Inner Mongolia The demand of merging residential power consumption in Xuefuhuayuan Community, Jining District, Ulanqab City into the Electric Power Bureau

On November 2, 2022, 315 reporters received Inner Mongolia The legal call for help from the Industry Committee of Xuefuhuayuan Community in Jining District, Ulanqab City is mainly to report to the leaders of relevant departments in Jining District about the residence of Xuefuhuayuan Community

Issued on: November 17, 2022

Global quick look: Inner Mongolia Is there radiation in Gobi Stone?

Gobi stone has radiation. As long as it is natural stone, it has certain radiation. However, the radiation of Gobi jade is extremely low, similar to that of ceramic tiles and porcelain, and has little impact on human body. If large quantities of gobi stones need to be stored,

Release date: November 16, 2022

January September Inner Mongolia GDP of each region: Baotou leads Hohhot, Tongliao exceeds 100 billion, Wuhai City ranks 10th

Inner Mongolia , located in northern China, is the province with the largest east-west span in China, spanning the northeast, north and northwest regions, with a total area of 1.183 million square kilometers and a permanent population of 24 million. In recent years, Inner Mongolia

Issued on: November 6, 2022-12

The World's Hot Discussion: Need Nucleic Acid Testing for High Speed Rail

Do you need to do nucleic acid testing on high-speed rail? Do you need to do nucleic acid test when you sit on high-speed rail now? Do you need to do nucleic acid test when you sit on high-speed rail now? It is necessary to take high-speed railway now

Date of issue: November 5, 2022

Does Globegroup Today News go in and out of the latest regulations in Ordos?

1、 After 14 days of centralized isolation medical observation at the first entry point and completion of nucleic acid testing as required, the entry personnel shall report to the destination Gacha Village (community) as soon as possible and provide relevant certificates. After the isolation is removed

Issued on: October 29, 2022

Inner Mongolia : The integrated post processing project of coal, electricity and aluminum with a total investment of nearly 8 billion yuan was put into operation

>Recently, with the first batch of molten aluminum of Baiyinhua High Precision Aluminum Plate and Belt Project of National Power Investment, Inner Mongolia Xilinguo, a major project planned by the autonomous region for the integrated circular economy industrial cluster of "coal electricity aluminum post aluminum+"

Issued on: October 24, 2022

Previous August Inner Mongolia The power generation of industrial enterprises above designated size ranks first in China, and the production of raw coal ranks second in China

Under the positive influence of the energy supply guarantee policy, from January to August this year, Inner Mongolia The output of coal, electricity and natural gas ranks top in China. From the perspective of raw coal output, from January to August, industrial enterprises above designated size in the region produced 7 73% of raw coal

Issued on: October 21, 2022

Inner Mongolia "Tianjun Plan" speeds up the promotion and fully promotes the listing process of enterprises

in recent years, Inner Mongolia Governments at all levels vigorously support enterprises to go public and launch Inner Mongolia Tianjun plan for listing enterprises to promote high-quality enterprises to become bigger and stronger, realize the transformation and upgrading of industrial structure, and accelerate Inner Mongolia Economic society

Release date: October 10, 2022

Focus broadcast: as of 0:00 on October 4 Inner Mongolia High, medium and low risk areas

As of 0:00, October 4 Inner Mongolia High, medium and low risk areas

Issued on: October 4, 2022

Inner Mongolia Ningcheng Launches Free Vocational Skills Training Class "Ningcheng Yuesao" Enters the Brand Development Track

Thanks to the doctors and nurses who treated me, especially my sister-in-law, Aunt Chen. She took good care of me in the most difficult days after I gave birth to my child, and I sincerely thank her! Recently, one person from Beijing

Issued on: September 27, 2022

State Grain and Material Reserve Bureau Inner Mongolia Director Li Fujun and his delegation visited Yangufang Group for investigation and guidance

On August 24, the State Food and Materials Reserve Bureau Inner Mongolia Li Fujun, Director of the Bureau, Wang Weihua, Director of the Food and Materials Reserve Bureau of Shandong Province Inner Mongolia Zhao Guozhong, Director and Deputy Director of the Food and Materials Reserve Bureau of the Autonomous Region

Issued on: September 21, 2022

Inner Mongolia Wuyuan County Vigorously Develops Characteristic Industries and Goes a New Way of Green and High Quality Development

Located at the northernmost end of the Yellow River Inner Mongolia Wuyuan County is prosperous because of water, and 1.23 million mu of cultivated land in the whole county is saline alkali land. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Wuyuan County has vigorously promoted salt and alkali based on the advantages of modern agricultural industry

Issued on: September 20, 2022

Inner Mongolia Carry out five major starting actions to promote high-quality economic and social development

From mid to late August, Inner Mongolia Carry out five major starting actions in the whole district, namely, projects to be approved, idle land, settling funds, half projects and development zone construction, highlight the problem orientation and promote

Issued on: September 19, 2022

Know it all! Inner Mongolia First full coverage elevator liability insurance landing

On September 8, Inner Mongolia The signing ceremony of the first full coverage elevator liability insurance was held in Hohhot, Inner Mongolia Director of Special Equipment Bureau of Market Supervision Administration of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region

Issued on: September 9, 2022

Inner Mongolia More than 500 local standards have been formulated (revised) to define the development goals by 2025

On August 31, Inner Mongolia The Information Office of the People's Government of the Autonomous Region held a press conference on the Implementation Plan of the National Standardization Development Program. The reporter learned from the meeting that recently, Inner Mongolia since

Date of issue: 2022-09-02

The incentive funds for promoting the construction of key rural tourism villages in Baotou are directly allocated to the villages

Recently, Baotou Finance Bureau issued a reward fund of 3.6 million yuan to support the high-quality development of cultural tourism. It will reward the villages that will be rated as key rural tourism villages of autonomous regions and Baotou City in 2022, and actively promote the development of rural tourism

Date of issue: 2022-09-02

First half of the year Inner Mongolia 1042 green building projects to accelerate green consumption

Journalists from Inner Mongolia The Department of Housing and Urban Rural Development of the Autonomous Region has learned that in the first half of this year, there were 1042 green building projects in the region that passed the review of construction drawings, amounting to 115.81 million square meters. Hohhot, Xilingol

Issued on: August 30, 2022

China· Inner Mongolia The 4th Forage Industry Conference was held in Keyouqian Banner, Xing'an League

August 25, by Inner Mongolia China sponsored by Pasture Industry Development Association· Inner Mongolia The 4th Forage Industry Conference was opened in Keyouqian Banner of Xing'an League& uarr; China· Inner Mongolia The 4th Forage Industry Conference

Issued on: August 26, 2022

Inner Mongolia Promote the development of the whole new energy industry chain and accelerate the application of diversified scenarios

The reporter recently Inner Mongolia The energy bureau of the autonomous region learned that as of the end of June, Inner Mongolia The installed capacity of new energy reached 56.53 million kilowatts, accounting for 36% of the total installed capacity of power supply in the region; In the first half of the year, the region's new energy power generation reached 65.5 billion yuan

Issued on: August 25, 2022

Current hot news: Inner Mongolia Audit Office: The debt ratio in some regions remains high and the annual debt task has not been completed

Inner Mongolia Audit Office: The debt ratio in some regions remains high and the annual debt task has not been completed

Issued on: August 22, 2022

Inner Mongolia Promote the construction of major projects to support the rapid growth of fixed asset project investment

On August 18, the reporter learned from the video conference on promoting the construction of major projects and expanding effective investment in the region that as of August 15 this year, the region plans to implement government investment of 50 million yuan and enterprise investment of more than 100 million yuan

Issued on: August 19, 2022

Inner Mongolia Focusing on the development of export-oriented industries in the county, foreign trade helps rural revitalization

in recent years, Inner Mongolia The autonomous region focuses on accelerating the construction of a new development pattern, deepening the supply side structural reform, focusing on the development of export-oriented industries at the county level, strengthening cooperation between the upper and lower levels and regional coordination, and promoting the realization of something out of nothing

Issued on: August 18, 2022

View the world! Alxa League Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Technology Promotion Center was successfully completed Inner Mongolia Sample collection and performance measurement for accurate identification of cashmere goats (Alxa type)

[Source: Alaxa League Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Bureau_Departmental Dynamics] According to the three-year national census action plan for livestock and poultry genetic resources, recently, Professor Zhang Yanjun, a national cashmere goat census expert, and a delegation of 6 people went to the national cashmere goat conservation

Issued on: August 17, 2022

Inner Mongolia Hold a briefing on the final actions of projects to be approved, establish an efficient and long-term approval mechanism

By comprehensively starting the project to be approved and establishing a standing book, the project to be approved should be fully approved by the end of the year! On August 15, Inner Mongolia The Information Office of the Autonomous Region Government organized a briefing on the beginning and end of the projects to be approved in the autonomous region.

Issued on: August 17, 2022

Focus broadcast: Inner Mongolia More than 730000 people participated in "Huimin Insurance"

[Yu Rong reporter Zhao Xiubin] Inner Mongolia Since the launch of "Huimin Insurance" on June 10 this year Inner Mongolia Widely welcomed and recognized by the masses, the number of insured people has exceeded 730000 in a short 60 day insurance period

Issued on: August 12, 2022

Global real-time: January July Inner Mongolia 8.4 billion yuan allocated for livelihood security

>January July, Inner Mongolia The Department of Civil Affairs of the Autonomous Region completed the allocation of 841.9 billion yuan from the general public budget of 2022, including 523.2 billion yuan from the central government and 318.7 billion yuan from the autonomous region. Civil security

Issued on: August 10, 2022

New news from the world: The child fell down and was injured when playing in the rockery. Parents turned to the traffic police for escort and went to two hospitals for treatment

[Source: Hohhot Evening News] "Hello, please help me." At about 19:00 on July 29, a woman holding an injured child went to the Fifth Middle School of Saihan Traffic Control Brigade on duty at the intersection of Chilechuan Street

Issued on: July 30, 2022

Today's report combs the history of changes in China's provincial administrative divisions. Will the future focus on the central and western regions or the Yangtze River Delta?

Recently, the Ministry of Civil Affairs revealed that it will promote the relevant zoning adjustment, which brings more space for imagination. According to many speculation in the market over the years, except for local cities (prefectures and prefectures) and counties(

Issued on: July 28, 2022

First half of the year Inner Mongolia The import and export value of foreign trade increased by 17.3%, and the vitality of foreign trade business entities increased

On July 20, Inner Mongolia The Information Office of the Autonomous Region Government held a press conference to brief the autonomous region on the basic situation of foreign trade import and export in the first half of the year. Hohhot Customs related responsible person has driven the growth of foreign trade mainly because

Issued on: July 21, 2022


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