Jiangsu Bank Beijing Branch: strengthen bond underwriting business to help the development of the real economy

Jiangsu Beijing Branch of the Bank thoroughly implemented the national policies, earnestly fulfilled the responsibilities of financial enterprises, continued to optimize the financing structure, increased the proportion of direct financing, and strengthened financial service entities based on the needs of the real economy

Issued on: December 1, 2022

[Globecast News] First Three Quarters Jiangsu Per capita disposable income in 13 cities: Suzhou ranked first, Nantong ranked sixth, and Suqian ranked last

Per capita disposable income is an important reference indicator to measure the wealth level of a region. Often, the higher the per capita disposable income of a region, the higher the level of people's wealth in that region. Jiangsu Province is our national economy

Issued on: December 1, 2022

Jiangsu Project promotion of Weikang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd

Binhai County, also known as the hometown of Shouwu, belongs to Jiangsu Yancheng City, Sichuan Province, borders the Yellow Sea in the east, Sheyang River in the south, the main irrigation canal in northern Jiangsu and Sheyang County in the south, Lianshui County in the west, Funing County in the southwest, and waste water in the north

Release date: November 30, 2022

Quick information: Jiangsu Establishment of Nanshan Internet of Vehicles Innovation Fund Alliance

On November 27, at the Third China (Wuxi) Internet of Vehicles Industry Development Summit Forum and the "Yaju Taihu Bay Financial Roundtable" activity (hereinafter referred to as the event), Jiangsu The first collaborative innovation consortium - Nanshan Car Service

Release date: November 30, 2022

Global focus: Jiangsu Nanjing Shanghai Expressway (00177): the coupon rate of "22 Nanjing Shanghai G3" is 2.95%

Jiangsu Nanjing Shanghai Expressway (00177): the nominal interest rate of "22 Nanjing Shanghai G3" is 295%

Issued on: November 29, 2022

Jiangsu Bank Wuxi Branch landed "transfer with mortgage" second-hand housing loan

A few days ago, Jiangsu Wuxi Branch of the Bank, according to the "pledge transfer" transaction of second-hand housing jointly issued by Wuxi Housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau and Natural Resources and Planning Bureau

Release date: November 28, 2022

Huainan High tech Zone went to Suzhou for investment promotion

From November 23 to 24, Zhai Ming, member of the Party Working Committee and deputy director of the Management Committee of Huainan Hi tech Zone, led the team to Jiangsu Suzhou investigated Jiasheng New Energy (Kunshan) Co., Ltd. and Suzhou Hongtian Optical Materials Co., Ltd

Release date: November 28, 2022

Daily speed reading! Jiangsu Six core cities in the province: Huai'an and Yangzhou were not shortlisted, while Nantong and Wuxi were on the list

Jiangsu It is a province admired by many people. Some people even think it is a "heaven chosen place". First of all, there are no major disasters, such as earthquakes, straits and typhoons. At the same time, Jiangsu Most of the province is plain

Release date: November 28, 2022

Daily video! National Top Ten Industrial Counties: Jiangsu It has 6 seats, one in Fujian and one in Zhejiang, and two in the central and western regions

There are many lists for evaluating the county economy in China, such as the national top 100 counties, which have gradually become an important evaluation index for provinces and cities in recent years. Economy and industry are inseparable. Recently, it was compiled by China Academy of Information and Communication

Release date: November 28, 2022

China County Industrial Economic Development Forum Held to Discuss Development Strategies on the New Track

On November 25, the China County Industrial Economic Development Forum (2022) hosted by the China Information and Communication Research Institute and the People's Government of Liyang City was held in Jiangsu It was held in Liyang, from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, some provinces, cities and counties(

Release date: November 28, 2022

Great population change! 6 provinces and cities recorded negative growth for the first time, Jiangsu It can't move anymore

According to the 2022 China Statistical Yearbook, the total population of the country at the end of last year was 1412.6 billion. The total population of the country is about 1409.8 billion according to the seven census data. The time node of Qipu is November 2020, that is to say, one

Issued on: November 27, 2022

Jiangsu Release ten key actions for e-commerce development

November 16, 2022 China Jiangsu The E-commerce Conference opened in Nanjing. The reporter of Modern Express learned from the meeting that in order to implement the 14th Five Year Plan for E-commerce Development issued by the Ministry of Commerce, the Central Cyberspace Office and the National Development and Reform Commission

Release date: November 25, 2022

[Global News] Distribution of Top 20 GDP20 Cities in the First Three Quarters: Jiangsu 4, 2 in Shandong, Sichuan and Guangdong

In the first three quarters, China's GDP totaled 87026.9 billion yuan, with a nominal growth rate of 573%, maintaining a good development trend and strongly promoting the global economic recovery. The top 20 cities in GDP

Release date: November 25, 2022

Daily report: the first three quarters Jiangsu National stations of each city: Wuxi 14th, Yancheng 39th, Xuzhou, Suqian

Jiangsu The province and China have always been the top level in the country, and even have been prosperous for thousands of years. In the first three quarters of this year, Jiangsu The provincial GDP is 88652.7 billion yuan, ranking second in the country and second only to Guangdong again.

Release date: November 24, 2022

Daily headlines! Jiangsu Wuxi: Industrial Internet enables high-quality transformation and upgrading of manufacturing industry

Wuxi's Internet of Things industry has gone through 13 years. What is the development status of the industrial Internet, which is closely integrated with Internet of Things, 5G, big data and other technologies? How to boost the transformation and upgrading of intelligent and green traditional industries

Release date: November 24, 2022

Global coverage: Yangtze River Delta: Jiangsu With 11 big cities and 3 in Anhui, how about Zhejiang?

The Yangtze River Delta is one of the most economically developed regions in China and one of the six world-class city clusters in the world Jiangsu , Zhejiang and Shanghai, 3 provinces and 1 city in total. The most important thing in this is Ann

Release date: November 24, 2022

Daily hot information! Jiangsu : How likely is Huai'an to catch up with Zhenjiang? Northern Jiangsu begins to rise

Huai'an, located in Jiangsu In the north central part of the province and in the east of the Jianghuai Plain, the total area is more than 10000 square kilometers, and the permanent population in 2021 will be 455.62 million. In the first three quarters of this year, Huai'an's GDP was 33284.8 billion yuan, ranking first in the world

Release date: November 24, 2022

Sorting out potential low market value and high growth individual stocks! 8 are held by foreign capital for more than 100 million yuan

Bank of Chengdu, Bank of Hangzhou, Jiangsu Bank, Shanghai Stock Exchange Index, Guanghui Energy Stock Market Practical Technology Exchange Forum Skills Information Technology Research Exchange

Issued on: November 23, 2022

Jiangsu Nine cities have entered the top 50 in China, and seven cities in Zhejiang. What about Shandong, Guangdong and Fujian?

There are a total of 336 prefecture level administrative regions in China, and those that can enter the top 100 are already at the upper middle level, while those in the top 50 are at the top level. In the last three quarters, the threshold for China's top 50 GDP is

Issued on: November 23, 2022

2022 China Jiangsu E-commerce Conference Held in Nanjing

November 16, by Jiangsu 2022 China under the guidance of Provincial Department of Commerce, Nanjing Municipal People's Government and sponsored by Nanjing Municipal Bureau of Commerce Jiangsu The E-commerce Conference was grandly opened in Nanjing. Special Representative of the Ministry of Commerce in Nanjing Wang

Issued on: November 21, 2022

World SMS! Jiangsu Four cities in the province entered the top 20: Nantong entered the list, nine cities entered the top 50, and 12 cities entered the top 80

Jiangsu The province is located in the eastern part of the mainland of China, with a total area of 10720000 square kilometers and a permanent population of 85054000 in 2021. Although it is a coastal province Jiangsu The development advantage of the province is not in the coastal area, but in the coastal area

Issued on: November 19, 2022

2022 China Jiangsu E-commerce Conference Held in Nanjing

November 16, by Jiangsu 2022 China under the guidance of Provincial Department of Commerce, Nanjing Municipal People's Government and sponsored by Nanjing Municipal Bureau of Commerce Jiangsu The E-commerce Conference was grandly opened in Nanjing. Special Representative of the Ministry of Commerce in Nanjing Wang

Issued on: November 17, 2022

Current newsletter: Jiangsu "Changzhou Wujin Talent Week" will start on November 16

Science and Technology Daily reporter from Jiangsu The Organization Department of Wujin District, Changzhou City, learned that in order to speed up the building of a leading "talent highland" in the Yangtze River Delta region and create an innovation that matches the energy level of future cities

Release date: November 16, 2022

Jiangsu Shuanggou Wine Tasting Center was grandly established in Xuzhou

Recently, Jiangsu Shuanggou Wine Tasting Center was established in Xuzhou! Relevant leaders, guests from cooperative units and media reporters participated in this activity and evaluated the displayed wine products, giving high praise!

Release date: November 15, 2022

Lofel Building Materials Jiangsu Limited company project promotion

Huai'an City is located in Jiangsu Located at the intersection of the ancient Huaihe River and the Beijing Hangzhou Grand Canal, it is in the middle north of the province and in the east of the Jianghuai Plain, bordering Lianyungang City in the north, Yancheng City in the east, Yangzhou City and Chuzhou City in Anhui Province in the south, and Suqian City in the west

Release date: November 15, 2022

Jiangsu : Transnational cooperation to promote the development of smart agriculture

November 10, in China· Jiangsu At the 8th International Industry University Research Cooperation Forum and the International Conference on Technology Transfer in Australia, Australian scholars and company representatives went to the Pacific Ocean through online cloud roadshows

Release date: November 15, 2022

Daily message: Jiangsu A 13.2km river crossing channel is under construction and will be completed in 2024. Many places envy Nanjing

Jiangsu Province is an important economic province in China with a history of 1000 years. Since the Northern and Southern Dynasties, it has become an important source of taxes in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Today's Jiangsu The province is still like

Release date: November 15, 2022

Today's hot news: 381.363 billion yuan! 2022 Jiangsu The issuance of provincial government bonds ended successfully

381.363 billion yuan! 2022 Jiangsu The issuance of provincial government bonds ended successfully

Release date: November 14, 2022

[Quick viewing] Jiangsu Three cities in the province are expected to be megacities, five cities are expected to be megacities, and six cities have subways

Speaking Jiangsu I believe everyone should know that, and the first impression is that it is developed, especially after the development of northern Jiangsu in recent years, Jiangsu The "short board" of

Release date: November 14, 2022

2022 Jiangsu Top 10 counties in the province: Kunshan is far superior to Jiangyin, Hai'an is stronger than Danyang, and Taicang has no chance

It has certain reference value to measure the strength of a county through the urban population. In China, the urban population can represent the size of a city Jiangsu The strength of provinces, county-level cities is higher than that of counties

Release date: November 14, 2022


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