How to deal with dogs that hurt people? Emergency notice in many places!

BEIJING, Oct. 19 (Wei Xianghui) Recently, a girl was bitten by a dog in a community in Chongzhou, Chengdu. According to the report of the public security organ, the girl was diagnosed with multiple bites, right kidney contusion

Issued on: October 23, 2023

Lawyers' interpretation of the four major focus issues of the "girl bitten by a dog" event reported by Chongzhou, Sichuan

Beijing, October 18 (Reporter Guo Jiali) On October 16, a 2-year-old girl in a community in Chongzhou, Chengdu, Sichuan, was knocked down and bitten by a Rowena dog, causing kidney contusion and laceration, which attracted attention. October 17, Thursday

Release date: October 19, 2023

The official report "The girl was bitten by a dog": Rottweiler The owner is subject to criminal coercive measures

China News Network, October 17 According to the news from today's Chongzhou WeChat official account, the joint investigation team of Chongzhou, Sichuan, released a notice on October 17 that at about 8:00 on October 16, Hengda Xichen Oasis, Yangma Street, Chongzhou, Sichuan

Release date: October 18, 2023


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