Issued by Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchanges infrastructure Interim Reporting Guidelines for REITs

infrastructure REITs information disclosure ushers in the latest policy. On the evening of October 27, the Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchanges issued infrastructure The guidelines for interim reports of REITs are clear, the specific disclosure time of interim reports and the specified information

Release date: October 30, 2023

Public offering REITs made 27 profits and one slightly lost in the third quarter of this year

As of October 25, all the 28 listed REITs in the third quarter of 2023 had been disclosed. The report shows that except for the net profit loss of Hua'an Zhangjiang Everbright REIT in the third quarter (loss

Release date: October 30, 2023

China Development Bank has granted more than 13.1 billion yuan of loans this year to support information, science and technology infrastructure build

China News Network, Beijing, October 25, topic: China Development Bank has granted more than 13.1 billion yuan of loans this year to support information, science and technology infrastructure Wang Enbo, a reporter from China Development Bank

Issued on: October 27, 2023

Science and technology innovation, together with future quality infrastructure Service technology innovation seminar held

October 24, China Economic Network (reporter Li Dongyang) On October 23, the sub forum of the 25th annual meeting of China Association for Science and Technology - quality infrastructure The service technology innovation seminar was held in Hefei. The seminar creates

Release date: October 25, 2023

Shandong's GDP in the first three quarters increased by 6% year on year infrastructure Investment increased by 26.1%

On October 23, according to Dazhong Daily, Shandong's GDP in the first three quarters of this year was 6812.5 billion yuan, an increase of 60% year-on-year at comparable prices. The surging journalists noticed that the growth rate was higher

Issued on: October 24, 2023

Multi region extra code layout, new infrastructure, financial support policy combination

On October 19, Shanghai released the "Shanghai Further Promotes New Models" infrastructure Construction Action Plan (2023-2026) infrastructure Construction, expansion and effectiveness

Issued on: October 24, 2023

By the end of 2026, Shanghai will be initially built into a double 10 gigabit city and promote the new type infrastructure Construction steps to a new level

On October 19, the Information Office of the Shanghai Municipal Government held a press conference to introduce "Shanghai further promotes new models" infrastructure Construction Action Plan (2023-2026). Proposal of Action Plan

Issued on: October 24, 2023

Shanghai: Take the lead in creating a national data trading platform

China Singapore Jingwei, October 19 By wire, the website of the Shanghai Municipal People's Government released the "Shanghai Further Promotes New Models" on October 19 infrastructure Construction Action Plan (2023-2026),

Issued on: October 20, 2023

Taikang Assets was officially approved to carry out asset securitization (ABS) business

On October 13, the CSRC officially approved five insurance asset management companies to participate in the asset securitization (ABS) business, and Taikang Assets became one of the first insurance asset management companies to obtain the qualification of ABS manager of the Exchange

Release date: October 17, 2023

Environmental Science infrastructure Build a fast lane

Recently, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Ecological Environment, the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development and other departments issued the infrastructure Construction Level Improvement Action (2023-2025) (hereinafter referred to as "Action Plan")

Release date: October 16, 2023

The A-share market will welcome the 29th public offering REITs. The industry is optimistic about the "expansion" of the market

On October 10, the expressway of Zhongjin Shangao Group was closed infrastructure The securities investment fund (fund referred to as CICC Shandong Expressway REIT) was officially launched, and the A-share market will welcome the 29th public offering REITs (real estate investment

Release date: October 12, 2023

Consolidate the foundation of digital economy calculation

Recently, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and other six departments jointly issued the infrastructure High Quality Development Action Plan, which puts forward four aspects of computing power, carrying power, storage power and application empowerment by 2025

Release date: October 12, 2023

Arithmetical force infrastructure High quality development has a roadmap

By 2025, the proportion of intelligent computing power will reach 35%, and the proportion of advanced storage capacity will reach more than 30% - computing power infrastructure High quality development has a roadmap to strengthen collaborative innovation in computing, network, storage and applications,

Release date: October 11, 2023

Continuously improve charging infrastructure system

As a typical application scenario, the charging of expressway service area infrastructure In order to achieve the goal of "from existing to more, from more to excellent", it is also necessary to link with multiple parties and continuously improve the data display of the smart car networking platform of the State Grid

Release date: October 10, 2023

Manfu Technology completed a round B financing of tens of millions of yuan to build future oriented AI with data infrastructure

Recently, Manfu Technology, an AI infrastructure and data intelligence platform service provider, announced that in September 2023

Issued on: October 9, 2023

Anhui strengthens quality infrastructure build

China News Network Hefei, September 25, Topic: Anhui strengthens quality infrastructure Construction China Singapore Finance and Economics reporter Liu Liang, sponsored by the People's Government of Anhui Province, and undertaken by the Market Supervision Bureau of Anhui Province and China Quality Press

Issued on: September 26, 2023

French political research institutions: the United States shows worrying signs of recession in three key areas

Recently, the French Institute of International and Strategic Relations (IRIS) pointed out in an article that over time, cracks began to appear in this building in the United States infrastructure , democratic crisis and community conflict

Issued on: September 14, 2023

China Public Charging infrastructure Overall growth

China news agency, Beijing, September 11 (Reporter Yan Xiaohong) China Electric Vehicle Charging infrastructure Electric vehicle charging and replacement in August 2023 released by the Promotion Alliance on the 11th infrastructure The operation shows that: China Public Charging

Issued on: September 12, 2023

China Securities Regulatory Commission: expand the types of public REITs pilot assets to consumption infrastructure

According to the information on the website of CSRC on September 8 infrastructure Domain Real Estate Investment Trust Fund

Issued on: September 9, 2023

Innovate the mechanism to manage and protect the countryside infrastructure

It is necessary to further break the fragmentation, coordinate the management and protection of multiple departments, promote each other, and gradually establish and improve urban and rural public security

Issued on: September 9, 2023

Innovate the mechanism to manage and protect the countryside infrastructure

It is necessary to further break the fragmentation, coordinate the management and protection of multiple departments, promote each other, and gradually establish and improve urban and rural public security

Issued on: September 9, 2023

Beijing: Disaster stricken municipal transportation infrastructure Restoration and reconstruction projects can be constructed before approval

Recently, the Beijing Municipal Commission of Planning and Natural Resources released the Report on Optimizing Beijing's Natural Disasters

Issued on: September 9, 2023

Li Yutao talks about Tencent Cloud Sailing: It operates 70 zones and has the largest one in Asia infrastructure

From September 7 to 8, the 2023 Tencent Digital Ecology Conference was held in Shenzhen. Li Yutao, vice president of Tencent Cloud

Issued on: September 9, 2023

China Securities Regulatory Commission: It is planned to expand the type of public REITs pilot assets to consumption infrastructure

China Singapore Jingwei, September 8 By wire, according to the news on the website of the CSRC on the 8th, the CSRC plans to make a public offering infrastructure

Issued on: September 9, 2023

The CSRC will revise the "Public Offering infrastructure Article 50 of the Guidelines for Securities Investment Funds (for Trial Implementation)

Securities Times E Company News, in order to further expand infrastructure REITs

Issued on: September 9, 2023

Tencent Cloud Li Yutao: Tencent Cloud makes full efforts to layout globalization and build a powerful cloud infrastructure

On September 7, at the main summit of the 2023 Tencent Digital Ecology Conference held in Shenzhen International Convention and Exhibition Center, Tencent

Issued on: September 8, 2023

Bei'an Strengthening Park infrastructure maintain

The picture shows that the road surface at the north entrance of Xianghe Park is being repaired. On September 8, the Northeast Network reported that in order to improve the public's garden tour

Issued on: September 8, 2023

Li Yutao talks about Tencent Cloud Sailing: it operates 70 zones and has the largest in Asia infrastructure

Beijing News Shell Finance News (reporter Bai Jinlei) On September 7-8, 2023 Tencent Digital Ecology Conference was held in

Issued on: September 8, 2023

Beijing: Disaster stricken municipal transportation infrastructure Restoration and reconstruction projects can be constructed before approval

Recently, the Beijing Municipal Commission of Planning and Natural Resources released the Report on Optimizing Beijing's Natural Disasters

Issued on: September 8, 2023

Create a new engine for investment growth around the "addition" of new infrastructure

Recently, the China Telecom Tianyi Cloud Zhongnan Digital Industrial Park Project (Phase I) contracted by Zhongnan Company of the Third Company of China Construction Fifth Engineering Bureau ushered in the completion acceptance. As an important part of the national cloud strategy, the project is a major project in Hunan Province

Issued on: September 8, 2023


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