Economic observation: China's foreign trade shows four positive signs in the first three quarters

China news agency, Beijing, October 13, topic: Four positive signs emerged in China's foreign trade in the first three quarters. China news agency reporter Li Xiaoyu's report card of China's foreign trade in the first three quarters was released on the 13th. At a time of overall downturn in global trade

Release date: October 17, 2023

The funds for bottom copying are enthusiastic! In August, the share of stock ETF increased by nearly 100 billion Star products More than 20 billion copies in a single month

As of August 30, the net asset value of ETFs in the whole market had crossed the threshold of 2 trillion yuan. Including equity ETF assets

Issued on: August 31, 2023

The funds for bottom copying are enthusiastic! In August, the share of stock ETF increased by nearly 100 billion Star products More than 20 billion copies in a single month

August 30 is also the third trading day after the introduction of the "four arrows" by the regulators

Issued on: August 30, 2023

Kangzhi Pharmaceutical: The company's antipyretic and analgesic series and cold series products are in good production and operation Star products Normal market demand

Every time through AI newsletter, investors ask questions on the investor interaction platform: Secretary, you reply to the current reply of Kangzhi Pharmaceutical

Issued on: August 3, 2023

"Zheng Haorong" Star products Overall market ⑥ | "Tax e-loan" of Agricultural Bank of China

Since the launch of Zheng Haorong, the "tax e-loan" product launched by Agricultural Bank of China has also attracted attention. This product is noodles

Issued on: July 7, 2023

"Zheng Haorong" Star products Large scale ① | Wanbang Park Loan

Zhongyuan News "Zheng Haorong" platform has been popular with citizens since it was launched, and many star loan products

Issued on: June 27, 2023

Global quick news! "Zheng Haorong" Star products Large scale ① | Wanbang Park Loan

Since the launch of "Zheng Haorong" platform, it has been deeply loved by citizens, and many star loan products have been issued by users

Issued on: June 27, 2023

Sunflower Pharmaceutical accelerates to expand product pipeline Star products It is the main force of performance

After receiving the Notice of Acceptance of the Application for Registration and Marketing License of the generic drug PEG 3350 in May

Issued on: June 25, 2023

Daily news: Hengshui Bank Insurance Regulatory Branch:“ Star products ”High efficiency of supporting and benefiting agriculture

Online News of Bank of China Insurance News (Qiao Xiaolei, Li Bin) A reporter learned from the Insurance Regulatory Branch of Hengshui Bank that the branch led the rural cooperative medical institutions to focus on improving the efficiency of supporting and benefiting farmers with the guidance of high-quality agricultural development.

Issued on: March 28, 2023

Focus observation: It's hard to enjoy the cool under big trees? The scale of Agricultural Bank of China Huili Fund stagnated, Star products Net value rollback 28%

Longji Lvneng, Zhenhua Technology, Putai, Dangsheng Technology, Ningde Times Stock Market Practical Technology Exchange Forum Skills Information Technology Research Exchange

Issued on: February 1, 2023

Lose 8 years' profits in one year: AXA SPDB Fund Star products Over 37% loss last year

Stock Market Practical Technology Exchange Forum Skills Information Technology Research Exchange

Issued on: January 31, 2023

Today's view! Is the investment ability inferior to that of retail investors? Xingquan Fund Star products Floating loss in closing period 29%

Dongfang Cable, Industrial Securities, Zhongtian Technology, Sungrow Power, Xingquan Hexing Stock Market Practical Technology Exchange Forum Skills Information Technology Research Exchange

Release date: December 16, 2022

On the eve of the Double 11 of the dithering e-commerce, access to today's headlines, bytes in the past Star products Or a guide tool

Following the launch of the "9 yuan 9 special" channel, Diaoyin E-commerce has access to today's Toutiao APP, doing everything possible to absorb more available traffic. And this also makes today's Headline, an old brand mobile information client that has been silent for a long time

Date of issue: 2022-10-26

Liuzhou snail powder East Expo Star products 8 snail powder brands including Chou Bao participated in the exhibition

On September 16, the 19th China ASEAN Expo and the China ASEAN Business and Investment Summit opened in Nanning, Guangxi. This CAEXPO will share the new opportunities of RCEP and boost the China ASEAN Free Trade Area 30

Issued on: September 23, 2022

Wheat Coffee Star products It is estimated that about 1000 stores will be added in 2023

On September 1, McCafé, a professional manual coffee brand under McDonald's, announced the launch of milk iron series, and completely removed the latte from the shelves. This product will be exclusive to McAfee Star products , nationwide

Issued on: September 1, 2022

Star products Buy 1 for free in a limited time, and the global brand promotion conference with tribute masters is about to open

With the accelerated pace of life, modern urban people will face the physical problems of gout, shoulder soreness and migraine caused by staying up late, overeating and eating too greasy

Issued on: July 19, 2022

Human Resources and Social Security Bureau of Yiyuan County takes multiple measures to improve the service level of talent security

In recent years, the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau of Yiyuan County has actively complied with the development trend of the times, deeply implemented the development concept of taking the people as the center, and actively explored talent security under the new situation with the help of the new model of Internet+human resources and social governance services

Issued on: April 2, 2022

Lanling County organized a training meeting on inclusive financial services for rural revitalization and the "Four Goose Project"

In order to strengthen the inclusive financial services for rural revitalization and deepen the implementation of the "Four Wild Goose Project", according to the arrangement and deployment of the Lanling County Party Committee and the County Government, the Lanling County Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs organized the inclusive financial services for the township on March 10

Issued on: April 2, 2022

Create a crowd Star products Fushan Medicine has entered thousands of households

In the era of universal health, the public's awareness of family health is becoming stronger and stronger. In addition to the regular medicines needed for daily colds and headaches, special medicines prepared for sub-health have also become indispensable health for many families

Issued on: January 5, 2022

IPO of Hanyu Medical | Three tracks, three fields, Star products Lead formation

On September 13, 2021, after the hearing by Hong Kong Stock Exchange, Hanyu Medical went online with the prospectus. With a keen sense of smell, foresight and firm decision-making, most people have already started

Issued on: September 14, 2021

Where can I find delicious plum slices? Han Meimei solemnly recommends his subordinates Star products

Since its establishment in 2014, Han Meimei has taken it as her responsibility to provide healthy, safe and delicious snacks for consumers, and is committed to building a leading brand of fruit and vegetable snacks in China. Han Meimei meticulously developed four series

Issued on: September 9, 2021

Worth buying | CARDE split integrated stove Star products recommend

At the moment when the quality of life is upgrading, consumers' demands for kitchen appliances are more diversified and personalized. Many kitchen appliances enterprises pay more and more attention to the technological innovation of kitchen appliances because there is no differentiated production

Issued on: July 16, 2021

Aoyou is a little annoyed: Star products Sheep milk powder revenue fell 7.1% in the first quarter

While milk powder rose rapidly, the main product of Aoyou, sheep milk powder (Jiabeiaite), showed a rare decline. Q1 China's revenue was 83.5 billion yuan, down 59% year on year, and the revenue of other regions outside China was 0.37 billion yuan

Issued on: May 14, 2021

Quick fried oatmeal becomes a global food industry Star products , the Chinese market has more potential

Recently, the national economic and social development statistical bulletin for 2020 released by the National Bureau of Statistics showed that the per capita disposable income of the national residents in 2020 was 32189 yuan, and the per capita food, tobacco and alcohol consumption expenditure was 6397 yuan, an increase of 5%

Issued on: March 26, 2021

Three patients with broken stent recall of Medtronic medical device faucet“ Star products

The reporter noticed that the products involved this time are related to the heart and cardiovascular of Medtronic's core business. This business segment is not only the earliest and longest business of Medtronic, but also an important part of its revenue growth. Medtronic in 2019

Issued on: February 23, 2021

Three patients with broken stent recall of Medtronic medical device faucet“ Star products

The reporter noticed that the products involved this time are related to the heart and cardiovascular of Medtronic's core business. This business segment is not only the earliest and longest business of Medtronic, but also an important part of its revenue growth. Medtronic in 2019

Date of issue: 2021-02-20



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