Share prices plummeted Haitian Flavor Industry The Chairman proposed a large buyback

October 16, soy sauce Haitian Flavor Industry (603288) plummeted nearly 8%, the share price hit a new low in recent four years, and the total market value also fell below 200 billion yuan. The chairman of the company could not sit still when the share price fell sharply. October 16th

Release date: October 19, 2023

Haitian Flavor Industry , worked hard for two and a half years and evaporated 480 billion yuan!

If you want to know which head of a listed company is under the most pressure, Haitian Flavor Industry Absolutely one. Believe it

Issued on: September 9, 2023

Haitian Flavor Industry In the first half of the year, the revenue fell by 4.19%, the net profit fell by 8.76%, and the share price fell slightly

Haitian Flavor Industry (603288 SH) closed at 3982 yuan today, down 0 45%. last night, Haitian Flavor Industry Disclosure 2

Issued on: September 1, 2023

Haitian Flavor Industry In the first half of the year, the revenue fell by 4.19%, the net profit fell by 8.76%, and the share price fell slightly

Haitian Flavor Industry In the first half of the year, the revenue fell by 4 19%, the net profit fell by 8 76%, and the stock price fell slightly

Issued on: August 31, 2023

Haitian Flavor Industry In the first half of the year, the revenue fell by 4.19%, the net profit fell by 8.76%, and the share price fell slightly

Haitian Flavor Industry In the first half of the year, the revenue dropped by 4 19%, the net profit dropped by 8 76%, and the stock price fell slightly - China Economic Network Beijing, August 30

Issued on: August 31, 2023

Haitian Flavor Industry In the first half of the year, the net profit of revenue fell for the first time since it was listed, and the soy sauce revenue fell by 9%

Haitian Flavor Industry In the first half of the year, both revenue and net profit declined for the first time since the listing. On the evening of August 29, Buddha

Issued on: August 30, 2023

Haitian Flavor Industry Both revenue and net profit have dropped, and soy sauce ice cream has become a "conspicuous package"

Therefore, in the promotion process of soy sauce ice cream, Haitian began to focus on consumer interaction

Issued on: August 23, 2023

Haitian Flavor Industry Down 3.23%, Nomura Orient International Securities shouted for overweight at its peak

Haitian Flavor Industry Down 3 23%, Nomura Orient International Securities shouted overweight at its high point

Issued on: August 19, 2023

Haitian Flavor Industry : The company has not hired a brand spokesperson at present

Every AI flash, investors ask questions on the investor interaction platform: Haitian Flavor Industry Who is the brand spokesperson?

Issued on: August 18, 2023

Haitian Flavor Industry : At present, the county level coverage is close to 90%

Every time through AI newsletter, investors ask questions on the investor interaction platform: your company's coverage at the county level is up to

Issued on: August 18, 2023

Haitian Flavor Industry "Soy sauce ice cream": its main business is to buy 2.5 billion yuan of financial products under pressure, and its share price has dropped by more than 40% this year

according to Haitian Flavor Industry Official microblog, during the two days from July 29 to July 30, the company Haitian soy sauce ice cream

Issued on: August 16, 2023

Haitian Flavor Industry "Soy sauce ice cream": its main business is to buy 2.5 billion yuan of financial products under pressure, and its share price has dropped by more than 40% this year

New financial media to interpret new business, report capital market, interpret listed companies, track financial hot spots, columns

Issued on: August 15, 2023

More ice cream racetrack entrants! Haitian Flavor Industry Introduction of 0 soy sauce ice cream

Maotai liquor flavored ice cream "out of the circle", "soy sauce Maotai" Haitian Flavor Industry Not willing to lag behind, try to launch the sea

Issued on: August 14, 2023

More ice cream racetrack entrants! Haitian Flavor Industry Introduction of 0 soy sauce ice cream

Maotai liquor flavored ice cream "out of the circle", "soy sauce Maotai" Haitian Flavor Industry Not willing to lag behind, try to launch the sea

Issued on: August 14, 2023

More ice cream racetrack entrants! Haitian Flavor Industry Introduction of 0 soy sauce ice cream

Maotai liquor flavored ice cream "out of the circle", "soy sauce Maotai" Haitian Flavor Industry Not willing to lag behind, try to launch the sea

Issued on: August 13, 2023

Haitian Flavor Industry Entrusted wealth management with self owned idle funds of 2.55 billion yuan

Leju Finance and Economics Li Lan, on August 1, Haitian Flavor Industry (603288 SH) announced that the company used 255.2 billion yuan

Issued on: August 3, 2023

The concept of health has gradually become popular, Haitian Flavor Industry Actively layout the health product line

Nowadays, people are pursuing a healthy lifestyle with less salt and sugar, and some condiment enterprises are also actively practicing the health concept of condiments. According to the survey data of iiMedia Research

Date of issue: May 10, 2023

Unlock China Time honored Brand“ Haitian Flavor Industry ”Development password of

Speaking of soy sauce, Haitian is a household name. As one of the first batch of Chinese time-honored food industry representatives recognized by the Ministry of Commerce, Haitian Flavor Industry It can be traced back to Foshan soy sauce garden during the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty. After the founding of New China,

Issued on: January 31, 2023

Global know it all! Haitian Flavor Industry Costs continue to be under pressure in the fourth quarter, and increase to overseas markets

Haitian Flavor Industry Costs continue to be under pressure in the fourth quarter, and increase to overseas markets

Issued on: December 5, 2022

Under the pressure of "epidemic situation, raw materials and double standards", Haitian Flavor Industry "Bent down to seek change" to save consumers

On December 2, at the third quarter performance briefing, Haitian Flavor Industry Zhang Xin, Secretary of the Board of Directors, said that on the one hand, the catering industry was greatly affected by the epidemic, which weakened the demand for condiments. On the other hand, Raw Material Price Division

Issued on: December 5, 2022

Global speed reading: "double marks" in exchange for "double falls", Haitian Flavor Industry Both revenue and net profit declined in the third quarter

On October 26, Haitian Flavor Industry It was announced that, Haitian Flavor Industry The financial report for the third quarter of 2022 released shows that in the first three quarters, Haitian Flavor Industry Revenue and net profit increased, but the growth rate of net profit reached a new low.

Release date: 2022-10-27

Immediate focus: Haitian Flavor Industry The performance of the third quarter fell both: the operating revenue fell 1.77%, and the net profit fell 5.99%

Haitian Flavor Industry Release the third quarter report of 2022, Haitian Flavor Industry The operating revenue in the third quarter was 556.2 billion yuan, down 177% year on year; The net profit was 12.74 billion yuan, down 599% year on year.

Date of issue: 2022-10-26

[Global Exclusive] Revelation of Haitian and Li Ning: Crisis PR and "PR" Crisis

The design of the food safety additive controversy, which is like the wings of a butterfly, stirs up the sensitive emotional nerves of consumers and places two traditional enterprises in a vortex.

Release date: October 25, 2022

The highlight of the world today! "Maomao" lost its luster, and Haitian and "Qianhe Men" played a zero addition game

The third response has little effect, Haitian Flavor Industry The market opened sharply lower.

Release date: October 11, 2022

Global hot news: additives are not the devil, but Haitian's "devil is in details"

Haitian, a condiment enterprise, is deeply involved in the uproar of additives.

Release date: October 11, 2022

Global Focus: Determined by Three Factors Haitian Flavor Industry Stock price trend

During the National Day holiday, Haitian Flavor Industry The shareholders of the company are living in fear. Affected by the additive storm, the performance of the company's share price after the festival worried the shareholders.

Release date: October 10, 2022

Watch it now! Comments: The Shanghai Index fell below 3000 points on the first day after the festival, Haitian Flavor Industry Down by more than 9%

On the first trading day after the National Day, the three A-share indexes continued to decline.

Release date: October 10, 2022

hotspot! Former Ali executives in place, Li Jinji catching up Haitian Flavor Industry

Haitian Flavor Industry Caught in the public opinion storm of double standards of seasoning, Li Jinji changed his command... The seasoning circle has been quite lively recently.

Release date: October 10, 2022



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