China Railway Construction High speed REIT" to CRCC Chongqing Investment Group Co., Ltd. This is the first public offering of infrastructure issued by Postal Savings Bank REITs M&A loan

Issued on: August 7, 2022

Information recommendation: What does reits fund mean? Risks and returns of reits fund

It is estimated that many investors have heard of reits funds, but it is unclear whether reits are stocks or funds. What are the risks of reits? In fact, reits belong to real estate trust funds, generally referring to real estate investment trusts

Issued on: July 7, 2022

How to buy reits funds? Must I make money buying reits funds

REITs How to buy funds? 【1】 Account opening: want to buy public offering REITs First, we need to have a stock account. We should take our personal ID cards, bank cards and mobile phones that can be used to go to the securities company

Issued on: June 8, 2022

What does a public offering fund reits mean? How long is the closing period of public offering fund reits

Public funds reits refer to the collection of funds from specific investors by issuing expected annualized income vouchers, which are managed by specialized investment institutions, and the comprehensive expected annualized income of investment is divided in proportion

Issued on: June 6, 2022

Shenzhen encourages the launch of projects in ten fields REITs The pilot work covers energy, warehousing and logistics, etc

On May 7, Shenzhen Municipal Development and Reform Commission released the Real Estate Investment Trust Fund to accelerate the promotion of infrastructure( REITs )Notice on the warehousing of pilot projects, encouraging the launch of projects in ten major fields REITs Pilot work

Issued on: May 9, 2022

Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchanges are brewing new measures to open up private enterprises to public offering of infrastructure REITs passageway

Our reporter Yan Liliang, trainee reporter Guo Jichuan, "under the encouragement and support of the exchange, private enterprises issue public offerings of infrastructure REITs Such products will not only open new ways for asset securitization and bond financing, but also

Issued on: May 7, 2022

Raising rules are coming out, public offering REITs Meet new opportunities for development

Industry insiders said that the raising mechanism is REITs Important characteristics of products, infrastructure REITs The introduction of the raising mechanism will help to meet the steady investment needs of investors, improve market scale and market liquidity

Issued on: April 25, 2022

Tianjin issued the first REITS product of inter-bank housing leasing in China with a scale of 900 million yuan

Chinanews. com, Tianjin, April 24 (Pang Yuwen) On the 24th, reporters learned from the Tianjin Finance Bureau that recently, Rongxin Tongda (Tianjin) Commercial Factoring Co., Ltd. successfully issued the first inter-bank housing lease in China REITs product

Issued on: April 25, 2022

Public offering in Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchanges REITs Soliciting opinions on raising rules

Bank of China Insurance News Online News [Reporter Fan Rongjie] On April 15, Shanghai Stock Exchange publicly raised infrastructure securities investment funds( REITs )Business Guidance No. 3 - Newly purchased infrastructure projects (trial

Issued on: April 18, 2022

National Development and Reform Commission statement: no infrastructure has been established REITs Relevant expert database

People's Daily Online, Beijing, March 23 (Shen Jiaping) According to the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), recently, relevant institutions and individuals reported that some media reported that

Issued on: March 23, 2022

Promote affordable rental housing REITs The pilot project attracts social capital participation

The CSRC said on March 18 that it was working with relevant ministries to further promote infrastructure REITs Pilot, improve the system and mechanism, and expand the scope of pilot. At present, there are 11 public offerings REITs On products

Issued on: March 21, 2022

Policies are in full swing, public offering of affordable rental housing REITs Or the first year

Public offering on January 28 REITs Then spread the good news, Shanghai Stock Exchange, Shenzhen Stock Exchange and China Clearing Corporation Limited issued the business guidance of the Fund Connect for OTC public offering in demand REITs Investors provide supplementary exit channels. At present, the whole country is

Issued on: January 29, 2022

NDRC: Infrastructure in 2021 REITs A total of 11 projects have been issued. At present, nearly 100 projects have been promoted

On January 29, Zhonghuanet Finance and Economics News: Recently, the official micro blog of the National Development and Reform Commission revealed that in 2021, China's infrastructure REITs Breakthrough has been made. By the end of 2021, a total of 11 projects had been issued and listed.

Issued on: January 29, 2022

NDRC: Accelerate the promotion of real estate investment trust fund in infrastructure field( REITs )Related work

The Outline of the 14th Five Year Plan clearly promotes the real estate investment trust fund in infrastructure field( REITs )Healthy development, effective revitalization of existing assets, forming a virtuous circle of existing assets and new investment.

Release date: December 31, 2021

Up to 30% in half a year after listing, public offering REITs Strength kills stocks?

Recently, the second batch of public offering REITS has been sold out by institutions. Why are they so popular? Look at the first batch of public offerings in six months REITs You will understand the trend. Data source: wind Statistics date: 2021 6 21-202

Issued on: December 28, 2021

Give Play to Steady Advantages REITs Helping solve the investment problems under the shock market

The market will end in 2021. Looking ahead, diversified layout will become the key word. Many industry veterans said that the hot spots in the volatile market changed frequently, and the water temperature was repeated. It was suggested that investors should use balanced allocation

Issued on: December 28, 2021

In November, 22 funds have extended the raising period. Why is the hot sale of new funds coexisting with the delayed raising?

Is it easy to sell the new development fund? On the same day of November 25, ABC Huili Innovation Growth Mix, Jingshun Great Wall Anding one-year holding period mix, and Western Lide GEM ETF Link A announced the extension of the raising period. another

Date of issue: November 26, 2021

Insurance funds can be invested in public offering REITs Not all insurance companies are qualified to invest

Public offering of insurance fund investment REITs The brake is opened! On November 17, the CBRC issued the Notice on Matters Related to Insurance Fund Investment in Publicly Raised Infrastructure Securities Investment Fund (hereinafter referred to as the Notice)

Issued on: November 18, 2021

Greenland Holdings answers investors' questions: promote hotel Reits in a two pronged way, and simultaneously promote the separate sale of hotels

On September 17, China.com Finance and Economics News: Today, when Greenland Holdings asked investors about "the progress of five or six reits to be launched" on an investor relations interactive platform, Greenland Holdings replied that, for hotels, the company is currently doing both things,

Issued on: September 17, 2021

Beijing issued public rental housing REITs Products with a circulation of 400 million yuan

On August 18, 2021, Beijing Social Security Housing Center will book and issue the first public rental housing in China REITs Product - special plan for public rental housing asset support of Guokai Beijing affordable housing center. The special plan is made by

Issued on: August 19, 2021



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