Tea 100 Way donated millions to set up a love fund teenagers

Pay attention to love teenagers On the basis of education development, "Tea 100 Way" combines with Sichuan Province teenagers Develop public welfare foundation and set up Chabaidao Love Fund. On November 22, the establishment ceremony of Chabaidao Love Fund was held in

Issued on: November 23, 2022

teenagers What causes hair loss? teenagers Can white hair recover?

teenagers What causes hair loss? teenagers Hair loss is usually a normal physiological phenomenon without hair loss. The growth of hair is usually periodic. Normally, hair grows

Release date: November 16, 2022

Cooking becomes a necessary skill, and Zhimeizhai helps teenagers Labor education

Cooking becomes a necessary skill, and Zhimeizhai helps teenagers Labor education

Release date: November 11, 2022

Focus observation: Chengdu teenagers The number and category of works in the science and technology innovation contest reached a new high

On November 6, an event themed "Science and technology lead the times, youth create dreams" teenagers The Science and Technology Innovation Competition was held in the primary school affiliated to Chengdu No. 7 Middle School. After 37 sessions, this competition focuses on the number of works and works

Issued on: November 8, 2022

Caring for Laisui teenagers Mental health, Yuexiu District launched a series of mental health theme activities

To improve the ear teenagers The Yuexiu District Laisui Personnel Service Management Bureau entrusted professional psychological institutions to launch a series of activities on the theme of mental health

Release date: 2022-10-27

Focusing on ancient vision maintenance, Kangmingbei Eye Brightening Liquid protects teenagers Vision health

According to the latest data released by the National Health Commission, as of June 2022, the number of people over five years old in China with myopia has exceeded 4.5 billion, which is a well deserved country with myopia. Among them, children

Release date: October 18, 2022

Scoliosis endangers children teenagers The third "killer" of health should be prevented and intervened early

Scientific research shows that scoliosis has become a threat to children and teenagers The third biggest killer of health. According to epidemiological data, children and teenagers The incidence of scoliosis is approximately

Release date: October 13, 2022

teenagers Women and the elderly are prone to sleep problems or will lead to these diseases

Today is World Mental Health Day. According to the International Diagnostic Classification of Mental Diseases, sleep disorders are also mental diseases. In China, about one third of people have all kinds of sleep problems. Sleep disorders

Release date: October 11, 2022

World WeChat News: Jianhu: legal escort teenagers Healthy growth

It is not good for parents to go out to work, unhappy family and marriage, the gap between rich and poor families, many social temptations, weak sense of the rule of law, etc teenagers Jianhu County Justice Bureau gives full play to the healthy growth of social and family issues

Release date: October 9, 2022

Global News: County People's Court: Propaganda of the rule of law into campus protection teenagers Healthy growth

Recently, the people's court of the county has actively carried out the activity of promoting the rule of law into the campus to guard teenagers Healthy growth. At the scene of the activity, the judges of the county people's court, combining their years of experience in criminal justice,

Release date: October 8, 2022

analysis teenagers The development trend, Entrepreneurship Chinese ignites the new future of the times!

Children are the future of our country and the hope of tomorrow. The healthy and comprehensive development of every child is the requirement of the new era. At 21:30 on the evening of September 9, 2022, Anhui Satellite TV's Entrepreneurial Chinese invited

Issued on: September 27, 2022

Global View Hotspot: Lankao County "Green Heart Spreads Its Wings" teenagers Mental health service in the village (community) into the village of Youyang Town

To further improve teenagers Psychological quality, guidance teenagers Establish a correct awareness of mental health teenagers Recognize the importance of maintaining mental health. On the morning of September 25, the Communist Youth League Lankao County Committee

Issued on: September 26, 2022

Boao International teenagers The signing ceremony of the Innovation Forum on Socialist Core Values of the Service Innovation Conference was held in Beijing

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out during his inspection of Nanliang in Gansu that the revolutionary history of Nanliang must be carefully studied. What is its historical position and role? Why is it the only remaining base area? Why are there only fruits left

Issued on: September 26, 2022

Watch every day! "Sleep as you please" may be a disease expert: teenagers High incidence, concern about children's sleepiness

There is such a group of people whose "sleepiness" comes at any time and can dream anywhere. They may be at school or work, and they are worried because they doze off. They don't know what disease they are suffering from. Southern Medicine

Issued on: September 22, 2022

tencent teenagers The Science Conference joined hands with China Aerospace, and five scientists shared the latest breakthroughs such as exploring the sun and fire

On September 19, 2022, the National Science and Technology Week took turns, and the main event, Science for the Future - Tencent teenagers The Science Conference was held in the National Library of China, and the activities were organized by the Department of Scientific and Technological Talents and Science Popularization of the Ministry of Science and Technology

Issued on: September 20, 2022

Global Video! teenagers Protect teeth and strengthen teeth. Did you do it right?

September 20, 2022 is the 34th "National Teeth Love Day". Recently, the National Health Commission issued a notice on carrying out the 2022 "National Teeth Love Day" publicity campaign, and determined the theme of this year's "National Teeth Love Day"

Issued on: September 16, 2022

Daily fast broadcast: the Communist Youth League Municipal Committee launched the "Two Helps and Two Promotions" concentrated action month activity to help villages teenagers Healthy growth

[Source: Shanwei Municipal People's Government _ hot spot concerns] Shanwei Daily (reporter Chen Xiaoming) Recently, the Communist Youth League Municipal Committee organized and carried out the "two gangs and two promotions" concentrated action month activity to solidly promote the rural revitalization of youth

Issued on: September 14, 2022

Hot every day: catch teenagers Accept the characteristics, tell the family style and family motto, "Su Dongpo's Family Style Story" creatively interpret the traditional culture

On September 10, a short video program called "Su Dongpo's Family Story" was launched on Jiangsu IPTV and the official

Issued on: September 13, 2022

Phase III National teenagers The financial literacy tutor certification class was successfully held

From September 2 to 4, 2022, the third phase was jointly launched by Guangdong Association for Vocational Capacity Building, Guangdong Institute of New Era Career Development, Zhongda Humanity, and Yijia Caifu teenagers Financial literacy tutor recognition

Release date: 2022-09-07

teenagers Spinal scoliosis can be corrected early only if it is found early

in recent years, teenagers Spinal scoliosis is a frequent problem, which worries parents who expect their children to stand relaxed and sit like a clock. Xia Yingpeng, chief physician of spinal surgery of the Municipal People's Hospital, teenagers The period is scoliosis

Release date: 2022-09-07

Shenzhen Eye Hospital carries out "digital intelligence" myopia prevention and control to create a digital science popularization platform

The reporter learned from Shenzhen Eye Hospital yesterday that as a child in Shenzhen teenagers The leading unit of myopia prevention and control, the hospital has taken the lead in carrying out digital intelligent myopia prevention and control in the country, and through digital intelligent technology

Issued on: September 5, 2022

Daily hot spot: new delivery system improves type I diabetes teenagers cognition

[Source: Xiangtan Media Network Health] Science and Technology Daily, Beijing, August 31 (Reporter Zhang Mengran) According to a pilot study on concept verification recently published by the British magazine Nature Communication, a mixed closed-loop insulin

Date of issue: 2022-09-02

World Today News! Difficulties of "Silver Age Helps Dreams" Fund in Licang District teenagers Realize micro wish

□ Reporter Zhang Xiaofan reports from our newspaper Qingdao On August 28, Licang District of Qingdao organized distressed minors to go to the cinema for free to watch movies. This is because Licang District used the "Silver Age to Help Dreams" fund to help the distressed teenagers Implement Micro

Issued on: September 1, 2022

teenagers Do orthodontics all need tooth extraction? What major factors need to be considered?

teenagers Do you need tooth extraction for orthodontics? Not all orthodontics need tooth extraction, and not all people are suitable for 28-32 teeth. Tooth health does not depend on the number of teeth. Whether orthodontics is necessary

Issued on: August 30, 2022

absorbed teenagers Scientifically advanced, Hengligao launched a new type of functional food

According to the data published by the authoritative medical journal The Lancet, from 1985 to 2019, China was 17 years old teenagers The average height has increased by 8 cm to 1757 cm in the past 35 years. This result

Issued on: August 25, 2022

enthusiastic teenagers Charity! Yezhifeng gives full support teenagers Bridge

In support of teenagers On the road of bridge career, the peak of industry has taken new actions. From August 4 to 7, a four-day session of China Bridge in the 2022 Business Summit Cup teenagers The elite competition (network) ended successfully, two

Issued on: August 24, 2022

Global hot news: Swan Lake Community in Chashan Street pays attention teenagers Lecture on Popular Science of Mental Health

[Source: Changzhou Science Popularization Net Work News] On August 18, 2022, the Swan Lake Community of Chashan Street carried out a concern teenagers Lecture on popular science knowledge of mental health. This lecture is aimed at young people

Issued on: August 19, 2022

Announcer: I hurt my eyes when playing basketball, and my milk carton stabbed my eyes. Doctor: summer vacation teenagers Multiple ocular trauma

[Source: Changjiang Daily - Changjiang Network] On August 13, the Wuhan client of Changjiang Daily (correspondent Pei Nishang), during the summer vacation, children have more free time to play and many accidents happen frequently, teenagers Children's eye

Issued on: August 13, 2022

Daily news! Qianjiang Court Simulated Court Escort the Campus teenagers Healthy growth!

[Source: Chongqing Qianjiang District People's Court Court News] In order to strengthen minors' awareness of the rule of law and closely combine rule of law education with moral education, in recent years, Qianjiang District People's Court has been committed to guiding

Issued on: August 11, 2022

Play sports marketing! "Industry Summit Cup" bridge teenagers End of Classic

From August 4 to 7, a four-day session of China Bridge in the 2022 Business Summit Cup teenagers The elite game (network) ended smoothly. 16 teams from two groups participated in the game, fully demonstrating the bridge game

Issued on: August 8, 2022


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